China Carbon Credit Platform

In the first half of this year, the proportion of excellent water quality in 74 state-controlled sections in Chongqing was 98.6%

Release Time2 months ago

Chongqing City Ecological Environment Bureau recently reported on the city's ecological environment quality status and key tasks in the first half of 2024. The report introduced that in the first half of 2024, the water quality of the Chongqing section of the main stream of the Yangtze River will remain Class II, and the proportion of excellent water quality in 74 state-controlled sections will be 98.6%, which is 1.3 percentage points higher than the national assessment target, and the water quality compliance rate of urban centralized drinking water sources will remain 100%.

Liu Qin, member of the Party Leadership Group and Deputy Director of the Chongqing City Ecological Environment Bureau, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chief of the Chongqing City Environmental Protection Comprehensive Administrative Law Enforcement Corps, introduced that in terms of atmospheric environment, in the first half of the year, Chongqing City 163 days of good air quality (excellent 72 days, good 91 days), an increase of 6 days year-on-year;PM2.5The average concentration was 36.6 micrograms/cubic meter, a year-on-year decrease of 4.3 micrograms/cubic meter; there were no days of severe or above pollution. In terms of soil environment, a total of 84 plots have been investigated on soil pollution status, 17 plots have been assessed on soil pollution risk, and 8 contaminated plots have been treated, restored and removed from the list. 336,000 square meters of contaminated soil have been repaired and 695 acres of clean land have been provided. The safe utilization rate of key construction land in Chongqing City has remained 100%.

According to reports, since the first half of this year, Chongqing City has made every effort to implement a work system based on the construction of Beautiful Chongqing, support high-quality development with high-level protection, and accelerate the creation of more landmark achievements with Chongqing recognition and national influence. The "Action Plan for the Construction of Beautiful Chongqing" was officially launched to iteratively build the goal system, work system, policy system, and evaluation system for the construction of Beautiful Chongqing, drawing a clear "roadmap" and "construction drawings" for the construction of Beautiful Chongqing. Strengthen the investigation and management of urban black and smelly water bodies, introduce 20 measures to strictly centralize the supervision of drinking water sources, promote the completion rate of the renovation of 4012 sewage outlets into the Yangtze River, Jialing River, and Wujiang River to reach 94%, and release 5 excellent cases of beautiful rivers and lakes at the municipal level. Issued an implementation plan for the continuous improvement of air quality, solidly promoted the "gas control" campaign in summer and autumn and the comprehensive management of air pollution from mobile sources. 31 new enterprises have completed in-depth treatment or ultra-low emission transformation, a total of 577 enterprises have implemented exhaust gas treatment, and newly cultivated There are 27 A and B enterprises with air pollution prevention and control performance evaluation, accounting for 49% of the total. 52,000 old vehicles have been eliminated and treated, and 106,000 new energy vehicles have been promoted. A pilot reform of soil environmental management for construction land was launched, and the restoration time for slightly polluted plots was reduced by two-thirds, further improving land use efficiency.

In addition, Chongqing City has also issued a guide for evaluating the effectiveness of "waste-free city" construction, formulated a "waste-free index" indicator system, built more than 1600 "waste-free city cells", carried out the country's first batch of coal-fired power plants coordinated disposal of hazardous waste pilot projects, and built the country's first power industry solid waste recycling center. The new hazardous waste utilization capacity is 295,000 tons/year, and the medical waste disposal capacity is 77,700 tons/year. Coordinate to promote the entire chain of plastic pollution control, guide the express delivery industry to use degradable plastic tapes and packaging bags. The recycling volume of disposable plastic products reaches 16.85 tons. The express delivery industry uses more than 3.32 million recycled packaging boxes (bags), effectively improving the source reduction effect. Strengthen the management of new pollutants, carry out environmental information surveys on chemical substances, and establish a list of enterprises that focus on controlling new pollutants, give priority to controlling chemicals, and include chemical substances included in the environmental risk priority assessment plan.

It is worth noting that Chongqing is stronger in promoting green and low-carbon development. Liu Qin introduced that Chongqing organized a national pilot project for collaborative innovation in pollution reduction and carbon reduction, and planned 482 projects to enter the climate investment and financing project library. Chongqing's carbon market traded a total of 51.09 million tons in the first half of the year, ranking third among the eight local carbon markets in the country in terms of transaction volume from January to June. It is the first in the country to issue the "three lines and one order" ecological environment zoning management and control adjustment plan, classifying and delineating 818 environmental management and control units to better support the optimization of the industry. Implementing the special action of "benefiting enterprises and facilitating the people" in environmental impact assessment services, the number of industry categories that implement exemption from environmental impact assessment management and environmental impact assessment approval notification commitment system management ranks first in the country. The city has efficiently approved 1136 environmental impact assessments of projects involving an investment of 313.6 billion yuan, supporting the implementation of a number of major projects such as transportation, energy, and semiconductor chips.

Chongqing has also accelerated the construction of a "digital ecological environmental protection" system. The "Bayu Water Control" application has been put into practical operation and has been rated as a typical application of the 7th Digital China Construction Summit and an excellent application of Digital Chongqing Construction in 2023. The "Bayu Gas Control" application has completed the disposal of open burning, construction dust, and road dust problems. Three "One Things" scenarios have been built and put into trial operation. The "Bayu Waste Control" application has been equipped with two "One Things" including medical waste and hazardous waste transfer orders. The effectiveness of environmental law enforcement continues to improve. With the integrated implementation of the "Sharp Sword Law Enforcement" action, the city issued 576 environmental administrative penalties, including 30 major cases investigated and dealt with, and was awarded the title of "Two Strikes" National Outstanding Performance Collective. The connection effect of the "Two Laws" has been promoted nationwide by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and the Ministry of Justice. Optimize the business environment to accumulate new momentum, include 3027 companies in the positive list, and help 239 companies rebuild their environmental credit. We have built new barriers to ensure environmental safety, urged the rectification of 332 hidden dangers, and guided Changshou Chemical Park and Fuling Baitao Park to solidly promote the "One Park, One Policy, One Map" pilot.

From May to June this year, the third round of the second batch of central ecological and environmental protection inspectors settled in Chongqing to carry out inspection work. The Sixth Central Ecological and Environmental Protection Inspection Group assigned 4 typical cases and 24 key issues to Chongqing. At present, the rectification has achieved phased results. 492 of the 3421 transferred complaints from the public have been completed, and 1572 have been completed in stages.
