China Carbon Credit Platform

sixth five-year environmental day| Shenzhen Longhua 40 groups of families embark on a unique environmental protection journey

Release Time3 months ago

On the occasion of the June Five-Year Plan Environment Day, a unique Environment Day themed activity of "Protecting the Beautiful Environment and Building a Green Longhua" was held in Longhua District, Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province. On the morning of June 2, the Longhua Administration Bureau of the Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment invited 40 groups of parent-child families from Longteng School in Longhua District to visit the Longhua District Ecological Civilization Exhibition Hall under the leadership of environmental protection teachers. Through popular science explanations, sharing and interactions, citizens were called on to further improve their awareness of environmental protection and jointly serve as guardians of green and beautiful Longhua.

At the Longhua District Ecological Civilization Exhibition Hall, the audience followed the guide on the "journey of a drop of water." Beautiful pictures of the integration of water cities and the harmony of people and water slowly unfolded in front of the audience. In the smart water management platform exhibition area, advanced equipment such as pipeline robots, ground-penetrating radars, and dragon water absorption rescue vehicles attracted "likes" from the audience. Subsequently, the commentator introduced the pollution prevention and control achievements of Longhua District in recent years from the aspects of atmosphere, soil, waste-free cities, etc., scientific and environmental protection knowledge; carbon trading Mini games, urban environment warfare and other game links, bringing a popular, lively and interesting science popularization experience to the audience through immersive interaction.

After the exhibition session, the guides and environmental teachers invited the children to serve as "little guides" to introduce and share what they thought and felt during the visit session. The children actively participated and shared from aspects such as "Sponge City", biodiversity protection, and green and beautiful Longhua construction; the children also painted on-site on environmental protection bags to outline the ideal home in their hearts and express their understanding of ecological and environmental protection.

This event further enhanced citizens 'awareness of environmental protection and allowed the concept of caring for the environment to take root in the hearts of children. Next, Longhua District will continue to focus on building a national action system for ecological and environmental governance, and at the same time give full play to the power of "passing on" from point to point, striving to create a good atmosphere in which everyone talks about environmental protection.
