China Carbon Credit Platform

The first methanol bunkering ship put into operation in China completed the refueling test in Yangshan Port

Release Time6 months ago

On March 13, under the remote monitoring of Shanghai Yangshan Port Maritime Safety Bureau and the protection of on-site law enforcement personnel, the first methanol fuel bunkering ship "Haigang Zhiyuan" in China successfully completed the methanol fuel replenishment test at the Shengang Oil Terminal of Yangshan Port, which marked another important breakthrough in the field of green shipping in Yangshan Port.


The successful berthing of the "Harbor Zhiyuan" ship to complete the fuel replenishment test not only verified the matching of the equipment of both sides of the ship and the shore, but also successfully eliminated the potential safety hazards that may exist during the fuel replenishment operation, marking that Yangshan Port has the ability to refuel with methanol, and the methanol fuel refueling can be realized in the port, which further reduces the operating cost of the fuel filling company and lays a solid foundation for the wide application of methanol fuel in the shipping field.

It is understood that on February 8 this year, the "Harbor Zhiyuan" ship has successfully implemented the methanol fuel "ship-to-ship" refueling dry test operation in Yangshan Port, accumulating valuable experience. In order to ensure the smooth progress of the test, the Yangshan Port Maritime Safety Bureau paid close attention to the navigation dynamics of the "Haigang Zhiyuan" ship and the meteorological conditions in the jurisdiction, coordinated the wharf to reasonably arrange the berthing plan, and guided both the ship and the shore to formulate a list of risk prevention and control measures to ensure that the risk control measures were in place during the test. The successful completion of this replenishment test is a strong verification and deepening expansion of the preliminary work, indicating that substantial progress has been made in the application of methanol fuel in the shipping field.


Methanol fuel is an internationally recognized clean fuel with lower carbon emissions and better environmental performance, which is of great significance for reducing environmental pollution in the shipping industry and responding to global climate change. With the gradual acceleration of the promotion and commercialization of green methanol fuel technology route, more than 200 methanol fuel ships have been ordered worldwide, and the demand for green methanol fuel is also increasing.

In order to meet the demand for methanol fuel supply, Yangshan Port Shengang Petroleum Terminal has started the transformation of methanol storage tanks in the second half of last year, and currently has a total of 280,000 cubic meters of storage tanks with methanol storage qualifications, which can meet the methanol fuel supply needs of Shanghai Port at this stage. At the same time, the Shanghai Maritime Safety Administration recently officially issued the "Measures for the Safety Management of Methanol Bunkering Operations on Water", which fills the gap in the management system of domestic marine methanol bunkering operations, and lays a solid foundation for the construction of Shanghai Port as a clean fuel bunkering center for international ships.
