China Carbon Credit Platform

A thunderclap of automobiles "made in Chongqing" makes a strong return丨"Carbon" road mountain city (5)

Release Time6 months ago

When people talk about new energy vehicles, "Made in Chongqing" is an unavoidable topic.

Chongqing was once considered the "Detroit" of China, and the first jeep in New China was produced in Chongqing. At its peak, one out of every eight cars in the country was "made in Chongqing". However, since then, the automobile "made in Chongqing" has fallen into a slump for several years. Until 2023, the data shows that Chongqing's automobile production will reach 2.32 million units that year, ranking second in the national automobile production ranking.

When the reporter walked into Chongqing, he found that the new energy automobile industry here is vibrant: more and more "smart cars" are driving on the streets, cleaner and environmentally friendly hydrogen energy is speeding up the "car", and smart factories are constantly optimizing the whole process of automobile manufacturing......

I can't help but ask, what is promoting the transformation and making the automobile industry in this important industrial town in southwest China green and intelligent?

Policy support:PowerThe industry has entered the "fast lane"

At the beginning of the new year, Chongqing's new energy vehicle sector launched the "first gun" - on February 6, AVATR 11 official car was delivered for the first time in the country. This move is seen as one of the important actions for Chongqing to take the lead in piloting the full electrification of public sector vehicles in 2024.

With the accelerated development of the new energy vehicle industry, Chongqing is constantly accelerating the all-round layout of the new energy vehicle industry.

In 2022, Chongqing issued 34 policies related to new energy vehicles, and in the same year, Chongqing proposed to focus on building a "33618" modern manufacturing cluster system, the first "3" refers to three trillion-level leading industrial clusters, of which the first is intelligent networked new energy vehicles.

In November 2023, eight departments, including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the Ministry of Transport, issued relevant notices to identify 15 cities including Chongqing as the first batch of pilot cities.

In an interview with the media, a relevant person from the Chongqing Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology said that to promote the high-quality development of the automobile industry, relevant departments are required to further improve the strength and accuracy of policy guarantees.

"Next, in addition to speeding up the promotion of official vehicles, sanitation, airport vehicles and other vehicles in specific fields, it is expected that by 2025, Chongqing will build more than 240,000 charging piles, 200 battery swap stations, encrypted highway service areas, national and provincial trunk roads, tourist attractions and other fast charging network layout, to achieve 'full coverage of districts and counties' and 'full coverage of towns and towns'; The person in charge said.

In addition, Chongqing will also make efforts to promote the innovative application of new technologies and new models, optimize and improve the policy guarantee system, and escort the automobile industry.

"A series of favorable policies have created new market opportunities for the expansion of Chongqing car companies. The person in charge of an automobile company said, "Under the government's forward-looking decision-making and strong promotion, Chongqing's new energy vehicle industry will usher in an unprecedented golden period of development." ”

Intelligent networking: shapingA new look for the industry

In January this year, Chongqing's new energy vehicle sales achieved a year-on-year increase of 126.8%. This means that Chongqing's automobile industry continues to "shift gears and speed up". As an important traditional automobile production base in China, Chongqing has anchored the trend of green and intelligent automobile industry in recent years, and proposed to build a trillion-level intelligent networked new energy vehicle industry cluster.

The welding robot arm is swinging in the welding workshop, and the battery installation robot trolley is automatically driving in the final assembly workshop...... Walking into the smart factory of Cialis, it is an orderly and busy scene.

"There are more than 1,000 robots in the whole factory for intelligent collaboration, and the automation rate of key processes is as high as 100%. Under the leadership of Li Jihong, chief engineer of Cialis Automobile, the reporter walked into this modern factory and learned about the production process of a car on the spot. The 330,000-square-meter smart factory includes the four major processes of vehicle manufacturing and some parts production areas, and the intelligent collaboration system "Digital Brain" ensures that all processes are "smart" and smooth.

In Changan Automobile's global R&D center, new energy vehicles with both a sense of science and technology and good looks are lined up in sequence, and the latest scientific and technological achievements such as all-electric digital platform and high-computing power central computing platform are displayed in a centralized manner...... The relevant person in charge of Changan Automobile said, "Over the years, the company has mastered more than 600 technologies in the fields of intelligent interconnection and intelligent driving. Relying on the self-built digital platform architecture of intelligent vehicles, more than 20 intelligent electric vehicles will be launched in the next few years. ”

The reporter learned that these factories full of "wisdom" also use intelligence to reconstruct all aspects of R&D, production, management and service. Changan Automobile is promoting zero-code and low-code platforms such as Jiandaoyun and Alteryx, reconstructing production and management links, enabling online data collection and automatic analysis, providing decision-making basis for decision-makers and improving production efficiency.

In Chongqing High-tech Zone, an intelligent networked vehicle demonstration zone with an investment of 600 million yuan and covering more than 200 kilometers of urban roads has taken shape. The four autonomous driving connection lines that have recently been put into use are operating in an orderly manner. Autonomous buses can autonomously steer, change lanes, and automatically slow down to avoid traffic congestion......

At present, Chongqing is accelerating the application of technologies such as vehicle-road-cloud integration to create a smarter travel experience. The government, car companies, and intelligent connected technology companies are working together to build an autonomous driving "ecosystem".

Vehicle companies and automotive R&D and testing companies continue to achieve technological breakthroughs related to L3 to L4 autonomous driving. A number of districts and counties have accelerated the exploration of the development path of "policy first + vehicle testing + demonstration operation + industrial agglomeration", Yongchuan has built a smart traffic brain, and the traffic congestion in urban areas has been reduced by 11%; Liangjiang New Area has created more than 30 kinds of Internet of Vehicles applications such as green wave traffic of signal lights, pedestrian crossing detection, and unmanned sanitation cleaning.

Experts said that with the continuous improvement and promotion of the integrated application of vehicle, road and cloud, China's intelligent networked automobile industry will accelerate its rise, and people will enter a new era of more intelligent, convenient and safe transportation.

Promote the layoutHydrogen energy: Create a new scenario for industrial carbon reduction

Today, on the Chengdu-Chongqing Expressway corridor, hundreds of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are speeding every day. Behind this, a new scenario of carbon reduction brought about by the development and application of hydrogen energy is being staged.

In recent years, Chongqing has accelerated the research and development of key technologies and products for hydrogen fuel cell vehicles based on the advantages of hydrogen energy resources and the automobile industry, and has been accumulating efforts to cultivate new industrial growth points.

Bosch Hydrogen Power System (ChongqingIn the exhibition hall of Co., Ltd., a piece of hydrogen power products whose key technical indicators have reached the industry-leading level are displayed in a centralized manner.

"The hydrogen powertrain is the 'heart' of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. We have achieved mass production of hydrogen power modules from 75 kW to 190 kW, and 300 kW products have entered the vehicle verification stage, and are expected to be produced in small batches within the year. The person in charge of the company told reporters that in 2023, the shipment of hydrogen powertrain products developed by the company will reach more than 1,000 units, ranking among the top in China.

Walking into the parking lot of SAIC Hongyan Automobile Co., Ltd., the latest "5G+L4" hydrogen fuel cell heavy trucks integrating intelligence and environmental protection are neatly arranged. "At present, our new energy heavy-duty truck has achieved unmanned commercial operation for the first time in Yangshan Port, and has realized the commercial demonstration operation of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles in Shanghai and Ordos. Ma Xiao, project manager of SAIC Hongyan Engineering, told reporters. 

4.5 tons to 18 tons of different specifications of hydrogen fuel commercial vehicles lined up, this is a scene that the reporter saw in Qingling Automobile Co., Ltd. So far, Qingling Motors has sold more than 500 hydrogen fuel cell vehicles, and the carbon reduction effect has accelerated. It is reported that the company will accelerate the development and sales of heavy-duty hydrogen-powered trucks this year, and will expand the market to the Yangtze River Economic Belt and the new western land-sea corridor. 

A number of hydrogen production and refueling facilities have also accelerated the layout in the Chengdu-Chongqing region. Previously, the largest hydrogen supply center for vehicles in southwest China was completed and put into operation in Changshou District, Chongqing. It can meet the hydrogen demand of 260 hydrogen fuel logistics heavy-duty trucks every day, and is expected to help reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 27,000 tons per year.

The promotion and application of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles is connected to pollution reduction and carbon reduction on the one hand, and industrial development on the other. According to public information, by the end of 2023, Chongqing has promoted a total of 306 hydrogen fuel cell vehicles. According to the development plan of the Chengdu-Chongqing Hydrogen Corridor, about 1,000 hydrogen fuel cell logistics vehicles will be invested in the two places by 2025.

The person in charge of the Automobile Industry Department of the Chongqing Municipal Commission of Economy and Information Technology said that Sichuan and Chongqing will continue to build the Chongqing Hydrogen Corridor, further integrate the resource advantages of the hydrogen energy industry of the two places, promote the transformation and upgrading of the automobile industry of the two places, and finally build a hydrogen energy industry development highland based in Sichuan and Chongqing and radiating to the west.

In Chongqing, the reporter touched the logic behind the "turnaround" of this important town in the southwest: favorable government decision-making, continuous optimization of the business environment, innovative industrial resource agglomeration, bold practice and innovative exploration...... These are all important factors that give new momentum to the traditional automotive industry.

In the end, Chongqing did not become Detroit, but on the path of transformation and new energy, the "carbon" road took the lead and was born to the sun.
