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The core concept of Northern Xinjiang culture

Release Time3 months ago

Each regional culture has its own distinctive cultural concepts and important ideas, and some of these cultural concepts occupy a key position, playing a coordinating role in the entire conceptual system and even the cultural whole, determining the appearance and nature of the cultural form, and leading the entire cultural system to move forward in a certain direction. At present, the concept of Northern Xinjiang culture has been preliminarily established, and the brand awareness of Northern Xinjiang culture has gradually increased, which has attracted wide attention from all walks of life. With the continuous advancement of cultural construction in northern Xinjiang, it is necessary to further excavate and elaborate the core concepts contained in it. In the long-term accumulation, the northern Xinjiang culture has formed many vibrant concepts and ideas, among which the most typical and core are: patriotism, loyalty, unity, and responsibility, which are the core concepts of the northern Xinjiang culture, the concentrated embodiment of the value orientation of the northern Xinjiang culture, the essential summary of the basic content and basic spirit of the northern Xinjiang culture, and the internal driving force for the formation and development of the northern Xinjiang culture, highlighting the unique charm and expanding the influence.

1. Patriotism.General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that "patriotism has flowed in the blood of the Chinese nation since ancient times, and it cannot be removed, broken, or extinguished, and it is a powerful spiritual driving force for the people of Chinese and the Chinese nation to safeguard national independence and national dignity." Historically, Inner Mongolia as the northern region of the Chinese land, the people of all ethnic groups have continuously strengthened exchanges and integration with the Central Plains, forged history, and jointly shaped "China". In this process, the culture of Northern Xinjiang was conceived, flourished, and passed down to this day.

Looking back on history, the concept of "great unification" is one of the main threads running through the political pattern and ideology and culture of China, and the successive dynasties have effectively promoted the continuation and development of northern Xinjiang culture by strengthening the integration of the north and the south and promoting the effective governance of the northern Xinjiang region. The various ethnic groups living and breeding in the northern Xinjiang of the motherland have gradually formed the unity pursuit of "inward cohesion" and a strong Chinese identity in the cultural bloodline, and have become an important force in promoting the formation and development of a multi-ethnic state. The Qin Dynasty achieved the first national unification in Chinese history, creating a precedent for the central government to govern the Central Plains and the frontiers, and making the northern frontier regions more closely connected with the Central Plains. The two Han Dynasty achieved a wider, deeper and more comprehensive unification, and some areas of northern Xinjiang were included in the governance system of the Great Unification Dynasty. The Sui Dynasty put an end to the division of "three hundred years of inconsistencies" and deepened the relationship between the northern Xinjiang region and the central government; The Tang Dynasty unified the north and south, and the east and west ran through, creating more than 800 feudal prefectures and prefectures to manage the frontiers, and the grand occasion of "great unification" was unprecedented. During the Song and Song dynasties, the Liao, Western Xia, Jin and other regional regimes in the north co-founded China with the Two Song Dynasty, and the ethnic groups in northern Xinjiang actively integrated into China and fought for orthodoxy. The Yuan Dynasty realized the unification of a vast territory, and some areas in northern Xinjiang once became the core scope of the "hinterland" of the Yuan Dynasty. The Ming Dynasty properly handled the relations with the Mongol tribes active in the northern Xinjiang region, and the various ethnic groups continued to exchange and exchange. The Qing Dynasty achieved a deeper pattern of multi-ethnic unification and further strengthened its jurisdiction and governance over the northern frontier. In 1947, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region was established, laying a good foundation for the system of regional ethnic autonomy in New China and accumulating valuable practical experience. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the military and civilians of all ethnic groups and border people have been guarding northern Xinjiang for a long time, until now, there are still many "second generations" and "third generations" along the border of Inner Mongolia, they join hands, heart to heart, loyal to their duties, willing to dedicate, watch and help each other, in guarding the border and protecting the border, reflecting the most real and simple patriotic feelings, clearly showing the common and stable collective memory of the people of all ethnic groups in Inner Mongolia, and casting the emotional ties and spiritual pillars of the northern Xinjiang culture.

2. Loyalty.Judging from the history of our party in Inner Mongolia, Inner Mongolia is the first ethnic region where the Communist Party of China established a party organization, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region was established under the direct leadership of the CPC Central Committee, Inner Mongolia was developed with the support of the CPC Central Committee, and the major deviations in the work of Inner Mongolia were all corrected with the help of the CPC Central Committee. These "six sentences of facts and truths" clearly explain the revolutionary historical tradition and cultural accumulation of northern Xinjiang culture, and reflect the loyal quality of the people of all ethnic groups in Inner Mongolia who are unswervingly grateful to the party, listen to the party, and follow the party. Loyalty is highly consistent with the wishes of the people of all ethnic groups in the region and adapts to the development requirements of the new era, which is an important core concept of northern Xinjiang culture, which can better play an important role in leading the direction, uniting people's hearts and accumulating strength.

The practice of the revolutionary struggle in Inner Mongolia under the leadership of the Communist Party of China has given the northern Xinjiang culture a distinctive red background, faithfully reflecting the historical process and great revolutionary spirit of the people of all ethnic groups in Inner Mongolia who have fought bravely for national independence and national prosperity under the leadership of the party, and is a vivid portrayal of the loyalty of the people of all ethnic groups in Inner Mongolia to the party, and has injected a strong red gene into the northern Xinjiang culture. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Communist Party of China led the people to plunge into vigorous socialist construction, and during this period, under the leadership of the party, the cadres and masses of all ethnic groups in Inner Mongolia overcame one difficulty after another, overcame one challenge after another, and played the strongest voice of the times. In the new era, in the process of writing a new chapter in Inner Mongolia's Chinese-style modernization, cadres and people of all ethnic groups in Inner Mongolia have always loyally supported the "two establishments" and faithfully practiced the "two safeguards", resolutely implemented the party's theories, lines, principles and policies, implemented the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee to the letter, and firmly shouldered the major political responsibility of safeguarding national ecological security, energy security, food security, industrial security and border security. Always feel the party's kindness, listen to the party, follow the party, and always be loyal to the party, which has been deeply integrated into the blood of the people of all ethnic groups and has become the ideological essence of northern Xinjiang culture.

3. Unity.Ethnic unity is the lifeblood of people of all ethnic groups, and for Inner Mongolia, where 55 ethnic groups (except Lhoba) live, ethnic unity is particularly important and precious. A history of the development of Inner Mongolia is itself a history of multi-ethnic exchanges. From the Zhao Wuling King Hufu cavalry to the Sinicization reform of Emperor Xiaowen of the Northern Wei Dynasty, from the Zhaojun to the internal migration of the Xiongnu, from the late Ming Dynasty and early Qing Dynasty "Mongolian merchants" to explore the road to the late Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China people in the interior of the Republic of China "go to the west", the exchanges and blending between various ethnic groups inside and outside the Great Wall have never been interrupted. In 1947, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region was established, and the people of all ethnic groups completely got rid of national oppression and class oppression, established a socialist ethnic relationship of equality, unity, mutual assistance and harmony, jointly guarded the borders of the motherland, and jointly created a better life, forming a glorious tradition of national unity, winning and caring for the lofty honor of "Model Autonomous Region" for a long time, forging a strong spiritual bond of working together and forging ahead in unity, which is a vivid annotation of the culture of northern Xinjiang.

In today's Inner Mongolia, cadres and people of all ethnic groups are holding hands to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions to Inner Mongolia, and continue to maintain the lofty honor of a model autonomous region in the new era. The "Decision on Building a Model Autonomous Region in All Aspects" and the "Regulations on Promoting the Construction of a Model Autonomous Region in All Aspects" have been formulated and promulgated, and the exchange plan for young people of all ethnic groups, the inter-embedded development plan for people of all ethnic groups, and the plan for tourism to promote exchanges and integration among various ethnic groups have been implemented in depth, and the breadth and depth of exchanges and integration have been continuously expanded. Deepening the creation of ethnic unity and progress, the construction of an inter-embedded social structure and community environment has been continuously strengthened, the social conditions for people of all ethnic groups to live and study together, build and share together, and work and enjoy together have been improved, and all ethnic groups have become more united in their ideals, beliefs, emotions and cultures. Located in Inner Mongolia, which is located in the northern part of the motherland, all ethnic groups help each other and enjoy themselves, jointly defend the northern Xinjiang of the motherland, and jointly create a better life, always hugging each other tightly like pomegranate seeds.

Fourth, responsibility.All ethnic groups living in Inner Mongolia have jointly developed a vast territory, written a long history, created a splendid culture, cultivated a great spirit, and made indelible historical contributions to the formation and development of the Chinese nation and the construction and consolidation of a unified country. In modern times, the people of all ethnic groups in Inner Mongolia have built the Great Wall of Steel with their flesh and blood, and composed a heroic epic of dedication to the country. Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the people of all nationalities shared the same hatred for the enemy and resisted foreign humiliation, and made indelible contributions to safeguarding the reunification of the motherland and establishing New China.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the people of all ethnic groups in Inner Mongolia consciously shouldered their responsibilities and contributed to the industrial development of New China in the torrent of socialist construction. In the mid-50s of the last century, the establishment of a large-scale iron and steel enterprise in the Gobi Desert was extremely difficult for the first batch of Baotou steel builders who were extremely lacking in technical experience, and unprecedented difficulties were unprecedented for the new China with poor and weak national strength and lack of construction materials. More than 80,000 entrepreneurs gathered in the northern Xinjiang of the motherland, sleeping in the open air, hand in hand, building a steel city on the barren beach, and writing a moving chapter of "people of all ethnic groups build Baotou Steel, Baiyun Obo presents treasures" on the grassland. On October 15, 1959, Premier Zhou Enlai came to Baotou Steel to cut the ribbon for the No. 1 blast furnace tapping. In a cloud of fire and smoke, golden iron streams surged out, thus ending the history of Inner Mongolia's "defenseless" and laying the foundation for the steel industry of New China. From the output of the first molten iron to the annual output of tens of millions of tons of steel, Baotou Steel has witnessed the glorious course of the construction of the Republic and the development of national industry, and has also enriched the spiritual core of northern Xinjiang culture with great dedication.

Entering the new era, Inner Mongolia has actively made more contributions to the party, the country and the people in accordance with the strategic positioning given by the CPC Central Committee and General Secretary Xi Jinping to build an important ecological security barrier in northern China, a security and stability barrier in the northern part of the motherland, an important national energy and strategic resource base, a national important agricultural and livestock product production base, and an important bridgehead for the country's opening to the north. The implementation of the strictest ecological environmental protection system, has been classified as 51% of the area of the whole region within the scope of ecological protection red line, the scale of afforestation, grass planting, and sand control has remained the first in the country for many years, and the comprehensive vegetation coverage and forest coverage rate of grassland have reached 45% and 20.79%, creating a super "carbon pool" and a pure "oxygen bar" for the people of the whole country. At the same time, Inner Mongolia is the main component of the "Northeast Forest Belt", "Northern Sand Control Belt" and "Yellow River Key Ecological Zone", and has become the "sand retaining wall" and "carbon sink" of the Three North regions and even the whole country. The grain output of the whole region has exceeded 70 billion catties for six consecutive years, and more than half of the grain is transferred to other regions and supplied to the whole country every year; There are more than 70 million heads (only) of grass-fed livestock, and the output of mutton, beef, milk and cashmere accounts for about 1/5, 1/10, 1/6 and 1/2 of the country respectively. Inner Mongolia's coal reserves and output account for 1/4 of the country, wind energy and solar energy technology can be developed to account for more than 1/2 and 1/5 of the country's respectively, and the coal and electricity delivered are the first in the country, making an important contribution to stabilizing China's "energy rice bowl". Inner Mongolia has always kept in mind the spiritual quality of "the great man of the country", the courage to take responsibility and dedication, and further sublimated the significance of the times of northern Xinjiang culture.

RegionChina,Inner Mongolia