China Carbon Credit Platform

Zhoushan vigorously develops new quality productivity and pursues dreams of green and new blue seas

Release Time3 months ago

"Last year, carbon emission reductions reached 68,300 tons, exceeding the annual emission reduction task of China Shipping Refining and Chemical Industry." Since last year, CNOOC Zhoushan Petrochemical Co., Ltd. has responded to the goal of "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality", accelerated green and low-carbon transformation, driven by technological innovation, deepened advanced technologies, planned top-level design, and created a green atmosphere, in order to accelerate the construction of green, environmentally friendly and high-quality enterprises. Quality development enterprises provide strong green power.

CNOOC Zhoushan Petrochemical Co., Ltd. is just a silhouette of Zhoushan's vigorous promotion of green and high-quality development and comprehensive development of new quality productivity. In recent years, Zhoushan City, Zhejiang Province, has firmly been guided by the concept of "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets", actively implemented the "double carbon" strategy, guided and promoted key industrial industries to continue to accelerate energy transformation, and further promoted a new round of industrial upgrading characterized by green, low-carbon and new quality productivity.

In Jintang, in the west of Zhoushan Island City, the traditional screw industry is undergoing such a round of "green revolution", and more and more companies are embarking on a greener and low-carbon development path.

Technology upgrades, low-carbon processes enter the workshop

Screw is Jintang's traditional advantageous industry, and it has also been the first to encounter "growth troubles". The low level of industrial structure and extensive growth methods restrict the pace of high-quality development of the screw industry. In recent years, Zhoushan has continued to guide Jintang screw enterprises to carry out industrial upgrading, and a number of smart, green and low-carbon new technologies have entered the screw manufacturing workshop.

Zhejiang Jiacheng Machinery Co., Ltd. is a large-scale screw enterprise integrating professional design, development, production, operation and export. Its products are exported to Europe and the United States. Walking into the workshop of this factory, you will find automated high-precision production lines day and night, and the digital Internet of Things central control system regulates the corners of the production line to achieve cost reduction and efficiency improvement.

"We have introduced advanced automated integrated ion nitriding furnaces and multi-functional constant temperature quenching equipment, which can greatly reduce production energy consumption." The relevant person in charge of the company said.

Compared with traditional gas nitriding furnaces, the electric power required by the ion nitriding furnace at the same heating rate and the electric power during insulation are relatively low. The ion nitriding time is only 1/3 to 1/5 of the ordinary gas nitriding time, and the energy consumption is only 40% to 70% of that of gas nitriding. After the heat from the high-temperature nitridation waste gas is recovered, process hot water can be further prepared for use in the liquid ammonia gasification process, reducing energy consumption.

Production waste residue, waste liquid, and waste gas are also recycled as much as possible. The company has installed a negative-pressure gas-collecting closed collection bag in the workshop. At present, the collection efficiency of polishing dust, hemp wheel dust, nitriding waste gas, metal surface treatment waste gas, etc. in the workshop has exceeded 90%. The collected solid and gaseous waste will enter special treatment units for efficient disposal.

At the same time, the company is also equipped with 2 cutting fluid purification and recycling devices, which are mainly used for the purification and treatment of waste cutting fluid, realizing the recycling of some waste cutting fluid and reducing the amount of hazardous chemicals and hazardous waste disposal.

Energy-saving and low-carbon, reducing costs and increasing efficiency, the competitiveness of enterprises continues to improve, and new productivity is generated. In recent years, the company has won many honors such as "Pinzibiao" certification made in Zhejiang,"Specialized, Special and New" small and medium-sized enterprises in Zhejiang Province, and provincial-municipal patent demonstration enterprises, and passed ISO14001 environmental quality system certification.

Management upgrades, low-carbon concepts come into your eyes, heart and mind

Using technological upgrades to force the upgrading of management systems and embedding green and low-carbon into the daily management and development fabric of enterprises, more and more Jintang screw enterprises have taken steps of reform.

Walking into the factory area of Zhejiang Bohai Machinery Co., Ltd., you can see green and low-carbon public service announcements and promotional slogans everywhere. The workshop's operation manual also includes process instructions for energy conservation and carbon reduction. The green concept is deeply rooted in the hearts of employees.

"Green and low-carbon are highly consistent with our company's sustainable development strategy, and the company's management attaches great importance to construction work." The relevant person in charge of the company said that in recent years, the company has standardized production process procedures and work instructions in accordance with ISO guidelines, integrated program documents, management manuals and advanced clean production technology concepts into the actual production of the company's products, and accelerated green and low-carbon factories. Build, promote green manufacturing, and save energy and reduce consumption.

At present, the company has introduced advanced manufacturing equipment at home and abroad, including plasma screw welding equipment and high-speed laser cladding workstations. How to promote green upgrades to become the norm? The company has carried out scientific planning based on the system.

"In recent years, a general consensus has been formed in the industry that Jintang Screw must follow a green and low-carbon development path. We believe that this requires stable and long-term institutional support." The relevant person in charge of the company said that they have made detailed regulations on the company's various tasks to eliminate low-capacity equipment and accelerate green transformation.

For example, workshops are required to establish a material balance model for the production process, determine the main links of material loss and waste generation, improve the production process, and study new methods to optimize the production process; the production department is required to give priority to and purchase environmentally friendly products or materials when purchasing raw materials, auxiliary materials or materials. Product or service; The self-execution and self-supervision mechanisms of the management system have also been implemented and strengthened, and the system has been adjusted in a timely manner according to changes in objective conditions to ensure the realization of environmental and occupational health, production safety, quality and energy policies, goals and indicators...

Green and low-carbon are integrated into all aspects of daily management and production of the company, and relevant measures, systems and rules such as production process procedures, energy conservation and environmental protection, production safety, and job performance assessment are established and improved. Green changes in factories are continuing to occur.

At present, the company's factory has introduced a 6000-square-meter 0.6-megawatt rooftop distributed photovoltaic power generation system, covering the roofs of most of the company's factories. The average annual power generation can reach 600,000 kilowatts per hour. Compared with coal-fired power plants of the same capacity, it can save 143.81 tons of standard coal equivalent, which can correspondingly reduce emissions of about 493.72 tons of sulfur dioxide, equivalent to planting 86 trees. The power consumption of the entire factory area is greatly reduced.

Green upgrade, set sail to develop a new blue ocean

Low-carbon and energy-saving, reduce costs and increase efficiency. In Zhoushan, more and more industrial enterprises, like Jintang Screw Enterprise, have embarked on the path of green transformation and upgrading and set sail towards a new blue ocean of sustainable development.

Walking into a motor repair workshop with an area of more than 3000 square meters in the Special Technology Center of Wanbang Shipbuilding Heavy Industry (Zhoushan) Co., Ltd., there is no strong smell of diesel engines in the room, nor the messy scenes and noisy sounds of traditional electromechanical workshops.

However, previous shipbuilding and repair processes would cause relatively large pollution. According to Chen Yong, general manager of Wanbang Heavy Industry, in order to improve and solve this problem, the company has begun to develop ultra-high pressure water vacuum jet technology and equipment since 2013, and by 2017, it has achieved ultra-high pressure water vacuum jet rust removal for dock repair ships. Full coverage, completely replacing the traditional high-pollution sandblasting process.

Data shows that compared with traditional sandblasting, ultra-high pressure water vacuum jet rust removal can achieve an annual reduction of 100,000 tons of smoke and dust, equivalent to reducing 700 tons of smoke and dust for each ship repaired. Such changes have opened up the way not only for China, but also for the green development of international ship repair companies.

Wanbang Heavy Industry is a model of green revolution in Zhoushan's traditional industries. In recent years, Zhoushan has comprehensively deepened the reform of "heroes per acre" and incorporated corporate carbon emissions into the assessment index system, forcing high-energy-consuming and inefficient enterprises to transform or withdraw. Last year, Zhoushan organized and implemented a total of 20 provinces, cities and counties in key high-carbon industries to jointly improve the level of green development such as process equipment, product technology, environmental protection and energy efficiency. At the same time, it increased the publicity and promotion of energy-saving renovations, and Held on-site meetings to promote advanced experience and promote the gradual transformation of traditional advantageous industries from regional block economies to modern industrial clusters.

According to statistics, last year, Zhoushan added 10 new municipal green and low-carbon factories. So far, the city has 43 municipal green and low-carbon factories, 3 industrial parks, 7 provincial green and low-carbon factories, and 2 national green factories.

In addition, Zhoushan also provides energy-saving diagnosis and carbon inclusive services to small and medium-sized enterprises. Promote the extension of traditional manufacturing to the high end of the industrial chain, develop high-value added links such as emerging terminal products and service-oriented manufacturing, and cultivate specialized and innovative "little giants" in green and low-carbon fields. The cleaner production audit system has also continued to be promoted. In 2023, 17 companies including Zhoushan Xinnuojia Bioengineering Co., Ltd. completed cleaner production audits and acceptance, of which 16 companies passed the acceptance.

Currently, Zhoushan is organizing professional third-party organizations to provide public welfare diagnostic services for industrial enterprises in energy efficiency and energy management, helping enterprises discover energy use problems, find energy-saving potential, and improve energy efficiency and energy-saving management levels.
