China Carbon Credit Platform

Xi'an released a list of 33 large-scale equipment updates and consumer goods trade-in policies and measures

Release Time3 months ago

Recently, the "Work Plan for Xi'an City to Promote Large-scale Equipment Renewal and the Replacement of Consumer Goods with Old Goods"(hereinafter referred to as the "Plan") was issued. Focusing on the goals and tasks of high-quality development, we will focus on key points, first ease and then difficulties, and coordinate and orderly promote equipment updates and consumer goods. Trade in old goods has greatly improved the quality and level of the city's economic cycle.

The "Plan" proposes that by 2025, the city's environmental protection performance will reach about 40 enterprises with A-level production capacity, accelerate the elimination of passenger cars with national emission standards and below, and increase the recycling of scrapped vehicles by 50% compared with 2023; efficient energy-saving home appliances The market share has been further increased, and the recycling of used home appliances has increased by 15% compared with 2023. By 2027, the scale of equipment investment in industry, agriculture, construction, transportation, education, culture and tourism, medical and other fields will increase by more than 25% compared with 2023. The penetration rate of digital R & D and design tools and the numerical control rate of key processes of industrial enterprises above designated size exceed 90% and 75% respectively. The recycling volume of scrapped cars has approximately doubled compared with 2023. The transaction volume of used cars has increased by 45% compared with 2023. The recycling volume of used household appliances has increased by 30% compared with 2023, and the proportion of recycled materials in resource supply has continued to increase.

Xi'an City will implement four major actions: equipment renewal action, consumer goods replacement action, recycling action, and standard improvement traction action. By adhering to the role of market entities, increasing fiscal policy support, implementing tax support policies, and strengthening financial policy support, we will promote equipment renewal and consumer goods replacement in an orderly manner, and greatly improve the quality and level of the city's economic cycle. In addition, publicity will be strengthened and a certain amount of consumption coupons will be issued to enterprises and consumers to increase the awareness and participation of enterprises and residents to ensure that policies benefiting the people better meet the needs of enterprises and the people for a better life.

As a policy breakthrough and direction guidance at the municipal level, the "Plan" also released a list of 33 large-scale equipment updates and consumer goods trade-in policies and measures. Competent authorities in various fields and industries can combine the national and provincial follow-up policy support to coordinate existing funds, consult with finance, taxation, banking and other departments, jointly study, and implement them in categories and detail in specific implementation plans in accordance with relevant regulations and procedures.

The list clearly states that the city's housing purchase restriction measures will be completely cancelled, and residents who purchase new commercial housing and second-hand housing within the city will no longer be eligible to purchase houses. Reduce the proportion of down payment funds and extend the loan term. Those who purchase new houses in the city on an "trade-in" basis can enjoy preferential down payment ratio and mortgage interest rate for the first home in accordance with the "housing subscription but not loan subscription" policy; those who purchase new houses and apply for housing provident fund loans will increase the maximum loan amount on the original basis; At the same time, the qualification conditions of home buyers will no longer be reviewed.

Continue to implement the subsidy policy for scrapping and renewal of agricultural machinery, combine the needs of agricultural production and the development level of agricultural mechanization, increase the elimination of old agricultural machinery with high energy consumption, heavy pollution, large operation losses, and low safety performance, and promote the green development of agricultural machinery.

Introduce a subsidy policy for urban operating vehicles to update new energy models, and provide a one-time fixed subsidy for purchasing pure electric or hydrogen energy urban buses and taxis between January 1, 2024 and December 31, 2027. That is, the subsidy for buses with a length of ≤6 meters is 5,000 yuan per vehicle, the subsidy for buses with a length of 6 meters is 10,000 yuan per vehicle, the subsidy for buses with a length of 8 meters is 20,000 yuan per vehicle, and the subsidy for buses with a length of 12 meters is 30,000 yuan per vehicle; the subsidy for taxis is 5,000 yuan per vehicle. In accordance with the urban transportation development incentive fund plan arranged by the central government, support the renewal of new energy buses and batteries.

For those with obvious results in digital and intelligent transformation, digital workshops and smart factories will be rewarded at 10% of the investment in equipment and software. The maximum reward for digital workshops is 2 million yuan and the maximum reward for smart factories is 10 million yuan.

With outstanding results in green transformation, for industrial enterprises that consume 5000 tons of standard coal and above annually, they will achieve annual energy savings of more than 1000 tons of standard coal, or reduce carbon emissions by more than 2500 tons, or energy consumption per unit of product will reach the national benchmark level. If one of them is satisfied, a reward of 1 million yuan will be awarded.
