China Carbon Credit Platform

Liu Hanyuan, vice chairman of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce: Accelerate the establishment of a database of carbon emission factors for the power grid

Release Time6 months ago

  As the proportion of electric energy in the final energy consumption continues to rise, the importance of carbon emission accounting for corporate electricity consumption is becoming more and more prominent. During the two sessions this year, Liu Hanyuan, deputy to the National People's Congress, vice chairman of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, and chairman of the board of directors of Tongwei Group, suggested that a database of carbon emission factors of the power grid should be established, the green power trading mechanism should be improved, and the carbon emissions of electricity consumption should be monitored and accurately quantified, so as to promote the green and low-carbon transformation of enterprises and respond to international "carbon barriers".

  The grid emission factor is a key indicator for the consumer side to calculate carbon emissions. At present, when the enterprises operating or producing products in China are assessed by third-party institutions at home and abroad, the average emission factor of the national power grid is generally used for accounting, which comes from the international database, and the data is relatively old, which cannot accurately reflect the regional differences in China's energy structure, which not only adversely affects China's giving full play to the advantages of regional clean energy in international trade, but also restricts the implementation of the "double carbon" goal in a hierarchical and orderly manner in various regions.

  In this regard, Liu Hanyuan suggested that a credible third-party institution should take the lead, mobilize the forces of "industry, academia and research", build a grid emission factor database with authenticity, traceability, comprehensiveness and effectiveness according to the requirements of the international carbon emission factor database construction specifications, and update the national, regional and provincial power grid emission factors on a rolling basis. At the same time, through extensive international cooperation, we seek to be in line with the international general norms of carbon accounting, promote the database to be widely recognized by different countries, regional markets and application scenarios, and promote the carbon emission assessment of Chinese enterprises and products to be restored to the real level.

  Accelerate the improvement of the green power trading mechanism to avoid the problem of multiple environmental rights and interests of the same project at the same time. Promote the substantive linkage between green power and carbon emission factors at the carbon accounting level, eliminate the problem of "double counting" of environmental attributes in green power, and enhance the international recognition of China's green certificates.

  Intensify efforts to carry out green electricity trading pilots that meet the requirements of international norms in areas rich in green power resources。 Give full play to the role of green power in reducing carbon emissions of enterprises or products, and help Chinese enterprises and Chinese products give full play to their green and low-carbon competitiveness in the process of "going global".
