China Carbon Credit Platform

Zhenjiang City: Reading the place where Zhenjiang protects the clear water and writes "little by little"

Release Time3 weeks ago

The beauty of water in Zhenjiang lies in the beauty of the intersection of rivers. From January to July this year, the proportion of excellent III water quality in the city's national and provincial test sections remained at 100%, ranking first in the province with Nanjing City and Taizhou City. The water quality of the main stream sections of the Yangtze River reaches Class II and the water quality of the main tributaries entering the river reaches Class III.

Protecting the clear water, Zhenjiang writes "every drop"

Drive to the Runyang Bridge and overlook Shiyezhou, like a green ingot inlaid on the vast river. Today's Shiyezhou has clear waters and green shores, and the scenery is becoming more and more charming. Since 2014, Shiye Town in Dantu District has carried out island-wide planning according to local conditions, fully tapping local characteristics, relying on the unique environment of the island, demonstrating the water-town wedge-village texture of rural houses, rivers and fields symbiosis.

Laowei River is one of the rivers entering the river in Shiye Town. The reporter walked to the shore and picked up a pool of river water. The river water was very clear. It is understood that since last year, a series of projects such as ecological restoration have been implemented in 24 village-level rivers and tributaries in Shiye Town, with a restored area of 370,000 square meters, and pollutants entering the Yangtze River have been effectively reduced.

In today's small islands in the river, villagers push windows to see green, go out to see the scenery, and see flowers all year round. The overall rural environment has become better. "I come for a walk by the river every evening. The river, rice fields and the blue sky and white clouds in the distance. The scenery in front of me is like a watercolor painting painted when I was a child." Villager Mr. Zhai said that the environment near his home is getting better and better, and the frequency of returning is getting higher and higher."The environment has improved, and the villagers 'enthusiasm to protect the environment has also increased." He said that villagers can hardly be seen washing clothes by the river now, and there is much less garbage thrown away on the road.

In Danyang, the managed Vanilla River has clean and tidy rivers, blue skies and white clouds, and endless scenery on both sides. Mr. Wang, a citizen of Danyang, said that Vanilla River can be said to be Danyang's mother river. He has also witnessed the changes in this section of the river in front of his home in recent years. After comprehensive management, the river has become a new place for citizens to walk. In recent years, Danyang City has adopted the river chief system to guide the overall situation and comprehensively manage water. The water and banks are clear and green rivers are smooth across the region, and it has taken solid steps towards the vision of a "city with beautiful water."

Yangzhong, which is surrounded by the river, and in the ecological security buffer zone built along the river, many ecological values are demonstrated. Yangzhong Economic Development Zone has withdrawn enterprises and returned them to the beach, and completed the demolition, greening and fencing of four surrounding enterprises, including Jiangsu Yuanze Electric Co., Ltd., covering an area of 79 acres. The tail water improvement ecological security buffer zone project of Xinglong Sewage Treatment Plant in Yangzhong City was built to further improve the quality of tail water, reduce the amount of pollutants entering the river from the original sewage plant, and use the "carbon sink" function of ecological wetlands to achieve carbon emission reduction effects and improve water ecological environment landscape and biodiversity.

In Huayang Street, Jurong City, the moat, Wanjia River and Xiaogan River tributaries within the jurisdiction have used biological management methods to build a "biological chain" with "one insect, one grass, one system" as the core to maintain water ecology. The water used to be black and smelly, but now the water is clear and the grass is green. Now, all three rivers have crystal clear waters, water and grass swaying in the water, and the water surfaces are sparkling under the sunshine, becoming a "bonus" for the happy life of surrounding residents.

Since the beginning of this year, our city has further promoted the battle to defend clear water, strengthened water pollution prevention and control in key areas, did a good job in protecting the Yangtze River, and promoted a new round of Taihu Lake management. The quality of the water ecological environment has basically remained stable.

A staff member of the Water Ecological Environment Department of the Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau said that to protect clear water, our city has played a series of "combination punches".

Keep a close eye on section compliance and promote the implementation of responsibilities. Our city has formulated an annual water ecological and environmental protection work plan, carried out special actions such as "striving for excellence in the first season","attacking hard in spring and summer" and "water ecological and environmental security in flood season", and carried out environmental hazards on major pollution sources and risk sources in the upper reaches of key rivers and lakes. Investigate and rectify. Adhere to problem orientation and implement classified rectification.

"We continue to control industrial sources and continue to promote water pollution control in industrial parks." Our city continues to carry out standardized and standardized rectification of 973 phosphorus-related enterprises in the Taihu Basin and non-Taihu Basin phosphorus-related enterprises; standardizes the drainage behavior of industrial enterprises, promotes the classified collection and quality treatment of industrial wastewater and domestic sewage; and further promotes the balance of water pollution in urban areas. Accounting management, together with the housing and construction department, continues to promote the improvement of domestic sewage treatment capabilities; strengthens agricultural non-point source management, and focuses on promoting the construction of core prevention and control areas for farmland water withdrawal control in the Taihu Basin.

At the same time, our city has also strengthened essential pollution control and promoted the management of Taihu Lake. Annual implementation of 34 water pollution prevention and control projects and 14 Pacific control projects. We will also thoroughly implement the "Zhenjiang City Action Plan to Promote a New Round of Comprehensive Management of Taihu Lake", promote the implementation of 66 specific tasks, focus on reducing phosphorus and nitrogen, controlling source and interception of pollution, pay close attention to project construction, and implement comprehensive management of industrial pollution, domestic sewage, and agricultural non-point source pollution. Promote the implementation of the "one river, one policy" comprehensive management requirements for the seven upstream related key rivers and continue to reduce the pollution load entering the lake.
