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his Shan zhishi| Sweden's waste incineration for power generation: How to maximize waste resource utilization and energy utilization?

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As a global benchmark for environmental protection and sustainable development, Sweden's advanced practices in the field of waste treatment, especially waste resource utilization and energy utilization, have become an international study.Ximodel. Through incineration and power generation, Sweden processes more than 50% of its garbage every year and converts it into electricity and heat, supplying power to 700,000 homes and meeting the heating needs of 1.25 million apartments, while reducing dependence on fossil fuels and reducing environmental pressure. This achievement is based on close cooperation among the government, enterprises, research institutions and the public to build a comprehensive and efficient waste disposal system linked by multiple parties, create a waste management vision with universal participation, and actively promote the linkage and sharing of domestic and foreign waste incineration technologies to further improve The energy efficiency and environmental protection level of waste incineration power generation.

In order to further improve the efficiency of Shanghai's waste incineration treatment, Shanghai can learn fromXiSweden's management experience has established itself as a model for global waste recycling and energy utilization, leading a new direction in global waste treatment and resource recycling.

Goal linkage: Form a common vision for all parties with the goal of a global leader in waste energy conversion

Sweden was the first country to adopt waste incineration to generate electricity. Internally, the Swedish government built large-scale waste incineration and disposal plants in the 1970s and promoted "conversion from burial to incineration" through legislation and environmental protection policies, such as high landfill taxes and bans, which reduced the proportion of landfill and increased waste recycling and incineration. Externally, Sweden, as the global leader in Waste Energy (WTE), actively responds to the EU Green Agreement and implements the plan of "reducing food waste per capita by 25% from 2020 to 2025", hoping to reduce waste generation from the source and improve energy efficiency and create an energy-based resource-based world where "garbage is used to the best".

Through technological innovation and management innovation, waste incineration power generation companies actively invest in the construction of waste incineration power plants based on government policy support and the reality of expanding market demand, striving to achieve profits and expand market share. At the same time, waste incineration power generation companies actively assume social responsibilities, deal with urban waste problems, provide renewable energy, and reduce dependence on fossil fuels, thereby promoting economic development and environmental protection.

In Sweden, residents support the government and enterprises in waste incineration, accept the construction of waste incineration plants near residential areas, support the country's vision of building a "zero-waste" country, and lead the global waste energy process. In addition, Sweden has implemented a policy of linking household waste generation to electricity consumption and heating consumption, which further enhances residents 'sense of participation in the waste treatment process and strengthens residents' close connection with the waste incineration power generation industry.

Sweden's success in recycling waste and energy benefits from the coordinated efforts of the government, enterprises and residents under the common vision of leading global energy treatment. The government's policy guidance, enterprises 'market participation and residents' public participation are indispensable.

Interest linkage: Fully balance the interests of all parties and determine the content of coordinated actions

In 1969, the Swedish government promulgated the Environment Protection Act, clarifying that waste incineration should be among the priority measures for waste disposal. While building large-scale waste incineration treatment plants, policy innovations will be implemented to encourage and protect the development of waste incineration enterprises and support enterprises to expand their sources of income. It is not only limited to the waste disposal fees paid by manufacturing enterprises for producing products, but also increased the number of income sources such as garbage disposal fees, waste to power generation and steam costs, and government financial subsidies from neighboring countries. In the future, carbon emissions market transactions will be opened and carbon dioxide credits will be sold. With the approval of carbon dioxide credits, waste incineration power generation companies will further expand their sources of income.

Simultaneously, waste incineration power generation companies assume corresponding social responsibilities, design waste incineration power plants into community art spaces, strengthen public education on waste incineration power generation treatment, improve public transparency and understanding of waste incineration treatment processes, and actively respond to public concerns and establish relationships of trust and cooperation.

In the middle of the 20th century, Swedish household waste disposal faced severe challenges. At that time, most families processed garbage through composting, resulting in environmental pollution and waste of resources. After the government implemented classified collection of garbage, households had to pay treatment fees based on type and weight, which became a household expenditure that could not be ignored. The Swedish government has broken the "NIMBY effect" of waste incineration plants and promoted them to enter communities to instantly dispose of household waste. This measure ensures residents 'daily living needs, reduces energy consumption, allows residents to enjoy relatively cheap heating supply, and alleviates economic pressure.

The Swedish government coordinates the interests of all parties and fully considers the maximization of interests of all parties and the balance of interests of all parties in the linkage process, thereby promoting the coordinated, sustainable and healthy development of the waste treatment and incineration process.

Technology linkage: Fully absorb green technologies from other fields

After the Paris Agreement in 2015, hot words such as "carbon neutrality" appeared, and "zero carbon and zero emissions" became the goal pursued by various waste incineration treatment plants in Sweden, and it was also the image business card established by various waste incineration power generation companies.

Upgrading incineration technology through technical linkage has become a top priority.

First of all, with the help of the technical strength of scientific research units, we actively carry out research and cooperation with scientific research institutions to develop new gas purification and slag resource utilization technologies. For example, the Stockholm Incineration Plant and the city's university jointly improved and designed the fluidized bed.

Secondly, learn from the green development paths of other industry markets, such as cooperating with some chemical and chemical companies, and actively integrating technologies from related industries into the incineration power generation process.

Finally, actively promote cooperation with power grids and pipe networks. 20 of Sweden's 34 incineration plants have cooperated with Swedish State Grid Svenska Kraftnät and local power grid company Göteborg Energi Nät to carry out the research and development and use of smart grids. It not only optimizes pipeline layout and reduces economic losses, but also improves the profitability of waste incineration power generation companies and creates a win-win situation.

Shanghai's waste incineration power generation should strengthen the linkage of all parties and establish a comprehensive cooperative partnership

In 2023, Shanghai City will generate 12.558 million tons of domestic waste, with dry waste accounting for 50.18%. Making full use of dry waste resources is one of the priorities of waste energy in Shanghai City. At present, there are 31 domestic waste treatment facilities in Shanghai City, and the proportion of incineration volume is increasing year by year. In 2023, Shanghai City's incineration processing capacity will account for 56.8%, far exceeding the disposal method of landfill waste. Therefore, strengthening the waste incineration power generation industry, forming a multi-party linkage mechanism, and establishing a comprehensive cooperative partnership with waste incineration power plants as the core are important nodes to realize "urban waste resource and energy".

The first is to form a common value goal orientation that takes into account both careers and industries. While promoting environmental protection, waste incineration enterprises are also an important link in the industrial chain. They strive for the common value goals of the four cores of "green, innovation, collaboration, and responsibility" to promote the rapid development of enterprises, promote industrial transformation and upgrading, and undertake Social ecological responsibilities.

During the production and operation process, Shanghai City Waste Incineration Treatment Plant adopts advanced incineration technology and strict emission control to minimize the impact on the environment, improve energy recovery efficiency, recycle garbage, and achieve waste reduction, recycling and harmlessness. At the same time, we will focus on the dual innovative development of enterprise technology and management, optimize combustion processes, improve flue gas treatment effects and other technological innovations, achieve international top management innovations such as digital operation, standardized management, reduce personnel investment, and reduce corporate operating costs, and create a Shanghai Waste treatment and incineration enterprise brand.

The second is to form action plans and guidelines based on the interests of all parties. With the development of the waste incineration power generation industry in Shanghai City, the problem of "insufficient food" in waste incineration plants has gradually emerged. In addition to waste classification, which leads to a reduction in the terminal disposal of mixed waste, the overall coordination of waste incineration plants is unreasonable, and overcapacity caused by excessive and advanced construction cannot be ignored.

Therefore, the government should fully consider the interests of all parties involved in the process of waste recycling and energy, formulate action plans and implementation guidelines based on the overall strategic policy and the country's future development dynamic direction, give full play to the role of a link, communicate with end-node waste incineration plants, and rationally Plan the operating scope and incineration types of waste of waste incineration plants in different regions to achieve dynamic optimization of waste disposal and incineration and maximize the interests of all parties.

At the same time, Shanghai City waste incineration enterprises should also adhere to the principles of technological innovation and environmental protection upgrades, continuously optimize the energy recovery process, ensure that emission standards are strictly maintained or further reduced, and actively cooperate with government agencies, research institutions and other enterprises to jointly promote the formulation of reasonable waste disposal policies and promote technological progress and the unification of industry standards. Strengthen public education and improve public transparency and understanding of waste incineration treatment processes. Through the joint efforts of residents, enterprises and government, action plans and guidelines based on the interests of all parties will be formed to jointly promote the development of the waste incineration industry in Shanghai and even the country in a greener, efficient and transparent direction, and achieve sustainability in waste treatment. Sexual goals.

The third is to form a cooperative update system in which technology is continuously adapted and improved. On September 21, 2023, the "Comprehensive Emission Standards for Air Pollutants (Draft for Comments)" will undoubtedly be a major test for the technical upgrading of waste incineration plants. The waste incineration plants built in the early stage have increased costs and invested in upgrading the incinerator equipment in the park. It is urgent.

How to further achieve income generation through in-depth cooperation between enterprises is another difficulty. Steam generated through waste incineration power generation is currently one of the sources of revenue for the company. In addition to laying short-distance pipelines to transport steam, many companies use mobile equipment vehicles to store steam for transportation. How to improve the loading capacity and transportation capacity of mobile equipment vehicles is the future Energy suppliers-waste incineration treatment plants and energy demanders jointly need to overcome technical difficulties.

As the decision-maker who coordinates the overall situation, the government should introduce relevant policies to provide financial support for technology research and development and innovation, and lower the threshold for enterprise transformation and upgrading. Encourage information exchange and technology transfer among waste incineration treatment companies. In addition to establishing a sharing platform to optimize the allocation of technical resources, increase cooperation with domestic and foreign universities and research institutions, introduce advanced technologies and management concepts, and form domestic and foreign technologies. A cooperative update system that continuously adapts and improves technology will open up technical barriers to create a win-win situation.

Author Xu Dingxin is from the Shanghai Institute of Development StrategyXiResearcher and master's candidate at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Dai Yuehua is a Ph. D. from the Shanghai Institute of Development Strategy
