China Carbon Credit Platform

National Low Carbon Day丨Qinghai 2024 "National Low Carbon Day" publicity activities were held

Release Time4 months ago

On May 15, the Qinghai Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, together with the Qinghai Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Qinghai Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology, the Xining Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment and other relevant units of provinces and cities, walked into the Nanchuan Industrial Park of Xining (National National) Economic and Technological Development Zone to carry out the "National Low Carbon Day" publicity activity with the theme of "Green and Low-carbon Beautiful China".

"National Low Carbon Day" is a special day set by the state to publicize and promote the participation of the whole society in green and low-carbon actions. At the event, everyone came to Qinghai Lihao Semiconductor Materials Co., Ltd. to discuss and exchange ideas on energy conservation and emission reduction, recycling, low-carbon construction, etc., discuss the development model of low-carbon industrial parks, improve the low-carbon management level of the park, and visit the energy-saving and low-carbon process facilities of the enterprise on the spot, and issue the "Interim Regulations on the Management of Carbon Emission Trading" and other materials to the employees of the enterprise, popularize the knowledge of climate change, guide the employees of the enterprise to consciously participate in energy conservation and carbon reduction actions, enhance the awareness of environmental protection, reduce industrial pollution, and build a zero-carbon industrial park. Zero-carbon enterprises actively cultivate and practice the concept of conservation, intensive and recycling, and vigorously advocate the social trend of diligence and thrift.

In the next step, the Qinghai Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment will take the synergy of pollution reduction and carbon reduction as the overall starting point, advocate the concept of green and circular development in the province, advocate low-pollution, low-consumption, sustainable production and lifestyle, coordinate pollution control, ecological protection, and response to climate change, deeply fight the battle of pollution prevention and control, actively promote the "double carbon" work, implement pollution reduction and carbon reduction in key industries, and strive to take the road of green, low-carbon and high-quality development.
