China Carbon Credit Platform

Lu Xiaocheng, Beijing City Academy of Social Sciences: Solidly promote green and low-carbon development with high-level protection

Release Time2 weeks ago

The Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China proposed to "improve the green and low-carbon development mechanism" and "promote the construction of a green and low-carbon circular development economic system." On August 11, 2024, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued the "Opinions on Accelerating the Comprehensive Green Transformation of Economic and Social Development" to make systematic arrangements for accelerating the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development. On the new journey, we should build a solid foundation for green and low-carbon development with high-level protection, further comprehensively deepen reforms, improve the ecological and environmental governance system, improve the green and low-carbon development mechanism, and accelerate the formation of a more dynamic, more resilient, more balanced, and more sustainable new situation of high-quality development.

High-level protection is an important support for promoting green and low-carbon development

XiJinpingThe general secretary emphasized that "high-level protection is an important support for high-quality development, and high-quality development with ecological priority, green and low-carbon can only be achieved by relying on high-level protection." At the National Ecological and Environmental Protection Conference,XiJinpingThe General Secretary profoundly summarized the historic, turning and overall changes in my country's ecological civilization construction since the new era with "Four Major Changes", fully demonstrating the supporting role and strategic significance of high-level protection for green and low-carbon development.

From key rectification to systematic governance. High-level protection requires starting from the integrity of the ecosystem and the systematicness of the river basin, focusing on solving the problems of treating the head and treating the foot, each managing its own share and constraining each other, and coordinating the promotion of industrial structure adjustment, pollution control, ecological protection, and climate response. Change, coordinate and promote the management of environmental factors such as water, gas, soil, and solid waste and the coordinated control of greenhouse gases. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, our party has firmly established and practiced the concept that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets. It has continued to promote high-level protection from key rectification to systematic governance, and achieved unprecedented brilliant achievements. High-level protection emphasizes systematic governance, directly improves the quality of the ecological environment, and provides high-quality ecological products for high-quality development; opens up the transformation channel between green waters and green mountains and invaluable assets, and achieves a virtuous cycle of ecological protection and economic development.

From passive response to proactive action. Since the new era, our party has insisted on promoting green and low-carbon economic and social development, strengthening responsibilities and proactive actions, establishing and improving systems such as "the party and government have the same responsibility" and "one post, two responsibilities" for ecological and environmental protection, and promoting high-level protection. Green and low-carbon development has been transformed into the ideological consensus and conscious actions of all people, and has created a world-renowned green and low-carbon development miracle with high-level protection. Taking the capital Beijing as an example, we should establish a responsibility system of "vertically to the end and horizontally to the edge" and implement the "same responsibility for the party and government, and two responsibilities for one post" for ecological and environmental protection; we should take the lead in establishing the river and lake chief system, the forest chief system, and the field chief system. The "top leaders" of the territory should undertake the tasks of river management, forest patrol and field protection, and solve the problem of unclear responsibilities and inadequate implementation. Air pollution control and air quality improvement have been praised by the United Nations Environment Program as the "Beijing Miracle" and have become a model for promoting green and low-carbon development with high-level protection.

From a participant in environmental governance to a global leader. China keeps pace with the times and looks to the world, strengthens high-level protection, solidly promotes green and low-carbon development, and becomes the country with the largest growth in forest resources and the largest artificial afforestation area in the world, and the country with the fastest improvement in air quality in the world. China has proposed jointly building a green "Belt and Road" and building a community with a shared future for mankind, put forward the vision of carbon peak and carbon neutrality goals, actively participate in global environmental governance, and strengthen international cooperation in addressing climate change, marine pollution control, biodiversity protection and other fields. Promote global sustainable development and achieve a major transformation from a participant to a leader in global environmental governance. Promoting green and low-carbon development with high-level protection has achieved practical results and expanded the global green map, benefiting both China and the world, proving to the world that high-quality development and high-level protection can go hand in hand, and that man and nature can coexist harmoniously.

From practical exploration to scientific theoretical guidance. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China,XiJinpingThe Party Central Committee with comrades as the core vigorously promotes theoretical innovation, practical innovation, and institutional innovation of ecological civilization, and proposes a series of new concepts, new ideas and new strategies, forming aXiJinpingEcological civilization thought.XiJinpingThe thought of ecological civilization has created a new realm in the construction of ecological civilization, promoted the major transformation of high-level protection from practical exploration to scientific theoretical guidance, provided fundamental guidelines and action guidelines for promoting green and low-carbon development in the new era, and has strong power of truth and practical power. inXiJinpingUnder the guidance of the idea of ecological civilization, we will plan and promote high-level protection with a higher stance, a broader vision, and greater efforts, continue to fight in depth the battle against pollution, continue to promote the modernization of the ecological and environmental governance system and governance capabilities, and continue to create green A new pattern of high-quality development with low carbon allows the broad masses of the people to share the beauty of nature, life, and life.

Green and low-carbon development provides a solid material and technological foundation for high-level protection

XiJinpingThe general secretary emphasized,"Adhere to green and low-carbon development as the fundamental solution to ecological and environmental problems, accelerate the formation of green production methods and lifestyles, and build a green background for high-quality development." Green and low-carbon development provides a solid material and technological foundation for high-level protection and is also an important focus for high-level protection. Promoting ecological priority, conservation and intensive, green and low-carbon development, promoting harmonious coexistence between man and nature, and better meeting the people's needs and expectations for a better life and beautiful ecology are the core essence and value of high-level protection.

Provide target orientation for high-level protection. Promoting green and low-carbon development is the underlying meaning and goal orientation of ecological and environmental protection at a "high level". Ecological priority, green and low-carbon high-quality development is a solid guarantee and decisive factor for alleviating the structural, root and trend pressures of ecological and environmental protection and improving the quality of the ecological environment. In the process of Chinese-style modernization, high-quality development is the top priority, and high-level protection is an important support. The two are dialectically unified in the essential requirements of realizing common prosperity for all people and promoting harmonious coexistence between man and nature. The ultimate goal of high-level protection is to achieve green development, circular development and low-carbon development on the basis of ecological and environmental protection, improve quality of life, and improve human well-being.

Enhance scientific and technological support for high-level protection. High-level protection is inseparable from high-tech support. Green and low-carbon development is a development driven by green and low-carbon technology. It pays more attention to green technology innovation, transformation and application, and can enhance scientific and technological momentum for high-level protection. For example, the innovation and application of emerging environmentally friendly material technology, high-efficiency catalytic material technology, photovoltaic wind power technology, satellite remote sensing technology, Internet of Things information technology, etc. reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions from the source, which is more conducive to promoting environmental pollution control and improving The quality of the ecological environment provides scientific and technological power guarantee for high-level protection. China deeply participates in major international scientific plans and projects such as the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor, takes the lead in setting global scientific and technological innovation topics, deepens international cooperation in new energy science and technology innovation, and helps global ecological and environmental protection with green and low-carbon technology, benefiting more countries and The people also build solid scientific and technological support for high-level protection.

Lay a solid material foundation for high-level protection. Promote green and low-carbon development, increase fiscal investment and transfer payments, innovate policy tools such as green finance and ecological compensation, promote the sustainable development of ecological restoration project construction and environmental protection, promote industrial ecology and ecological industrialization, and fundamentally solve the problem of environmental pollution and promote high-level protection and high-quality development. China promotes the green and low-carbon transformation of traditional foreign trade, focuses on introducing foreign investment in fields such as energy conservation, environmental protection, and high-tech, and improves the green level of opening up to the outside world. While contributing Chinese wisdom and Chinese solutions to developing countries 'opening up, it also contributes to the global ecology Environmental protection has laid a more favorable development environment and material conditions.

Write a new chapter in green and low-carbon development with high-level protection

At present, my country's economic development has entered a stage of high-quality development that accelerates greening and low-carbon, and the role of high-level protection in supporting green and low-carbon development has become more obvious. On the new journey, we must maintain the strategic focus of high-level protection, further comprehensively deepen reforms, adhere to ecological priority and green development, promote industrial innovation with green technological innovation, accelerate the development of new quality productivity, and inject new momentum into green, low-carbon and high-quality development. Create new advantages.

Further build consensus on green and low-carbon development. Focus on building a beautiful China, firmly establish and practice the concept that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets, build consensus on green and low-carbon development, accelerate the construction of a new development pattern, promote green transformation of consumption patterns, promote green lifestyles, and promote significant improvement in urban and rural living environment, support high-quality development and create high-quality life with high-level protection. Focus on overall, full-basin, and full-process ecological and environmental protection, focus on using green and low-carbon concepts and systematic governance thinking to coordinate the promotion of high-quality development and high-level protection, and coordinate the promotion of carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green expansion, and growth. Focus on responding to global climate change, establish concepts such as a community of life between man and nature, a community with a shared future for mankind, and a community of life on earth, aim at high standards, sustainability, and benefiting people's livelihood, enhance the global consensus on green and low-carbon development, and promote the joint construction of green The Belt and Road Initiative is moving steadily and far.

Accelerate the promotion of green and low-carbon technological innovation and industrial innovation. Facing the frontier areas of green and low-carbon technology and key areas of pollutant control, strengthen research on basic, original and disruptive technologies, strengthen the research and development, promotion and application of green and low-carbon technologies such as new energy technologies and zero-carbon industrial process reengineering technologies, and enhance green Low carbon development potential and stamina. Coordinate and promote the integrated reform of educational, scientific and technological talent systems and mechanisms, create strategic scientific and technological forces in the field of ecological environment, and cultivate leading talents and innovative teams in green and low-carbon science and technology. Build institutional mechanisms to support green and low-carbon innovation, build a market-oriented green and low-carbon technology innovation system, and promote international green and low-carbon development coordination. Focus on cultivating green and low-carbon industries. Accelerate the green and low-carbon transformation of traditional industrial structures and energy structures, promote the widespread application of new generation information technology and green and low-carbon technologies in traditional industries, support the cross-regional joint construction of green and low-carbon industrial parks, develop modern green manufacturing and strategic emerging industries, advance layout and construction of future industries, and cultivate green and low-carbon industrial clusters. Vigorously develop green and low-carbon new energy, build a new energy system, create a new highland for green and low-carbon development, and actively participate in and integrate into the joint construction of the green "Belt and Road".

Continuously expand the space for green and low-carbon development. Land is a spatial carrier for green and low-carbon development. To further comprehensively deepen reforms, we must optimize the land and space development and protection pattern, promote differentiated and precise management and control of the ecological environment by regions, deepen pollution prevention and comprehensive management in key areas and key areas, and firmly maintain the bottom line of ecological security and green and low-carbon development. Continue to promote land greening actions, expand green and low-carbon space on a large scale, strengthen the overall protection and restoration of ecosystems, and improve the quality and stability of ecosystems. Build a new platform and new system for high-level protection, integrate domestic and foreign resources for green and low-carbon development, and seek new space and new track for cooperation in low-carbon technologies, green industries, low-carbon energy, ecological and environmental protection, etc.

Adhere to high-level protection and deepen the reform of the ecological civilization system. Adhere to institutional construction as the main line, improve the basic system of ecological civilization, improve the ecological environment governance system, enhance transfer payments, tax incentives and credit support in environmental protection industries, ecological governance and other fields, and improve the green and low-carbon development mechanism. Prepare and revise pollutant emission standards for key industries such as the atmosphere, water, and new pollutants in a timely manner, build a carbon emission statistical accounting system, a product carbon labeling and certification system, and a product carbon footprint management system, and promote the development of new quality productivity with high standards and strict requirements., improve the value realization mechanism of ecological products and the compensation mechanism for horizontal ecological protection, and improve the incentive and restraint mechanism for promoting high-quality development. Steadily expand institutional openness such as rules, regulations, management, and standards, participate in leading the reform and construction of the global environmental governance system, promote the mutual promotion of domestic and international dual cycles, and provide strong impetus and institutional support for the realization of Chinese-style modernization in which man and nature coexist harmoniously. Guarantee and make greater contributions to the joint construction of a clean and beautiful earth home.

The author is from Beijing CityXiJinpingSpecial researcher at the Research Center for Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era and director of the Institute of Urban Conditions, Beijing City Academy of Social Sciences
