China Carbon Credit Platform

Hangzhou Yuhang explores ultra-low energy consumption buildings

Release Time5 months ago

In order to build a model city of green construction, in recent years, Yuhang District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, has taken multiple measures to make green buildings such as ultra-low energy consumption buildings reach a certain scale through research and training, standard guidance, precise policy implementation, demonstration awards, and strengthened supervision, covering urban residential buildings, public buildings, rural houses, etc., and has achieved a good demonstration effect.

Relevant data show that the construction sector is a "big carbon emitter", and building energy consumption accounts for about 40% of China's total social energy consumption. As an advanced productive force, green building is a key track for cultivating future industries in Yuhang District. In the face of the trend of green transformation and upgrading in the construction field of energy saving, consumption reduction, quality improvement and efficiency improvement, Yuhang took the lead in compiling the "Yuhang District Green Building Special Plan", which put forward a clear target path to promote the quality and expansion of green buildings in the district. By promoting high-star green buildings, ultra-low-energy buildings, and (near) zero-energy building demonstration and creation at a high level, Yuhang has effectively increased the proportion of renewable energy applications and controlled the carbon emission intensity of buildings. Nowadays, a large number of classic landmarks, high-quality residences, and characteristic public buildings with the labels of "green building" and "Yuhang construction" have emerged in Yuhang.

On the campus of the Sino-French Aviation University, there is an ultra-low-energy building - the Public Center Group Library. From a distance, the wing-shaped roof truss design with wings flying has both a sense of lightness and solemnity, creating an oriental charm of high platform cornices.

Take a closer look and see that the energy-saving design in the library of the public center group has its own ingenuity. The "frame + shear wall" structure provides good shading and thermal insulation effect for the library building, and the 218,000 square meters of building space uses renewable energy applications such as solar photovoltaic systems according to local conditions, and optimizes the indoor light and thermal environment through the use of high-efficiency air conditioning, heat recovery units, intelligent control and other technologies......

As an excellent case of carbon peaking in the construction sector in Hangzhou, the project has reduced the energy consumption of the building through the application of a series of effective measures, and the final comprehensive energy saving rate of the building is estimated to be 56.42%, which perfectly interprets the "green campus" design concept of low-carbon emission reduction and resource conservation.

In view of the energy-saving design of the green building project of the public center group library, in terms of speeding up the start of construction, Yuhang District organized a "crack soldier and strong general", set up a pro-enterprise service class, carried out a normalized "group" door-to-door, and "took the pulse consultation" on many issues such as bidding, drawing review, and construction permit handling, and provided comprehensive measures such as legal guidance, policy publicity, hidden danger investigation, rectification and assistance throughout the process, so as to ensure the rapid progress of the project.

How to realize the "green concept" in the construction process of architectural design? How to achieve maximum energy saving, land saving, water saving, and material saving in the whole life cycle of the building, reduce the emission of construction waste in the construction process, and reduce environmental pollution such as dust? The development of a new building industrialization model of "factory 'making parts' and construction site 'playing Lego'" is the "key key" for Yuhang to build a model city of green construction.

At present, in Yuhang, floor slabs, stairs and other housing components can be "mass-produced" in the factory in advance, transported to the construction site, and then assembled by workers by cranes...... This construction method not only makes the construction process more refined, but also avoids a series of environmental problems such as dust and noise pollution caused by on-site construction.

In view of this new type of "assembled" building, Yuhang actively "incubates and introduces" construction industrial production enterprises, strengthens the connection between the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain, and gives policy support to it. At present, Yuhang has allocated a total of 1.3 million yuan of special financial incentive funds to 7 construction enterprises. A few days ago, Yu Zhenggong [2022] No. 8 project with an annual output of 800 sets of visual inspection equipment and production and R&D center also won the municipal new building industrialization demonstration project.

A sunroom that can generate electricity, an assembly room that builds blocks, and ...... Yuhang's ways of making buildings "green" are diverse. "We will continue to seek new breakthroughs in policy guidance, technical support, industrial development, capacity improvement, supervision and management, innovation and development, continue to promote the comprehensive green and low-carbon transformation of the construction field, and vigorously promote green construction technology and green building materials. The relevant person in charge of the Yuhang District Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau said that this year, Yuhang District plans to complete the demonstration of 39,000 square meters of ultra-low energy consumption buildings, improve the public energy efficiency building by 263,000 square meters, and create two high-star green building demonstrations to promote the "green content" of urban development and the "gold content" of economic growth.
