China Carbon Credit Platform

How does Zhangye create a "zero-carbon" city?

Release Time2 months ago

In recent years, Zhangye City, Gansu Province, has unswervingly followed the path of green and low-carbon urban development, focusing on low-carbon energy, low-carbon institutions, low-carbon communities, low-carbon transportation, etc., focusing on breakthroughs and focusing on areas, accelerating the formation of industrial structures, production and lifestyle, and spatial patterns that conserve resources and protect the environment, actively exploring paths to create "zero-carbon" cities, and empowering high-quality economic and social development.

Guided by the cultivation of hydrogen energy industry, we will help green and low-carbon energy transformation

Zhangye City focuses on the construction of the "Green Hydrogen Production and Comprehensive Utilization Pilot Demonstration Zone" in Gansu Province. In accordance with the principle of "regional coordination and differentiated development", it formulates the "Creation Plan for the Green Hydrogen Production and Comprehensive Utilization Pilot Demonstration Zone in Zhangye City (2023-2025)" to build a "1+N" policy system for the development of the hydrogen energy industry, guide the sustained, healthy and orderly development of the hydrogen energy industry, and help create a "zero-carbon" city.

Based on the favorable conditions of rich wind and scenery resources and a good industrial foundation, we have introduced enterprises such as Zhongneng Green Power, Huaneng Dongfang, and Longyuan Power to make every effort to build the "Hydrogen Energy Zero Carbon Industrial Park" in Zhangye Economic Development Zone. So far, a total investment of 1.405 billion yuan has been implemented in the park, with an investment of 263 million yuan. Actively expand application scenarios, purchase 30 hydrogen energy buses, and build supporting hydrogen refueling stations, laying the foundation for the widespread application of hydrogen energy vehicles.

Taking the establishment of energy-saving agencies as the starting point, we will promote carbon reduction and efficiency improvement in public institutions

Zhangye City has formulated the "Implementation Plan for Zhangye City's Public Institutions to Carry out In-depth Green and Low-Carbon Leading Actions to Promote Carbon Peak" to carry out city-wide actions to create energy-saving agencies and lead the city's public institutions to form a good trend of prioritizing conservation and green development. Zhangye City 11 departments including the Ganzhou Branch of the Public Security Bureau were identified as national-level "conservation-saving agencies".

Zhangye City took the lead in creating a "zero-carbon conference" in the province. Through purchase, donation, etc., the academic seminar on ecological restoration and ecological product value realization in cold and arid areas through the carbon sink trading of the Western Carbon Exchange Company, and the ninth The ecological protection compensation theory and practice innovation exchange meeting has two conference activities carbon neutrality. Zhangye Middle School introduced China Yangtze River Company and invested 20 million yuan to implement the "zero-carbon" campus comprehensive energy project to build a rooftop distributed photovoltaic system, a 100kW/215kWh user energy storage system, a lighting system, an electric vehicle charging pile and campus wind and light energy storage. Projects such as street lights can save 802,600 kilowatts of electricity every year and save 450,000 yuan in expenses. Shandan Peili Vocational College has built its own distributed photovoltaic power station as a teaching and training base for new energy majors and operation and maintenance majors to achieve both energy conservation and teaching. Huachen International Hotel in Zhangye City took the lead in building the first "carbon neutral" hotel in the province, and held a training class for tourist star-rated hotels in the city to create "carbon neutral" hotels, driving the city's star-rated hotels and large-scale social hotels to actively strive for "carbon neutral" hotels.

Take the construction of low-carbon communities as a breakthrough and practice the concept of green and environmentally friendly living

Zhangye City integrates the concepts of green building and low-carbon environmental protection into the renovation of old urban communities, classification of urban domestic waste, energy-saving renovation of existing buildings, difficulty in resolving community parking, and "three demolitions, three treatments, three links and four increases". The low-carbon concept guides the entire process of low-carbon community construction and operation. Building energy-saving renovations were carried out in 304 buildings in 71 old communities in the city, completing 886,100 square meters of exterior wall insulation renovation, increasing indoor temperature by 3 - 4 ° C on the original basis, and achieving an annual carbon dioxide emission reduction of 9428 tons. There are 12,000 sets of classified garbage facilities in the community, more than 6800 new parking berths have been added, more than 600 sets of electric vehicle charging piles have been installed, and 5 new ecological parking lots and 1 photovoltaic power generation carport have been built. 43 community pocket parks have been added, trees have been renewed and replanted in the property community, and 300,000 square meters of green space have been added. While improving the living environment of residents, it has also improved the community's carbon sequestration capacity. Actively promote the creation of low-carbon communities in six communities, and significantly improve infrastructure transformation, operation and management improvement, ecological environment improvement, and lifestyle changes.

Focus on green and convenient travel and build a clean and low-carbon transportation system

The local government promotes low-carbon travel in the whole society to help build "zero-carbon" cities. Innovate the public transportation operation model, take the integration of urban and rural public transportation in Linze and Gaotai County as a breakthrough, promote the digitalization of transportation infrastructure in an orderly manner, guide public transportation operators to carry out group services, customized passenger transportation, door-to-door services, and "point-to-point" chartered transportation, and build a reasonable layout, resource sharing, economic convenience, safe and orderly 30-minute living circle to meet the diversified, personalized and convenient travel needs of the people, and the proportion of green and low-carbon travel of the people has been greatly increased. Comprehensively promote the low-carbon renewal of public transportation equipment. The city launched 282 new energy taxis, accounting for 14.45%, and launched 255 new energy buses, accounting for 83.6%. It can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 16,300 tons per year. Continue to promote the construction of charging piles for new energy vehicles and build 55 charging piles in 8 service areas and 1 parking area.

Featuring the eco-tourism industry, create a green and low-carbon city business card

Deeply implement the six special actions of "introducing tourists, cultivating business formats, rectifying order, publicity and promotion, upgrading scenic spots, and accessibility of routes" to promote the development of the tourism industry, and vigorously develop tourism products and tourism projects with low consumption, low pollution, and low emissions, in accommodation, Tourism, shopping and other aspects innovate low-carbon methods, and use low-carbon tourism to help build "zero-carbon" cities.

Focus on the implementation of eco-tourism projects such as Ganzhou Beibu Gulf Ecological Valley and Qingquan Town Cultural and Tourism Integration Industrial Park in Shandan County, and comprehensively promote the construction of a "low-carbon scenic spot" in the Biandukou Ecological Leisure Tourism Zone. Zhangye Huachen International Hotel has implemented building renovation, energy conservation, water conservation, purchase of carbon sinks and other measures to accelerate the creation of a "zero-carbon hotel". Urban area road signs have been improved, 8 new tourist service centers have been built, more than 1000 parking spaces have been added, 950 tourist signs have been updated, 420 urban furnishings have been installed, and 156 tourist toilets have been newly renovated. Formulated and released the "Action Proposal for the City's Cultural and Tourism Industry to" Strengthen Diligence and Economy and Oppose Catering Waste "and distributed it to 2000 cultural and tourism enterprises in the city to guide cultural and tourism enterprises and employees to carry out the action of" practicing strict economy and eliminating catering waste ".
