China Carbon Credit Platform

The Binzhou Ecological and Environmental Protection Comprehensive Law Enforcement Detachment continued to carry out "night inspections" and fought the "Blue Sky Defense Battle" in depth

Release Time6 months ago



In order to further deepen the "blue sky defense war", eliminate potential environmental safety hazards, strictly implement the requirements of accurate, scientific and law-based pollution control, and promote the continuous improvement of the quality of the ecological environment. The comprehensive law enforcement detachment of ecological and environmental protection in Binzhou City, Shandong Province acted quickly, fully adopted the combination of "on-site + off-site" law enforcement and supervision, and relied on the online detection system data platform. Led by the detachment leader, the municipal law enforcement detachment, the monitoring center and the third-party company formed a special team to carry out night inspections on enterprises in Huimin County and Development Zone of Binzhou City in view of the high value of sulfur dioxide and other indicators at night, and conduct navigation inspections on key exhaust emission enterprises and their surroundings. Make full use of the video surveillance platform, electricity monitoring system, and day and night inspection and law enforcement methods, so that the direction remains the same, the intensity is not reduced, and the supervision is in place.

Since 2020, Binzhou has focused on strengthening the coordinated control of PM2.5 and O3, carried out a tracking study of "one city, one policy", included 3,800 industrial enterprises and 300 construction sites in emergency control, demarcated 78 high-emission non-road mobile machinery restriction areas, installed positioning systems for 13,700 non-road mobile machinery, prepared the "14th Five-Year Plan" to respond to climate change, and completed the carbon emission intensity control targets issued by the province. Since 2023, the ten special actions for air pollution prevention and control to curb the rebound have been implemented, more than 2,200 pollution problems have been solved, 3 coking and 4 cement enterprises have been transformed into ultra-low emissions, 32 industrial enterprises have been promoted to upgrade and govern, and 5,400 industrial enterprises and 269 construction sites have been included in emergency control.

Protecting the ecological environment is to protect people's livelihood, and improving the ecological environment is to improve people's livelihood. In the next step, Binzhou ecological environment system will continue to do a good job in improving the quality of basic public services with a higher position, a wider vision and greater efforts, and will continue to do a good job in improving the quality of basic public services. High-value "achieves "high quality" of life, accelerates the construction of high-quality Binzhou, and strives to write the most beautiful chapter of modern Binzhou in which man and nature coexist in harmony.

Author's Affiliation: Binzhou City, Shandong Province, Ecological and Environmental Protection Comprehensive Law Enforcement Detachment
