China Carbon Credit Platform

The 2024 China Carbon Market Conference will be held in Wuhan

Release Time2 months ago

On July 21, the 2024 China Carbon Market Conference was held in Wuhan City, Hubei Province. Huang Runqiu, Minister of Ecology and Environment, Wang Menghui, Secretary of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee and Director of the Standing Committee of the Provincial People's Congress, and Gong Zheng, Deputy Secretary of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, attended the meeting and delivered speeches. Wang Zhonglin, Deputy Secretary of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee and Governor, presided over the opening ceremony.


Huang Runqiu pointed out that my country continues to implement the national strategy of actively responding to climate change, integrating carbon peak and carbon neutrality into the overall layout of ecological civilization construction and the overall economic and social development, and coordinately promoting carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green expansion, and growth, achieving remarkable results. As an important policy tool to deal with climate change and promote the goal of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, the national carbon emissions trading market has successfully completed the construction and operation of two compliance cycles, effectively promoting the implementation of corporate carbon emission reduction responsibilities and industry technological progress. The Third Plenary Session of the 20th CPC Central Committee proposed to actively respond to climate change and improve green and low-carbon development mechanisms. We will conscientiously implement the spirit of the plenary session, accelerate the construction of the national carbon market, steadily expand industry coverage, gradually implement paid allocation of quotas, and help achieve the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality. China is willing to continue to join hands with other countries to strengthen exchanges and cooperation, deepen mutual learning, jointly promote the prosperity and development of the global carbon market, and contribute to global climate governance.


On behalf of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government, Wang Menghui welcomed all the guests attending the conference. He pointed out that building a national carbon market is a major reform measure to improve the ecological civilization institutional system. In recent years, Hubei has deeply implemented Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization, comprehensively promoted the simultaneous development of the four modernizations based on comprehensive river basin management, and taken solid steps in green and low-carbon development. We will conscientiously study and implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, accelerate the improvement and implementation of the system and mechanism of the concept that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets, coordinate the promotion of high-level protection and high-quality development based on comprehensive river basin management, and further improve the country. Carbon emission rights registration and settlement system functions, accelerate the creation of a carbon market and carbon finance center with national influence, promote comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development, and make greater contributions to promoting Chinese-style modernization. I hope that everyone will take this conference as an opportunity to deepen exchanges and cooperation, achieve mutual benefit and win-win results, and jointly write a new chapter in the construction of ecological civilization in the new era.


Gong Zheng pointed out that in recent years, Shanghai has actively participated in the construction of the national carbon market and implemented the top ten action plans for carbon peaking, which has effectively promoted the green and low-carbon transformation of urban energy, industry, transportation, etc. Shanghai will fully implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, thoroughly implement Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization, coordinate industrial structural adjustment, pollution control, ecological protection, and response to climate change, and promote the comprehensive green and low-carbon transformation of economic and social development. Accelerate the construction of high-standard carbon markets, do a good job in green finance, and provide support for green investment and financing. Accelerate the cultivation and development of green and low-carbon industries, accelerate the innovation and promotion and application of green technology, create green industrial clusters, and build a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy system. Accelerate the creation of a green and low-carbon supply chain and establish a product carbon footprint management system. Shanghai is willing to work with all parties to strengthen exchanges, deepen cooperation, and work together to contribute to jointly addressing climate change and jointly building a beautiful home for mankind.


Zhao Yingmin, Vice Minister of Ecology and Environment, Liu Duo, Vice Mayor of Shanghai City, Zhuge Yujie, Deputy Secretary of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee, Guo Yuanqiang, Member of the Standing Committee of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Wuhan Municipal Party Committee, Shao Xinyu, Member of the Standing Committee of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee and Executive Vice Governor, Wu Haitao, Member of the Standing Committee of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee and Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee, Zhang Wentong, Vice Governor of Hubei Province, Zhang Baiqing, Vice Chairman of the Hubei Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, Sheng Yuechun, Mayor of Wuhan City, Eslan, State Secretary of the Ministry of Climate and Environment of Norway, and Guside, Australia Ambassador to China, attended the meeting.

Representatives of relevant countries and international institutions, representatives of relevant departments of the State Council, relevant responsible comrades of provincial ecological and environment departments, representatives of domestic and foreign carbon market trading institutions, enterprises, financial institutions, industry associations, experts, scholars and media representatives in related fields of universities, scientific research institutes, etc. More than 390 people attended the meeting.

The "National Carbon Market Development Report (2024)" was also released at the meeting.

This conference was jointly organized by the People's Government of Hubei Province, the People's Government of Shanghai City and the Ministry of Ecology and Environment. The main forum of the conference has the theme of "Deepening Exchanges and Cooperation in the Carbon Market to Address Global Climate Change", and has three sub-forums focusing on the national carbon market and green and low-carbon transformation, carbon pricing and climate investment and financing, and voluntary emission reduction trading market construction. Discuss topics such as topics.
