China Carbon Credit Platform

Dalian actively promotes the construction of low-carbon pilot cities

Release Time3 months ago

In order to respond to climate change and advocate green and low-carbon development, the Ecological Environment Bureau of Dalian City, Liaoning Province actively explores differentiated low-carbon development models, completes the 2023 annual greenhouse gas emission reports of 47 key emission units in eight major industries in the city, and promotes the construction of low-carbon pilot cities in the city.

Dalian City is the third batch of low-carbon pilot cities in the country. The Dalian City Ecological Environment Bureau takes "synergy and efficiency improvement of pollution reduction and carbon reduction" as the overall starting point, actively integrates into the national carbon trading, guides 15 power generation companies to actively participate in the national carbon market settlement and performance, helps enterprises with performance difficulties formulate personalized relief plans, and organizes enterprises with gaps to make national certified voluntary emission reduction (CCER) offset quotas. At the same time, we organized the completion of the 2023 annual greenhouse gas emission reports of 47 key emission units in eight major industries in the city; organized 17 power generation companies to fill in monthly informatization certificates on time, do a good job in municipal audits, and cooperate with Liaoning Provincial Department to complete the city's key emission units on schedule. On-site verification of greenhouse gas emission reports. Actively organize and carry out carbon emission data quality management training such as monthly information-based deposit certificates, annual report accounting guidelines for various industries, and review points, and steadily improve carbon emission management capabilities and corporate carbon asset management levels.

In addition, the Dalian City Ecological Environment Bureau has compiled the "Dalian City Low-Carbon City Pilot Innovation Work Promotion Plan" and the "Dalian City Pollution Reduction and Carbon Reduction Collaborative Efficiency Implementation Plan". By carrying out carbon footprint verification of key characteristic products, it strengthens enterprises 'awareness of green and low-carbon development, accelerates the green transformation of development methods, and provides support for the coordinated advancement of ecological and environmental protection goals and carbon peak and carbon neutrality goals.
