China Carbon Credit Platform

What are the business experiences of the energy-saving industry?

Release Time3 weeks ago

A trillion-dollar market for energy-saving industries is about to emerge. Energy is the blood of economic development, and energy conservation is related to a country's sustainable development and international competitiveness. Energy conservation is generally regarded as a higher priority energy source than development in the world, and is the "fifth energy source" after coal, oil, natural gas, and non-fossil energy.

The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council recently issued the "Opinions on Accelerating the Comprehensive Green Transformation of Economic and Social Development". One of the data is eye-catching: by 2030, the scale of the energy conservation and environmental protection industry will reach about 15 trillion yuan. In people's eyes, energy conservation means small things such as turning off lights and using less air conditioners. How can such a huge market be born?

my country's energy efficiency is low and its total energy consumption is large. If we open our mouths to consume energy, not only will our country's resources and environment be unsustainable, but also the global resources and environment. Promoting development through energy conservation has successful experiences in history to follow. After the first oil crisis broke out in 1973, Japan persisted in promoting energy conservation and consumption reduction. Equipment energy consumption control technology was greatly improved, and energy-saving products were continuously introduced to the market. Through the implementation of various energy-saving policies, Japan's primary energy consumption per unit of GDP has reached the lowest in the world, thus completing the economic transformation from a "trade-based country" to a "technology-based country". In terms of actual results, during the 20 years from the mid-1970s to the 1990s, Japan's economy grew rapidly and pollutant emissions were significantly reduced. Not only was its industrial competitiveness not damaged, but the automobile manufacturing industry and other fields also benefited greatly from it.

Our country is the world's largest energy consumer, and current resource and environmental bottlenecks have become important obstacles to further development. There is huge potential for developing energy-saving industries and many new economic growth points can be formed.

Looking at energy intensity, my country is 1.5 times the world average and 2 to 3 times that of developed countries. If my country's energy utilization efficiency is improved to the level of developed countries, it can save at least half of its energy every year and significantly reduce pollutant emissions. Energy use per unit of output has dropped, and the original total energy consumption can support a larger economic scale, and the quality and efficiency of economic development can also be improved.

Looking at environmental capacity, compared with European and American countries, my country has tight time and great pressure to achieve the "double carbon" goal. Energy conservation is the most important way for my country to achieve its carbon peak goal. For the realization of my country's carbon peak goal by 2030, multiple calculations show that the contribution of energy conservation and efficiency improvement is more than 70%. With the advancement of green and low-carbon energy transformation, the concepts of energy conservation, emission reduction, quality improvement and efficiency improvement are accelerating their penetration into all walks of life, and energy users in the fields of industry, construction, transportation and other fields are increasingly urgent for energy efficiency improvement.

Looking at policy support, the action to save energy, reduce carbon and increase efficiency is one of the country's "Top Ten Actions to Peak Carbon". Since the "double carbon" goal was put forward, the state has issued a large number of policies focusing on the field of energy conservation, and its support has been continuously increased, providing a more complete policy mechanism and market environment for the development of energy conservation industries. As policy dividends continue to be released and energy marketization reforms advance in depth, more opportunities for energy-saving industries will arise.

In terms of promoting the development of the energy-saving market, the industrial sector has the greatest potential. Industry occupies a prominent position in the national economy and is also an important area of energy consumption and carbon emissions. my country's industrial sector has a large number of energy-using enterprises and covers a wide range of areas. Steel, chemicals, building materials, printing and dyeing, mining, etc. are typical high-energy-consuming industries. Accelerating industrial energy conservation and efficiency improvement will not only help improve enterprise energy utilization efficiency and reduce energy costs, but also promote the upgrading of process processes and production equipment and promote high-quality development of the industry. In order to save energy and improve efficiency in industrial enterprises, businesses such as waste heat, residual pressure and residual gas utilization, motor transformation, air compressor transformation, boiler oxygen-enriched combustion, and intelligent regulation and control of air conditioners have become key directions.

Urbanization is the area with the greatest potential for energy conservation in the future. According to estimates, for every 1 percentage point increase in urbanization, energy consumption will increase by 60 million tons of standard coal, of which construction and transportation energy are the main body. At present, my country's energy conservation work in this field lags behind. Although the building area is growing rapidly, the proportion of energy-saving buildings is relatively low, and the energy-saving standards are far behind those of developed countries. As the number of transportation vehicles and travel demand increase, energy consumption and carbon emissions in the transportation sector are also facing greater pressure. With the rapid advancement of urbanization, the task of energy conservation and emission reduction in urban and rural construction is arduous, and green buildings and low-carbon transportation have great potential.

It is worth noting that the current energy-saving services are changing from a single link to systematic energy conservation, from pure energy conservation to comprehensive energy services and other models. Faced with the new situation of accelerating the comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development, relevant enterprises are required to strengthen their comprehensive energy service capabilities, rely on energy networks such as smart distribution networks, urban gas networks, and heat pipe networks to integrate advanced energy such as renewable energy and energy storage. Technology and digital technology to build a regional comprehensive energy system with integrated supply of hot, cold, water and electricity, further improve energy utilization levels in various fields and create greater value.

"If you take it carefully and use it carefully, you will be rich; if you take it without restraint and use it without restraint, you will be poor." Energy conservation is a systematic project that requires the joint efforts of all parties, perseverance and long-term efforts. Although energy conservation work has been extensively carried out, there are still shortcomings in the promotion of energy-saving equipment. It is increasingly difficult to tap energy conservation in key energy-using industries, and it is difficult to implement some good projects. This requires us to continue to improve and effectively implement energy conservation laws and regulations, improve infrastructure conducive to energy conservation, formulate reasonable energy prices, expand market access, integrate energy conservation into the entire process of economic and social development and in all fields, and accelerate the formation of an energy-saving society.
