China Carbon Credit Platform

"Hydrogen" wind blows green in Yangtze River Delta, Jiaxing strives to build Yangtze River Delta hydrogen energy industry demonstration zone

Release Time3 months ago

Recently, in the production workshop of Guohong Hydrogen Energy Technology (Jiaxing) Co., Ltd. located in the Yangtze River Delta (Jiaxing) Hydrogen Energy Industrial Park, several robotic arms were swinging back and forth, and each material was accurately placed in a designated position.

Accessories such as hydrogen circulation pumps from Suzhou, DC-DC converters from Shanghai, and humidifiers from Anhui accurately integrate Guohong Hydrogen Energy's hydrogen fuel cell system.

Hydrogen energy, known as the "ultimate energy source of the 21st century", is clean, low-carbon, efficient and sustainable. Jiaxing is one of the first pilot cities in Zhejiang to develop the hydrogen energy industry, and has joined the Shanghai urban agglomeration of the national fuel cell vehicle demonstration application. With the in-depth development of the hydrogen energy industry, industrial synergy has continuously increased the "density" and "output" of innovative activities in the Yangtze River Delta region. The innovation chain and the industrial chain are deeply integrated, and the "new quality" of the industry is becoming increasingly important.

Same frequency from Pearl River Delta to Yangtze River Delta

At the Jiaxing Port terminal, hydrogen energy heavy trucks painted in white, blue and green and printed with the "Oriental Hydrogen Port" logo are loaded with containers, shuttling back and forth between the yard and the terminal, forming a new "hydrogen" beautiful scenery.

This is Jiaxing's famous hydrogen energy heavy truck. Last week, a new batch of 30 49-ton "upgraded" hydrogen energy heavy trucks were delivered in Jiaxing Port Area. The cruising range of each vehicle reached 420 kilometers, an increase of 40% from the previous one.

With the commissioning of new cars, Jiaxing Port's 80 hydrogen energy heavy trucks are expected to reduce carbon emissions by 4000 tons per year, becoming a pioneer in large-scale hydrogen fuel cell heavy truck demonstration operations in ports across the country.

"All hydrogen energy heavy trucks on the Jiaxing Port terminal are produced in the port area. Get off the production line and deliver it directly into operation locally!" Sheng Qinqin, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee and deputy director of the Management Committee of Zhejiang Zhapu Economic Development Zone (Jiaxing Port Area), is very proud.

The hydrogen fuel cell system, the "heart" of hydrogen energy heavy trucks, is produced by Guohong Hydrogen Energy. Walking into the Guohong Hydrogen Energy Workshop, I saw a rectangular body the size of a computer mainframe. This is a hydrogen fuel cell stack. It looks unimpressive on the outside, but in fact there is a hidden mystery inside. A fuel cell stack composed of single cells with a sandwich structure, coupled with auxiliary accessories, constitutes a complex hydrogen fuel cell system.

Hydrogen fuel cell stacks are power generation devices. During driving, they continue to output electrical energy through the electrochemical reaction between hydrogen and oxygen to drive the vehicle. Zhao Yunlong, director of the Enterprise Management Center of Guohong Hydrogen Energy Technology (Jiaxing) Co., Ltd., pointed to the production line in front of him: "This is the hydrogen fuel cell stack and system production line with the highest degree of automation in Guohong Hydrogen Energy!"

Guohong Hydrogen Energy was established in Guangdong in 2015. It is the earliest enterprise in China to achieve large-scale production of fuel cell stacks. As of the end of 2023, Guohong Hydrogen Energy Fuel Cell Reactor market share has ranked first in China for seven consecutive years. In 2020, Guohong Hydrogen invested in Jiaxing Port Area to build the world's leading hydrogen fuel cell stack production base at that time and the largest implemented project in the hydrogen energy industry in Zhejiang Province-the hydrogen powertrain production project.

In 2022, Guohong Hydrogen Energy completed its "cross-corner" relocation and relocated its headquarters from the Pearl River Delta to the Yangtze River Delta. "Here, we have the support of local governments and regional partners in the Yangtze River Delta, and our rapid development cannot be separated from them." The relevant person in charge of Guohong Hydrogen Energy said frankly that this is an important reason why companies "hand in hand" Jiaxing Port Area.

"Not only does it save transportation costs, but when encountering technical problems, you can directly 'visit' and communicate face-to-face, which is very convenient." Song Jinwei, manager of Guohong Hydrogen Energy Supply Chain, was very happy. His partner was around him and he felt at ease."Some parts need to be customized, and the supplier can arrive at the site in 40 minutes."

For Guohong Hydrogen Energy, the Yangtze River Delta has a solid industrial foundation and broad market application prospects. It has unparalleled advantages in using new technologies to develop the hydrogen energy industry. Among the domestically purchased parts and components, suppliers from the Yangtze River Delta account for more than 60%.

The development ecology of symbiotic hydrogen energy industry is accelerating

"Hydrogen energy technology has a long chain and many difficulties. The existing technical economy cannot fully meet practical needs. There is an urgent need to innovate and make breakthroughs in major aspects such as hydrogen energy preparation, storage and transportation, filling, fuel cells, and hydrogen energy storage systems, with key breakthroughs.'stuck neck' technology." Ouyang Minggao, academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and chairman of the International Hydrogen Fuel Cell Association, admitted that my country's hydrogen energy industry is still in the early stages of development, and there are still problems such as weak industrial innovation capabilities and low technical equipment level.

Difficulties and pain points in industrial development are also opportunities and outlets. The first threshold is hydrogen production.

Jiaxing has a strong chemical industry and has the resource advantages of producing industrial by-product hydrogen and developing the hydrogen energy industry. Among them, China Chemical New Materials (Jiaxing) Park under the jurisdiction of Jiaxing Port Area is a national-level chemical new materials park, gathering a large number of chemical companies such as Jiahua Energy, Sanjiang Chemical, Hesheng Silicon Industry, and Huahong New Materials.

Walking into Jiahua Energy Production Park, two 1-megawatt hydrogen-fueled power generation systems are running at full speed, continuously delivering electricity to the park's production lines. Jiahua's hydrogen fuel power generation system utilizes industrial by-product hydrogen from the chlor-alkali unit of Jiahua's caustic soda plant to convert it into safe and economical clean energy on site, becoming a powerful supplement for the park to meet the production electricity demand during peak periods.

In addition, Huahong New Materials Phase I propane dehydrogenation project is an upstream enterprise project of the hydrogen energy industry chain vigorously promoted by Jiaxing Port Area. It can produce 16,000 tons of high-purity hydrogen every year, providing a steady stream of hydrogen energy enterprises in the port area. Basic raw materials.

"Under the full-capacity production state of Jiaxing Port Area, industrial by-product hydrogen resources can reach 100,000 tons per year. It can be said to be one of the few regions in the entire Yangtze River Delta region with the advantages of low-cost and large-scale hydrogen supply." In Sheng Qinqin's view, as an important node city in the "Hangzhou Bay" hydrogen corridor in Zhejiang Province, Jiaxing is building a high-end hydrogen energy equipment cluster in the Yangtze River Delta, a source of hydrogen energy technology innovation, a pioneer in hydrogen energy expansion and application, and building a Yangtze River Delta Hydrogen Energy Industry Demonstration Zone.

A number of global leading companies in basic materials also provide a strong industrial foundation for the development of Jiaxing's hydrogen energy industry.

In Youmu Technology (Jiaxing) Co., Ltd., a robotic arm waved and transported huge glass fiber IV pressure cylinders to designated locations.

"Compared with traditional metal container cylinders, our glass fiber cylinders can reduce the weight of the container by 70%. The reduction in weight can make their hydrogen storage capacity 2 to 3 times that of traditional metal containers." said Zeng Zhiming, commercial director of Youmu Technology (Jiaxing) Co., Ltd.

Today, a relatively complete hydrogen energy industry development ecosystem is accelerating-Jiaxing has gathered 37 hydrogen energy companies, involving hydrogen production, purification, storage and transportation, key fuel cell components, hydrogen refueling station construction, complete vehicles, etc. The overall industrial development level and demonstration application level rank first in the province.

Go hand in hand, innovate, collaborate and add "hydrogen"

Shanghai has gathered leading enterprises in the entire industry chain. Jiangsu has significant product technology and market advantages such as fuel cell stacks, air compressors, and complete equipment for hydrogen refueling stations. Zhejiang has outstanding advantages in fuel cell stacks and systems. Anhui has achieved fuel cell buses and fuel cell logistics vehicles. Mass production...

At present, the Yangtze River Delta is developing in an integrated and coordinated manner, forming a relatively complete hydrogen energy industry chain system, and an effective division of labor and cooperation system is obvious.

"Coordinated development is not only about doing our own thing well, but also about doing a win-win, multi-win, and win-win situation. This not only helps improve the technical performance of upstream and downstream products, but also stabilizes the supply chain of our production companies." The relevant person in charge of Guohong Hydrogen Energy is full of confidence in the development of the hydrogen energy industry under the integration of the Yangtze River Delta.

Shanghai Lingang New Area, where Shanghai Hongxin has settled, is one of the most representative clusters of hydrogen energy industry development in China. There is the "International Hydrogen Energy Valley" here, which gathers Cummins, Shaanxi Automobile Dechuang, Hydrogen Chen Technology, Tang Feng Energy and other more than 30 upstream and downstream companies in the hydrogen energy industry chain, forming a full industrial chain pattern integrating hydrogen energy complete vehicles, engine systems, core components, etc.

Shanghai Tangfeng Energy Technology Co., Ltd., established in 2017, mainly produces membrane electrodes, one of the core components of hydrogen fuel cell stacks. Before 2020, domestic reactor companies basically relied on imports to purchase membrane electrodes. After Tang Feng Energy achieved mass production of membrane electrodes, it filled this domestic gap.

Tang Feng Technology is one of the suppliers of Guohong Hydrogen Energy. A good industrial ecosystem has given birth to the comprehensive efficiency of "1+1 2".

As the "facade" of Jiaxing's hydrogen energy industry, a Yangtze River Delta (Jiaxing) Hydrogen Energy Industrial Park with a total planned area of 1.4 square kilometers "opened its doors to welcome visitors" during the 2023 China (Jiaxing) Hydrogen Energy Industry Conference in September last year. More than 20 leading hydrogen energy companies at home and abroad have settled down. This year, the Jiaxing Port Area Hydrogen Energy Future Industry Pilot Zone was successfully selected into the special financial incentive list of Zhejiang Province's 2024 Future Industry (Artificial Intelligence) Pilot Zone, becoming the only selected industry in the city, providing strong momentum for the development of new productivity in the port area.

"Jiaxing has included hydrogen energy in the city's '135N' industrial cluster cultivation key industries, focusing on the entire hydrogen energy industry chain, and strives to promote the hydrogen energy industry chain to recruit large and strong, and attract a number of high-quality hydrogen energy industrialization projects." Zhang Lan, director of the Economic and Information Technology Bureau of Jiaxing City, said that Jiaxing has introduced American Air Chemical Products (AP) Company, one of the world's top 500 companies and the world's leading hydrogen energy industry, Feichi Automobile Technology Company, which ranks first in the national hydrogen fuel cell vehicle market, and Shanghai Reshaping Energy, the leading domestic hydrogen fuel cell stack company, have enhanced the competitiveness of the city's hydrogen energy industry.
