China Carbon Credit Platform

Tai'an High-tech Zone to build a first-class "green power plant"

Release Time5 months ago

"In 2023, the company will sell a total of 600,000 tons of carbon allowances, and will be awarded the title of 'National Carbon Market Excellent Trading Practice Enterprise'. In recent years, China Energy Tai'an Thermal Power Co., Ltd. has actively participated in the national carbon market trading, completed the annual carbon quota settlement and compliance on time, and helped "carbon peak and carbon neutrality".

In order to accelerate the construction of a first-class green power plant, China Energy Tai'an Thermal Power Co., Ltd. adheres to the concept of green and low-carbon comprehensive development, takes multiple measures at the same time, makes efforts in multiple directions, makes every effort to promote the green transformation of energy, gives full play to the role of "ballast stone" and "pillar" of power supply, and empowers green, low-carbon and high-quality development.

Promote the use of reclaimed water with high quality and create a recycling chain. The company accelerates the use of reclaimed water, the water source comes from the reclaimed water discharged from the Tai'an sewage treatment plant, and the treated water is used as various process water for the power plant, so that one water can be used for multiple purposes, and the water of various water quality can be "used to the fullest", which improves the reuse rate of water. At present, the company's reclaimed water treatment capacity has reached 2000m3/h, the actual water consumption is 850-1400 m3/h, which can save more than 6.5 million tons of surface water per year. The recycling and utilization of circulating water sewage, pretreatment system, coal-containing wastewater treatment system, domestic sewage treatment system, reverse osmosis brine recovery and desulfurization wastewater advanced treatment system have been upgraded and transformed, laying a solid foundation for zero discharge of wastewater at the end of the whole plant. Through a series of transformations, it can save 80,000 cubic meters of reclaimed water per year, save 46,000 cubic meters of washing water per year, save about 90,000 yuan/year, and generate economic benefits of 121,100 yuan/year.

Promote in-depth efforts to reduce coal consumption and strictly adhere to the bottom line of ultra-low emissions. With an increase of 200 million yuan and the application of ultra-low emission technology, the unit has achieved ultra-low emission when it is put into operation, greatly reducing coal consumption, and is at the advanced level in the same type of unit of the group company. Carry out the activity of "work quality improvement", take reliability as the general starting point, equipment control as the main line, and promote the full-cycle management of equipment. Strengthen index control, optimize the economic operation mode of the unit, actively participate in the in-depth peak regulation, continue to adjust the operating parameters of the heating network in the heating season, continuously improve the level of energy saving and consumption reduction, and #1机被中电联评为能耗对标5A级优胜机组, and won the title of "the best unit for power supply coal consumption index of 350MW supercritical heating and wet cooling unit".

Persist in accelerating low-carbon development, and comprehensively help transformation and upgrading. Actively docking with the energy development plan of Shandong Province, actively integrating into the development of the city, deepening the cooperation between government and enterprises, cooperating with Shandong Company to sign an energy strategic cooperation agreement with the Tai'an Municipal Government, building a "total to total" energy cooperation framework, and directly signing a county-wide distributed photovoltaic project development cooperation agreement with the Liangshan County People's Government, and obtaining the right to develop photovoltaic resources of about 150MW in nine township streets. Strengthen the capture of resources, look for high-quality photovoltaic and wind power projects, and deeply explore the landing conditions of the project of the integrated base of saline-alkali tidal flats in northern Lubei, so as to increase the market share. Promote the scientific and technological innovation project of industrial non-secondary hydrogen power generation, and strive to build a comprehensive energy supply body and "park power plant" with "power generation +" as the core.
