China Carbon Credit Platform

Focus on key tasks, highlight targeted treatment, and carry out in-depth work on addressing climate change and preventing and controlling motor vehicle pollution in the "four grassroots levels"

Release Time3 months ago

Since the beginning of this year, the Autonomous Region's Department of Ecology and Environment has combined the requirements of "four grassroots levels", focused on key tasks, adhered to problem orientation, highlighted targeted treatment, and used the "feet" of the four grassroots levels to continuously improve the "effectiveness" of grassroots work. The "efficiency" of grassroots work can be transformed into a powerful driving force for building a pioneer area for ecological protection and high-quality development in the Yellow River Basin.

1. Consolidate the data foundation and effectively carry out the verification of carbon emission reports.In order to effectively develop key emission enterprises in seven major industries including power generation, building materials, and petrochemicals in the autonomous region2023The annual carbon emission report verification work consolidates the data foundation, and the Autonomous Region Department of Ecology and Environment actively organizes6The home nuclear (review) inspection agency conducts detailed discussions on the enterprise nuclear (review) inspection work and technical requirements, provides assistance and guidance44Several key emission enterprises have completed on-site verification (review) work. During the on-site verification (review) inspection process, the Autonomous Region Department of Ecology and Environment insisted on focusing on the typical problems found in the national carbon market data quality supervision and assistance inspection of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, carried out work in strict accordance with the requirements of the guidelines, paid attention to data confidentiality, and effectively assumed responsibility for ensuring the authenticity, accuracy and reliability of carbon emission verification data, strictly abide by relevant work disciplines, strictly prohibit falsification, and provide guarantees for the orderly and stable operation of the national carbon market.

2. Focus on key tasks and carry out in-depth prevention and control of mobile source pollution.The Department of Ecology and Environment of the Autonomous Region focuses on implementing the key tasks of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 13th Party Committee of the Autonomous Region, adheres to the comprehensive management of "vehicles, oil, roads, and enterprises", and actively organizes experts to go to the grassroots to provide technology, understand policies, interpret standards, and assist and guide ecological environment departments at all levels to carry out in-depth prevention and control of mobile source isCarry out motor vehicle emission inspection agencies (IStation) Supervise and assist work, relying on the motor vehicle emission monitoring platform to test data, help and guide4Domestic inspection agencies promptly discovered problems and completed rectifications, severely cracked down on fraud of inspection data, and further improved industry management and service quality.second isCarry out oil and gas pollution supervision work at gas stations and oil storage warehouses, combine the installation and networking of online monitoring facilities for oil and gas recovery at gas stations and oil storage warehouses in various places, strengthen on-site supervision and assistance for the operation of oil and gas recovery facilities at gas stations and oil storage warehouses in key areas, and guide enterprises Establish and improve the oil and gas recovery management system, strengthen the operation and management of oil and gas recovery facilities, strictly implement national laws and regulations and standards, and provide guidance on8The oil and gas emissions of four gas stations were sampled.third isCarry out sampling and testing of exhaust emissions from diesel trucks and non-road mobile machinery in the district, help and guide large vehicle users to establish and improve vehicle maintenance, fuel and vehicle urea addition and use ledgers, continue to promote non-road mobile machinery code registration, strengthen standardized use, reduce pollutant emissions.

3. Strengthen technical training to make up for shortcomings in capabilities.In response to various difficulties, doubts and insufficient capabilities of grassroots staff encountered in the past work, the Autonomous Region Department of Ecology and Environment actively organized and held training courses on the management of greenhouse gas emission reports of enterprises in the district and training courses on capacity building for motor vehicle pollution prevention and control. Each session, cumulative training240Number of people. Invite relevant business experts and professional and technical personnel inside and outside the region to give lectures, and conduct in-depth analysis of various work points, technical standards, policy requirements, on-site operations, etc. on site to help grassroots staff continuously improve their professional level, answer questions, and enhance their abilities., effectively improve work efficiency, and actively promote the district's response to climate change and motor vehicle pollution prevention and control to a new level.
