China Carbon Credit Platform

How does Chengdu Uni-President Enterprise Food Co., Ltd. carry out "zero-waste" exploration?

Release Time5 months ago

RO concentrate recycling, saving the amount of new water, fixed-frequency oil air compressor with frequency converter to reduce no-load operation power consumption, reducing the amount of solid waste generated per unit of product, reducing the impact on the environment...... The reporter was recently informed that with the full implementation of a series of energy-saving and emission reduction measures created from the "waste-free factory", Chengdu Uni-President Enterprise Food Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Chengdu Uni-President Food) has significantly reduced the comprehensive energy consumption per unit of products, and the emissions of wastewater, waste gas and solid waste "three wastes" have decreased year by year.

Deepen the concept and practice environmental protection

In order to coordinate the management of solid waste in economic and social development, in July 2023, the leading group for the special work of the construction of a "zero-waste city" in Wenjiang District, Chengdu issued an implementation plan, according to the indicators of Chengdu on the construction of a "zero-waste city", the task list and the list of responsibilities will be decomposed and implemented one by one, and strive to comprehensively promote the source reduction, resource utilization and harmless disposal of solid waste through the establishment and improvement of the relevant work assessment mechanism, and accelerate the formation of a spatial pattern, industrial structure, and a matching spatial pattern, industrial structure, and the new development concept. Modes of production and consumption patterns.

The creation of a "zero-waste city" has received a positive response from enterprises in the jurisdiction. On the basis of the successful establishment of a green factory in Sichuan Province and a provincial water-saving enterprise in Chengdu, Chengdu Uni-President Food takes this opportunity to adhere to strict production management, establish and improve the green procurement and supply system, consciously put energy conservation and emission reduction in a prominent position, take the initiative to carry out emission reduction, harmless disposal and resource recycling of industrial solid waste, and actively strive to create a "waste-free factory" with the style of the times, and strive to improve the environmental protection level of the enterprise.

As a well-known large-scale food production enterprise in Wenjiang District, Chengdu Uni-President Food integrates the concept of environmental protection into the company's development strategy and constantly explores and innovates the path of green development. In order to improve the efficiency of energy conservation and emission reduction, realize the source reduction of industrial solid waste and the nearby resource utilization, under the guidance and help of the district ecological environment department, the company actively established a leading group for the creation of a "waste-free factory" headed by Li Yonggui, the company's production director, and the heads of various departments.

On this basis, Chengdu Uni-President Food takes the improvement of the new pattern of "zero-waste factory" creation work as the starting point to improve the company's leaders, department heads, and responsible units, and actively explores the environmental protection model of combining "source reduction, process control, and end treatment" with circular economy, and vigorously promotes the research and development and application of waste resource utilization technology.

Comprehensive utilization, turning waste into treasure

After the spring equinox, the reporter came to the Chengdu unified food production plant, only to see the surrounding green trees, flowers, the interior of the workshop is spacious and bright, clean and tidy, and the production lines can be seen.

In order to allow the enterprise not only to have a green appearance, but also to have the connotation of environmental protection, the company aims to improve the sustainable development ability of the factory, effectively strengthen the management of the production site, continuously optimize the process parameters, control the consumption of raw materials, vigorously advocate the technological innovation of all employees, and encourage the development of resource recycling and performance competition in the workshop, formulate classification standards and management regulations for all kinds of wastes related to production and life in a timely manner, and strictly implement scientific classification. Clearly marked and safely stored, and regularly organize all units to conduct self-inspection and assessment.

"In view of the characteristics of food production, on the one hand, we not only minimize the generation of solid waste in the production process, but also find ways to apply environmental protection concepts to the whole process of product development and packaging design. Li Yonggui said that in order to recycle the waste heat of the fume purifier in the food production workshop, the company's technical personnel have devoted themselves to research and overcome the difficulties, and creatively connected the room temperature soft water to the fume purifier pipeline for heat exchange, and the hot water generated is recycled, which alone can reduce the monthly emission of more than 1,000 tons of wastewater, and create a net benefit of more than 165,000 yuan per year.

"Optimizing production processes, improving resource efficiency and avoiding waste have proven to be effective ways to minimize waste generation. Li Yonggui told reporters that by optimizing the production process and process, and minimizing the generation of various wastes, it can not only help reduce production costs and improve the economic benefits of enterprises, but also significantly reduce the harm to the environment and achieve a win-win situation for environmental and economic benefits.

Emission reduction and carbon reduction stimulate vitality

In the context of the green and high-quality development strategy and the "double carbon", Chengdu Uni-President Food takes the creation of a "zero-waste factory" as a new engine for the high-quality development of the enterprise, continues to promote the optimization and upgrading of the company's industrial structure, and strives to build a demonstration of the green food industry, which not only effectively reduces production costs and helps to improve product quality, but also provides convenience for the company's efficient and stable "three wastes" governance, ensuring that the general industrial solid waste emissions per unit of product are declining year by year.

According to the information provided by the Wenjiang Ecological Environment Bureau, with the steady implementation of the "zero-waste factory" creation plan, Chengdu has achieved remarkable results in the "three wastes" treatment and energy conservation and carbon reduction of unified food, and the amount of general industrial solid waste generated per unit of product, the amount of hazardous waste generated per unit of product, and the carbon emission per unit of output of the factory have all decreased significantly, while the economic income of the enterprise has achieved a surprising stable growth.

"Compared with a series of profound changes brought about by the creation of 'zero-waste factories', what is more fundamental is the company's stable expectation of achieving green and high-quality development goals. Li Yonggui believes that the successful establishment of the "zero-waste factory" will further boost the confidence of enterprises, inspire all employees to participate more actively and enthusiastically, and achieve green development based on technological innovation.

"The construction of a 'zero-waste city' is a social system project, which requires the participation of the whole people and long-term efforts. The relevant person in charge of the Wenjiang Ecological Environment Bureau said that the creation of the "zero-waste factory" as a cell project to build a "zero-waste city", the results achieved will definitely affect and drive more enterprises to participate in it, and play an important role in promoting the high-quality development of Wenjiang.

Figure 1: Chengdu Unified Food (the same below) strictly implements scientific classification and standardized management of general solid waste, and the picture shows a corner of the temporary storage room.

   Figure 2: Compression, baling, classification and disposal of general solid waste, the picture shows the scene of the packing room.

   Figure 3, hazardous waste in accordance with the relevant requirements of safe temporary storage, standardized management, the picture shows the interior of the temporary storage room. (This group of photos is provided by Chengdu Wenjiang Ecological Environment Bureau)
