China Carbon Credit Platform

Shenzhen: Pilot the implementation of the overall audit of cleaner production to accelerate the cultivation of new quality productivity

Release Time6 months ago

Cleaner production is a bridge to promote the transformation of traditional productivity into new quality productivity, and an important way to coordinate high-quality development and high-level protection. Recently, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, held a kick-off meeting for the overall audit and innovation of cleaner production in the circuit board industry, with 23 enterprises in the circuit board industry in Bao'an District as the first batch of pilot objects to carry out the pilot work of cleaner production overall audit innovation.

Shenzhen circuit board industry cleaner production overall audit innovation pilot kick-off meeting

The pilot work, with 2024 to 2026 as the pilot cycle, is based on the principle of "piloting, summarizing, promoting, and improving", exploring the overall audit mode of cleaner production in the industry with appropriate conditions, distinctive characteristics, and system integration, and forming and implementing a cleaner production plan with industry characteristics, so as to solve common problems in the industry and promote the overall transformation and green development of the industry.

Overall promotion: to create a pilot model of the circuit board industry

The circuit board industry is an important foundation to support the rapid development of the electronic information industry, and Bao'an District is the earliest agglomeration area for the development of the circuit board industry in Guangdong Province.

With the development of the circuit board industry for many years, the problems of ecological and environmental protection have become increasingly prominent. On the one hand, the circuit board industry has a long production process, the most in the electronics industry, large consumption of resources and energy, and the production process involves electroplating, development, etching, silk screen printing, cleaning and other production and sewage processes, which belong to high energy consumption and heavy pollution industries, and have a greater impact on the regional ecological environment. On the other hand, there are still a considerable number of circuit board enterprises in the jurisdiction to undertake external processing, the added value of products is low, the overall level of clean production is low, and the market competitiveness is weak.

With the development requirements of new quality productivity, it is of urgent demand and significant significance to carry out the pilot work of cleaner production overall audit and innovation in key industries for the electronic circuit manufacturing industry in Bao'an District, and the circuit board industry also urgently needs to realize the overall transformation and upgrading of the industry through cleaner production audit.

The staff in charge of cleaner production of the pollution source management department of the Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment said that the pilot work will diagnose the whole process of the production process of the circuit board industry, form and implement a cleaner production plan with industry characteristics, solve the common constraints of the industry, and build an industry pattern of "the head goose pilots, the strong geese drive, and the geese fly together", and improve the overall level of cleaner production and pollution prevention and control in the industry.

Shenzhen Baoan District circuit board related enterprises to participate in the kick-off meeting

Strategic change: the "model" innovation of the overall audit of cleaner production

As an important environmental management system, cleaner production audit was established in the "Cleaner Production Promotion Law of the People's Republic of China" promulgated in 2002, which has been implemented for 22 years, and has achieved remarkable results in helping to win the battle against pollution and promoting industrial transformation and upgrading. However, the traditional cleaner production audit is aimed at individual enterprises, and enterprises need to implement the audit in accordance with 7 links and 35 steps, which has the problem of "repeated investment of human and financial resources and simple and mechanical audit process".

"The biggest innovation of this overall audit pilot is 'holistic', which can unify enterprises based on specific conditions, focus on continuous audits, and promote the overall transformation and green development of regions, industries, and parks. At the kick-off meeting, Director Zhang of the Pollution Source Management Department introduced that this pilot will explore the establishment of a set of high-efficiency "overall evaluation + rapid audit + simple acceptance" implementation mode to quickly and effectively expand the scope of cleaner production coverage.

In terms of overall evaluation, from "individual cleaner production level evaluation" to "industry overall cleaner production level evaluation", explore the establishment of a set of scientific "enterprise personality solutions + industry overall level evaluation" technical system, not only to find enterprise personality problems, but also to find industry common problems, and put forward targeted solutions, so that the level of clean production in the circuit board industry before and after the pilot has been effectively improved, and can accurately quantify and visualize the improvement of various indicators.

In terms of rapid audit, the audit is no longer carried out in accordance with 7 links and 35 steps, and a set of comprehensive and practical cleaner production self-inspection manuals applicable to the whole industry is established by the government departments, and enterprises can quickly and directly determine the implementation plan through self-inspection. In the later stage of the pilot, based on the database and achievement library accumulated by the pilot, we will explore the development of functions such as "smart audit" and "cloud audit" based on the smart environmental protection platform, so as to greatly improve the audit efficiency and reduce the burden on enterprises with the help of scientific and technological means.

In terms of simple acceptance, from "focusing on reporting documents" to "focusing on the effectiveness of the program", the acceptance is no longer to review and consult the cleaner production report of the enterprise, issue expert acceptance opinions and score sheets, but pay more attention to the on-site status and plan of the enterprise, focus on verifying the actual operation effect of the key cleaner production program, focus on verifying the performance of cleaner production, pay attention to whether to achieve the expected pollutant emission reduction goals and energy-saving targets of the pilot, and adopt the "tick" acceptance method to reduce the burden of enterprises in preparing cleaner production reports.

At the same time, Shenzhen will explore the establishment of a hierarchical reward mechanism with cleaner production performance and cleaner production level as the core, as well as a classified subsidy mechanism with enterprise input and program type as the core, so as to stimulate the endogenous power of enterprises to continuously improve and continuously reach a higher level of cleaner production.

Green transformation: vigorously develop green and low-carbon new quality productivity

The new quality productivity is the advanced productivity, high-quality productivity and green productivity in line with the new development concept. "The development of new quality productivity" is to transform and upgrade traditional industries, cultivate and expand new industries, and lay out and build future industries through scientific and technological innovation, industrial layout, and green development, which is highly consistent with the connotation of cleaner production.

At the kick-off meeting, the staff of the Bao'an Administration of the Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment introduced the pilot of the Shenzhen Near-zero Carbon Emission Zone and the synergy of pollution reduction and carbon reduction carried out at the same time as cleaner production, and pointed out that the pilot work of the overall audit and innovation of cleaner production will jointly promote the total emission reduction of key pollutants, carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, and help improve regional environmental quality.

Cleaner production is an advanced concept of reducing pollutants in the production process through the whole process control of "source-process-end" from the perspective of pollution prevention, and finally achieves multiple goals such as saving resources, reducing energy consumption, reducing pollution and carbon emissions, and improving quality and efficiency, which is a way to promote the coordinated development of ecological environment and economy and society.

In the follow-up pilot work, the Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment will give full play to the radiation role of "first moving and then moving, excellent and backward, active and passive", and promote the overall transformation and green development of the industry through the implementation of cleaner production, so as to continuously cultivate and develop new momentum for the development of new quality productivity.
