China Carbon Credit Platform

15 million! Heilongjiang Province's first pledge loan for pollutant discharge rights landed in Mudanjiang City

Release Time4 months ago

A few days ago, under the guidance of the Mudanjiang Branch of the People's Bank of China, Linkou Financial Institution successfully issued a pledge loan of 15 million yuan for pollution discharge rights to Linkou Jixin Sewage Treatment Co., Ltd. This business is the first pledged loan for emission rights issued by a financial institution in Heilongjiang Province, and it is also another innovative promotion in the field of green finance in Longjiang.

According to reports, Linkou County Jixin Sewage Treatment Co., Ltd. is a small private enterprise engaged in sewage treatment and recycling, with an annual sewage treatment of 9.13 million tons. After learning that enterprises hold pollutant discharge permits and can obtain fixed sewage treatment income every year, the Mudanjiang Branch of the People's Bank of China guided financial institutions in Linkou County to innovate green financial products and effectively revitalize the "carbon assets" of enterprises. After several rounds of communication and demonstration, the financial institution tailored the "sewage discharge right + sewage treatment charging right" combination financing model for the enterprise, granted 15 million yuan of credit to the enterprise, and registered the pledge in the unified registration and publicity system of movable property financing of the Credit Information Center of the People's Bank of China, providing a green choice for enterprise financing and realizing the rapid approval and landing of the loan.

As of the end of March this year, the balance of green loans in Mudanjiang City was 14.62 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 78.7%, and the growth rate was 55 percentage points higher than the growth rate of various loans in the jurisdiction.
