China Carbon Credit Platform

With carbon emissions "managers", how much do you know about these new green professions?

Release Time4 months ago

At present, my country's economic and social development has entered a stage of high-quality development that accelerates greening and low-carbon. Green development is the background of high-quality development. The "Occupational Classification Ceremony of the People's Republic of China (2022 Edition)" identifies 134 green occupations, accounting for about 8% of the total number of occupations.

The booming green profession is in line with my country's economic and social development needs of comprehensively promoting the construction of ecological civilization and striving to achieve the "double carbon" goal. It is also a vivid reflection of the continuous development and growth of my country's new industries and new business formats, and is conducive to promoting the construction of a beautiful China and realizing the economy. High-quality social development is of great significance. Recently, People's Daily reporters visited the working scenes of green professions such as carbon emission managers, building energy conservation and emission reduction consultants, and wetland protection and restoration project technicians, and listened to their stories of reducing carbon and greening in beautiful China.

1. Carbon emission manager--

Scientific accounting data helps companies reduce carbon emissions

On May 1 this year, my country's first special regulation in the field of climate change-the "Interim Regulations on the Management of Carbon Emissions Trading" came into effect. The regulations clarified that key emission units "should truthfully and accurately calculate greenhouse gas emissions of their own units."

Carbon emission managers are personnel engaged in monitoring, statistical accounting, verification, trading and consulting on greenhouse gas emissions such as carbon dioxide from enterprises and institutions. Recently, the reporter followed Wang Heng and Ye Xin, carbon emission managers of Longyuan (Beijing) Carbon Asset Management Technology Co., Ltd., to the thermal power plant of Guoneng Changyuan Hanchuan Power Generation Co., Ltd. located in Hanchuan City, Hubei Province, and experienced the on-site carbon emission data verification process.

After changing into work clothes, wearing helmets and work recorders, the reporter followed Wang Heng and Ye Xin to the intelligent fuel control center of the power plant. "Please help retrieve the historical coal loading data of the belt scale on side A from April 1 to April 30." Ye Xin told a staff member. They checked, recorded and calculated the coal consumption of each unit one by one, and checked whether the power plant's coal transportation log records were standardized and whether the equipment was abnormal.

"Fossil fuel combustion is the most important source of carbon emissions from thermal power plants." Ye Xin told reporters that they need to check the entire process of fuel transportation, ledger records, and equipment verification on site, and retrieve the system's base code data to complete the traceability and cross-check of the total fossil fuel consumption during the statistical period, and finally confirm the accuracy of data used to calculate corporate carbon emissions.

Arriving at the coal laboratory of the power plant's quality inspection center, a technician was busy in front of a hydrocarbon analyzer. I saw that she wrapped the coal powder in a water-drop-shaped tin bag, put it in a sample tray, fully burned it in the analyzer, and finally quantitatively analyzed the elemental carbon content in it with an infrared detector. The whole process only took 8 minutes. Wang Heng and Ye Xin cross-checked the company's certificate materials with the original data of instrument testing, and checked the power plant's comprehensive sample collection and production process, records and equipment calibration reports to ensure accurate elemental carbon content data and process compliance.

"Carbon inventory is a complex and meticulous task. It requires not only cross-checking the data ledgers, but also checking the status of monitoring and measuring equipment." Wang Heng introduced that the "Carbon Inventory Digital Management and Control System" independently developed by Longyuan (Beijing) Carbon Asset Management Technology Co., Ltd. embeds the inventory work points into the system in a list-based manner, realizing functions such as inspection points must be viewed and attachment materials must be uploaded. The system uses technical methods such as trajectory tracking and image recognition to carry out equipment inspection and approval, direct data collection, inspection and performance supervision, and standardized accounting management to ensure that the accounting data is true, complete and accurate.

Later, they went to the power plant's central control room and electronics room to carefully check and record the relevant data displayed on the electrical metering equipment and heat metering equipment. Wang Heng said that power generation and heat supply, as basic parameters for quota approval, are directly related to corporate interests. If the company's carbon emissions for that year exceed the carbon quota, it needs to go to the carbon market to purchase the excess amount for payment of performance; if it does not exceed the limit, it can sell the surplus carbon quota to obtain income.

After the on-site inspection, Wang Heng and Ye Xin held a meeting with relevant responsible persons of the company to sort out and give feedback on the problems found on the site and the projects that needed timely rectification.

After following the two people for a day in a relatively closed power plant with concentrated heat sources, the reporter's body was already soaked in sweat. Wang Heng said that they need to complete the carbon emission data check of the group's more than 110 power plants for the previous year in the first quarter of each year, and have to work continuously in the power plants for more than 8 hours a day.

Consolidating the quality of carbon emission data is of great significance to the healthy and stable development of the carbon market. "Although this job is hard, all the sweat is worth it to see that the company in charge of has successfully completed verification and review, and completed annual performance through rounds of carbon emission data quality supervision and assistance work." Wang Heng said.

2. Building energy conservation and emission reduction consultant--

Use digital technology to save energy and reduce emissions in buildings

Carrying the drawings and carrying the toolbox, the reporter and Chen Yi, a building energy conservation and emission reduction consultant of State Grid Hangzhou Power Supply Company, drove to the Binjiang Research Institute of Zhejiang University.

"Based on Internet of Things technology and intelligent sensing equipment, we have designed a complete set of solutions for energy conservation and carbon reduction in buildings. We can achieve intelligent and refined control of major energy-using equipment such as air conditioners and lighting through 'one-click response'." Chen Yi said that this time he was mainly here to debug and check the working condition of the equipment.

Arriving at the destination, spread out the drawings, and the building's IoT coverage and equipment platform status can be seen at a glance. Walking indoors, you can see the building IoT switch on the ceiling working. Log in to the system with your mobile phone, enter instructions, and each intelligent IoT hardware sensing device that looks like a light switch on the wall realizes cloud connectivity.

Under Chen Yi's guidance, the reporter opened the test page of the mobile phone's Mini programs: inspection, repair, maintenance and other functional modules are available, office, school,XiRooms, front desk and other spaces are divided in an orderly manner, multi-functional sensor matching is completed, and data uploading is normal.

The working status of the air-conditioning section shows in real time that the temperature of an air conditioner in the office space on the first floor is 24 degrees Celsius. According to the requirements of the renovation plan, the air conditioners in the office area should be uniformly set to 26 degrees Celsius in summer. The reporter clicked on the corresponding module on the mobile phone, and the blue indicator light on the smart air conditioner panel flashed, and the air conditioner temperature was adjusted to 26 degrees Celsius.

"We have achieved remote centralized intelligent control of air conditioners, lighting and other equipment by adding IoT coverage and digital software control systems." Chen Yi said that the "light plan" of one-click responsive building renovation will neither affect normal office order nor damage the building structure. According to customers 'needs, every air conditioner, light and even remote control in the building is under control.

Building energy conservation and emission reduction consultants refer to consulting service personnel who apply energy conservation and emission reduction technologies and engage in evaluation, adjustment, transformation, operation and maintenance of buildings, their environment, auxiliary equipment, etc.

After graduating from graduate school in 2014, Chen Yi has engaged in various tasks such as substation operation and maintenance, information system development, comprehensive energy, and innovative research and development of scientific and technological projects at State Grid Hangzhou Power Supply Company. In Binjiang District, Hangzhou City, where she works, there are more than 400 buildings on an area of 63 square kilometers, accounting for more than 60% of the district's electricity consumption. Enterprises have needs for energy conservation and emission reduction, and have many years of technical accumulation. Chen Yi eventually became a building energy conservation and emission reduction consultant.

Research and development of products, refinement of algorithms, upgrading systems, and implementation of plans... Over the past two years, Chen Yi and his colleagues have successively completed energy-saving and emission reduction renovations of more than 10 buildings in Binjiang District.

How to reduce costs and increase efficiency according to customer needs is a question she always considers in her work.

Walking into the Binjiang District Cultural Center, the background of the low-carbon building digital and intelligent management platform displays: the air conditioning temperature limit in the duty room is 20 degrees Celsius in winter, and the total number of executions is 9969 times; the lights on the third floor of the main building are turned off when no one is around, and the total number of executions is 42301 times... On the energy management screen, the load curve of the day, the electricity consumption in the past month, and the energy consumption per unit area are clearly visible. By selecting days with similar temperatures and duration of use of the venue, a comparative test was conducted on and off energy-saving measures. The results showed that the air-conditioning energy-saving rate reached 30%-40%, and the overall energy-saving rate reached more than 10%. The renovation area of Binjiang District Cultural Center is 63,000 square meters, and the renovation cost per square meter only costs 15 yuan.

During construction, it was found that network coverage was time-consuming and laborious, and Flare and his team designed a building IoT gateway that supported both series and network port power supply; manual management was found inconvenient during operation and maintenance, Flare and his team created a low-carbon building digital and intelligent management platform. Artificial intelligence decision analysis technology automatically implements different flexible control strategies for various areas; in addition, they also cooperated with industrial units to develop plug-and-play equipment such as multi-function detectors, air conditioning centralized controllers and lighting centralized controllers...

"Based on the experience summarized in work practice, we have also formulated the group standard of the Zhejiang Province Electric Power Industry Association," Technical Guidelines for Digital Power Energy Saving Control." At present, relevant international standards we have taken the lead in formulating have also been successfully established." Chen Yi said.

Speaking of career prospects, Chen Yi is full of confidence: "As the urbanization process accelerates, building energy-saving technology can be promoted and used in central Urban area across the country, and the market is huge. Future building energy conservation and emission reduction consultants can also introduce microgrid technology from the source, provide distributed energy design solutions, operation models and return on investment analysis, and achieve system expansion and technological breakthroughs."

3. Wetland protection and restoration engineering technicians--

Continuously improve the level of wetland biodiversity

In Haizhu National Wetland Park in Guangzhou, Guangdong Province, birds rise and fall in the trees. The lake surface reflects the island's scenery, blending with the high-rise city scenery in the distance to form a beautiful picture of harmonious coexistence between man and nature.

"The papyrifera tree is a rare deciduous tree in the wetland. Before, we only knew that there were many birds inhabiting this island, but we didn't see many bird nests. After the leaves of the papyrifera trees fell in March this year, we found at least hundreds of bird nests, and almost all of them contained chicks. We were very surprised." Fan Cunxiang, a senior engineer at the Haizhu District Wetland Protection and Management Office, said that whenever this happens, he feels a special sense of accomplishment.

Haizhu Wetland is located in the central Urban area of Guangzhou City. It is also the largest and most completely preserved ecological green core in the center of megacity in the country. It covers a total area of 1100 hectares. It consists of lakes, rivers, gullies, swamps and orchards. It has the functions of ecological wetland, historical culture, science education, sightseeing and leisure. It is an "urban fruit forest wetland" with unique tidal hydrological characteristics and rich fruit tree germplasm resources.

Fan Cunxiang used to be a water worker. He came here to work 12 years ago. He witnessed and participated in the ten years of great changes in the Haizhu Wetland from 10,000 acres of orchard to "urban green lung". His identity has also changed into a wetland protection and restoration project technician.

"The Haizhu Wetland was originally an orchard with traces of human agricultural activities over the years. How to restore and stimulate its original wetland functions in the most scientific way is a difficult problem. In layman's terms, it is to find a way to make the fruit trees in the wetlands have more birds and less fruits. This is different from the situation in other wetlands in China and even in the world. We can only explore it a little by little." Fan Cunxiang said.

After continuous attempts, the biodiversity restoration of Haizhu Wetland has achieved remarkable results.

In the low bushes in the Haizhu Wetland, there are many bird nests for thrush birds. Because of its melodious and beautiful cries, thrush was once a popular pet and was captured in large numbers and difficult to find in the wild.

"In order to restore the wild population of thrushes, we have created thrushes habitats in wetlands to attract them to make nests." Fan Cunxiang said,"In the past few years, only one or two birds could be seen occasionally during surveys. After years of hard work, nearly a hundred birds can be found in monthly surveys. This shows that the thrush population has been effectively protected and restored." Nowadays, people can often hear the "singing" of thrush in the Urban area of Guangzhou City.

Not only the Huamei, over the years, the bird record in the Haizhu Wetland has increased from 72 to 197, and the insect record has increased from 42 to 738. In the past two years, two new global insect species have been continuously discovered, both named after "Haizhu". In 2023, Haizhu Wetland will be included in the list of internationally important wetlands.

After years of exploration and practice, Fan Cunxiang discovered that wetland restoration must be based on the power of nature. "After manually assisting the initial construction of the ecosystem, time should be given to allow the wetlands to operate naturally and recover naturally. In particular, wetlands in and around cities are greatly affected by human activities, and natural recovery takes longer and requires more patience." Fan Cunxiang said that because of this, the restoration work of the Haizhu Wetland in the past 10 years has just begun, and there is still a lot of work to be done, such as the need to continuously improve the biodiversity level of the wetland conservation area and give greater play to the wetland regulation function.

"Restoring wetlands is a 'technical activity'. It is necessary not only to fully investigate and take appropriate measures to carry out artificial restoration, but also to pay attention to leaving a' blank 'for nature to allow the ecosystem to fully operate. This requires practitioners to have rich professional knowledge." Fan Cunxiang said that currently there are only 8 wetland protection and restoration engineering technicians in the Haizhu Wetland, and more talents need to be recruited in the future.

In recent years, South China Agricultural University and other universities have opened relevant majors to train counterpart talents. "The development of new occupations requires the understanding and tolerance of the whole society. For example, in terms of assessment mechanisms and evaluation systems, wetland protection and restoration is not a technology that can immediately see results after implementation, and is affected by many factors from the external environment. This is a profession that requires long-term work to be effective and requires people's understanding." Fan Cunxiang said,"Now more and more people accept the concept of harmonious coexistence between man and nature, and the country is paying more and more attention to wetland protection. I believe the development prospects of this profession will get better and better."
