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Answer to questions at the regular press conference in June

Release Time2 months ago

On June 24, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment held a regular press conference for June. Li Tianwei, director of the Office of the Ecological Environment Emergency Command Leading Group, attended the press conference and introduced the relevant situation of emergency response to environmental emergencies. Pei Xiaofei, director of the Propaganda and Education Department of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and spokesperson, presided over the press conference to inform the recent progress of key ecological and environmental protection work, and jointly answered questions from reporters.


press conference site

Introduce relevant information on emergency response work for environmental emergencies


Li Tianwei, Director of the Office of the Ecological Environment Emergency Command Leading Group

Li Tianwei:Good morning, all old and new friends from the news media industry!

I am very happy to communicate with you, and I also take this opportunity to express my gratitude to you for your long-term concern and support for environmental emergency work on behalf of the Emergency Office of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment!

Let me briefly report on the status of environmental emergency management work, and then answer questions that everyone cares about.

Ecological and environmental security is an important part of national security and an important guarantee for sustained and healthy economic and social development. In July last year, General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized at the National Ecological and Environmental Protection Conference that it is necessary to strictly prevent and control environmental risks, and strengthen the investigation and risk prevention and control of environmental hazards in key areas such as hazardous wastes, tailings ponds, and heavy metals. Improve the environmental emergency responsibility system with hierarchical responsibility, territorial focus, and departmental coordination, and promptly and properly handle environmental emergencies.

General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech provided fundamental guidelines for us to do a good job in environmental emergency work and pointed out the way forward. The Ministry of Ecology and Environment resolutely implements the spirit of the National Ecological Environmental Protection Conference and the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions, vigorously promotes the modernization of the environmental emergency management system and capabilities, and has made positive progress in all work.

First, major sensitive environmental emergencies have been properly handled. In the past ten years, the number of environmental emergencies across the country has dropped from about 700 incidents per year to about 300 incidents. In recent years, it has been about 200 incidents, including about 2 major level incidents per year and about 10 larger-level incidents per year. A number of major sensitive environmental emergencies, such as the Xiangshui explosion in Yancheng, Jiangsu Province in 2019, the leakage accident in Luming Mining Tailings Pond in Yichun, Heilongjiang Province in 2020, and the wash oil leakage accident in Guizhou Panzhou Hongsheng Coal Coking Co., Ltd. in 2022. Environmental emergencies have a wide range of impacts, great difficulty in disposal, and high public attention. After coordination and guidance from the Ministry's working group, relevant localities responded with all their strength, and these major and sensitive incidents were properly handled.

Second, environmental emergency preparedness has been continuously strengthened. In accordance with the concept of "exchanging space for time", we will regard the "one river, one policy and one map" for key river environmental emergencies as a strategic, basic and comprehensive major measure to accelerate the formation of an environmental emergency preparedness system with Chinese characteristics. So far, the country has completed the "one river, one policy and one map" of 2365 key rivers. More than 200,000 environmental emergency spaces and facility points have been identified, and a "one map" of environmental emergency preparedness for key rivers across the country has been generally formed.

At the same time, we explored and carried out the pilot project of "one park, one policy and one map" in chemical parks, and guided the first batch of 17 pilot parks to follow the overall idea of "first-level prevention and control not leaving the factory area, second-level prevention and control not entering the inland river, and third-level prevention and control not leaving the park", carry out the construction of a three-level prevention and control system in chemical parks, steadily promote the construction of an environmental emergency material information database, and guide Zhejiang Province to carry out pilot work on intelligent management of environmental emergency material reserve call.

Third, risk prevention and control of environmental emergencies has achieved effective results. Focusing on key areas, key areas, and key time periods, and with a sense of responsibility of "always worrying", we have carried out investigation and rectification of potential risks of environmental emergencies for three consecutive years. From 2022 to 2023, a total of more than 229,500 potential risks have been investigated and rectified nationwide. For special sensitive periods such as the end of the year and the beginning of the year, the National Two Sessions, and statutory holidays, formulate special work plans for responding to environmental emergencies, carry out emergency on-duty spot checks, and guide and urge local governments to strengthen environmental risk prevention and control. Based on the characteristics of frequent environmental emergencies in flood seasons in previous years, the "Notice on Further Strengthening the Risk Prevention and Control of Environmental Emergencies in Flood Season" was issued to guide local governments to strengthen the research and judgment of environmental risks in flood seasons and the investigation of environmental hazards in key areas to effectively ensure water environment safety and drinking water safety for the people.

Fourth, basic environmental emergency response capabilities continue to improve. Establish the Environmental Emergency Research Institute of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, build a "national team" for environmental emergency response, and develop technical toolkits for emergency response to environmental emergencies. Implement the information reporting requirements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, and establish and improve three systems for information reporting on major sensitive environmental emergencies. Online operation of the direct reporting system for information reports to continuously improve the quality and timeliness of information reports. Formulated and issued the "Guiding Opinions on Strengthening the Capacity Building of Local Ecological and Environmental Departments for Emergency Response to Environmental Emergencies", clarifying 10 tasks in three links: emergency support, emergency preparation, and response timeliness. Vigorously promote grassroots environmental emergency response capabilities and strengthen environmental emergency drills. In 2023, a total of 536 environmental emergency drills will be carried out at the provincial and municipal levels across the country. More than 20 provinces have organized and carried out "One River, One Policy, One Map" special emergency drills to continue Carry out classified environmental emergency training to effectively improve the professional level of environmental emergency workers at all levels.

At present, the structural, root and trend pressures on my country's ecological and environmental protection have not yet been fundamentally alleviated, and environmental emergencies are still in a high-risk situation of frequent and frequent occurrences. In the next step, we will adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization, thoroughly implement the spirit of the National Ecological and Environmental Protection Conference, strictly prevent and control environmental risks, continue to strengthen emergency preparedness, continuously consolidate the foundation of emergency response capabilities, and promptly and properly handle various environmental emergencies., accelerate the modernization of environmental emergency management systems and capabilities, and provide solid environmental security guarantees for the construction of a beautiful China.

answered questions


Pei Xiaofei, Director of the Propaganda and Education Department of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment and Spokesperson

Pei Xiaofei:Let's enter the questioning session. The questions at this month's press conference are still divided into two sessions: theme questions and hot questions. Among them, in the theme question and answer session, Director Li Tianwei answers questions such as responding to environmental emergencies that everyone cares about; in the hot question and answer session, I answer hot questions that everyone cares about.

First, we will enter the theme question and answer session. Please inform the news organization you are working with before asking questions.


Southern Weekend Reporter: Recently, many provinces and cities issued announcements stating that the environmental complaint hotline "12369" has been officially suspended. "12369" has witnessed the improvement of my country's ecological environment. What role has "12369" played over the years? At present, what channels does the ecological environment department have to receive public reports on ecological environment?

Li Tianwei:Good things don't require you to deliberately remember, they will leave a deep impression on people. The opening of the "12369" environmental protection reporting hotline in 2001 is a milestone in ecological and environmental protection to "serve the people, relieve the people's worries, and relieve the people's difficulties". It is an important window for ecological and environmental protection work and the ecological and environmental protection departments and the broad masses of the people. The "heart-to-heart line" of communication and mutual assistance. In the past 24 years since the hotline was in operation, we have always adhered to the people-centered approach, given full play to the combined supervision mechanism of "spot-supervision-early warning", and worked hard to "handle things quickly, realistically, and well" to ensure that all reports must be received, all cases must be investigated, everything has results, and everything has answers. According to incomplete statistics, since the opening of the "12369" hotline, we have registered and accepted more than 6.7 million complaints and reports, promoting the resolution of pollution problems around a large number of people. For example, environmental problems such as catering fumes, odors, and noise that plague the public. Supervise and warn more than 3000 concentrated and repeated reporting cases that had strong public reactions and had been delayed for a long time, and promptly resolve a number of hidden social and environmental risks.

At the same time, we make every effort to ensure the environment during the college entrance examination, the "Two Sessions", important holidays, and major events, and handle reports promptly to create a good environmental atmosphere. During this year's college entrance examination, we received a total of 176 emergency reports that affected the college entrance examination, especially reports such as noise and stench. We supervised them in real time, and the local ecological environment department rushed to the scene as soon as possible to properly solve the problem.

In addition, over the years, we have dug deep into the "gold mine" of the "12369" hotline data, providing a total of more than 550,000 precise clues to problems for key tasks such as central environmental protection inspections, special law enforcement and supervision operations, and atmospheric supervision assistance, providing a strong guarantee for the fight against pollution.

Although "12369" has become history, the inheritance of gathering people's wisdom and achieving people's things still continues. At present, the national ecological environment petition, complaint and reporting management platform has become a new "heart-to-heart bridge" for communication between the masses and the ecological environment department.

On the official website of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, you can see the Ecological Environment Online Complaint and Report column, as well as a link to Ecological Environment WeChat Complaint and Report. There is also a QR code for WeChat Complaint and Report. In 2023, the number of WeChat network reports has reached 250,000, an increase of 8% year-on-year in the first half of this year, making it an important channel for complaints and reports related to ecological environment. WeChat online reporting has three advantages: First, it is more convenient. The public can report anytime and anywhere, without being limited by mail mailing or working hours. Second, it is more accurate. When reporting, the public can directly upload the location, photos, and problem clues to the platform. The content is more specific and the information is more specific. Third, it is more efficient. The reporting platform is common across the country. The acceptance of reports and complaints is "one network registration, one network transfer, one network processing, and one network reply", which greatly improves efficiency, the efficiency of assignment, and the efficiency of settlement.

In the next step, we will conscientiously practice the "Fengqiao Experience" and "Pujiang Experience" in the new era, give full play to the role of the national ecological environment petition, complaint and reporting platform, actively respond to the people's urgent, expectations, and thoughts, and promote the resolution of "urgent, difficult and anxious" environmental issues around the people, effectively protect the people's legitimate environmental rights and interests, help deepen the battle against pollution, and jointly promote the construction of a beautiful China.


Red Star Journalist: What are the characteristics and changes in trends of environmental emergencies in my country in recent years?

Li Tianwei:In recent years, my country's environmental emergencies have generally shown a downward trend in terms of number, but they still show a high-risk trend of frequent occurrence. Environmental emergencies are highly uncertain in the spatio-temporal distribution, complex in incentives, involve many types of pollutants, have a large environmental impact, are highly sensitive, and are relatively difficult to prevent and dispose of. I would like to respond to your question from five aspects.

First, judging from the number of incidents. Since 2013, the number of environmental emergencies across the country has dropped from about 700 incidents per year to about 300 incidents. In the past two or three years, it has been around 200 incidents per year, including about 2 major incidents per year and about 10 major incidents per year. Environmental emergencies are still frequent and high-risk. Environmental emergencies have occurred in all provinces. Based on the industrial layout of chemical companies, the number of environmental emergencies in the central and eastern regions is relatively large.

The second is from the cause of the incident. Production safety and transportation accidents are the main causes of environmental emergencies. The proportion of secondary environmental emergencies such as chemical company leaks, fire explosions, tailings pond leaks, and dangerous chemical transportation accidents account for more than 80%. Illegal sewage discharges, etc. Less than 10%. At the same time, natural disasters, problems left over from history, etc. can also secondary environmental emergencies. In recent years, the impact of extreme weather has become more and more prominent, and it is often coupled with other factors, posing great challenges to responding to and preventing environmental emergencies.

The third is from the perspective of pollution types. According to the dispatch situation in the past ten years, about three-quarters of environmental emergencies involve water pollution, and about half of environmental emergencies involve air pollution. Some environmental incidents have caused multi-media pollution of water, atmosphere, and soil. The types of pollutants involved in environmental emergencies are also complex and diverse, including more common substances such as heavy metals, benzene series, and petroleum. At the same time, some new pollutants such as methylene chloride and rare chemicals such as toluene diisocyanate have also emerged in recent years.

Fourth, judging from the difficulty of disposal. Sudden water pollution incidents in river basins often cover a wide range of pollution and expand rapidly. Once pollutants enter the river, they are often affected by factors such as steep terrain and complex hydrological conditions. They are very difficult to dispose of and easily threaten water sources along the route, with environmental and social impact. relatively large. Some environmental emergencies have a very wide range of pollution. For example, the 2020 leakage incident at the Luming Mining Tailings Reservoir in Yichun, Heilongjiang, caused more than 340 kilometers of river pollution; some take a long time to deal with, such as the 2022 Panzhou wash oil spill incident in Guizhou. The emergency disposal time lasts for more than 5 months; some have a great environmental impact. For example, the 2022 thallium pollution incident in Jinjiang, Yichun, Jiangxi Province affected the water intake and water supply of 4 water plants in 3 water sources.

The fifth is from the perspective of sensitivity. Environmental emergencies are often closely related to people's lives and are highly sensitive and socially concerned. Once the incident causes pollution of water sources or leaks of toxic and harmful gases, it may have a serious impact on the health, production and life of surrounding people., it will also cause major social problems, and we cannot tolerate any negligence.


Cover News: What is the current risk situation of environmental emergencies in my country? What are the key points and difficulties in preventing environmental emergencies?

Li Tianwei:This question is related to the previous question. At present, the structural, root and trend pressures on ecological and environmental protection in my country have not been fundamentally alleviated, and environmental emergencies are still in a high-risk situation with frequent occurrences. Overall, the key points and difficulties are mainly reflected in three aspects:

First, structural and layout environmental risks exist for a long time. my country's industrial structure is biased, its energy structure is biased towards coal, and its unreasonable transportation structure of hazardous chemicals are difficult to change in the short term. There are more than 7000 tailings ponds across the country, the total mileage of oil and gas pipelines exceeds 165,000 kilometers, and nearly 3 million tons of dangerous goods are transported by roads every day. There are more than 45,000 chemical substances in the country, and thousands of new chemical substances will be added every year., these chemical substances may enter the environment in all aspects of production and processing, use and consumption, disposal and throughout the entire process. What kind of layout will bring what kind of risks, and what kind of structure will bring how much environmental security pressure will be. This structural and layout risk has existed for a long time and is operating at a high level, putting huge pressure on environmental security.

Second, the incentives for environmental emergencies are complex, large and wide-ranging. As mentioned just now, environmental emergencies are mostly secondary to various accidents and disasters. Production safety accidents such as fires and explosions in chemical companies and transportation accidents of dangerous chemicals are the main inducements, accounting for more than 80% in total. At the same time, natural disasters such as extreme weather and earthquakes are also prone to secondary environmental emergencies. Coupled with the coupling and superposition of factors such as pollutant emissions and historical issues, risk prevention and disposal are very difficult.

In recent years, due to the impact of climate change, the world, including my country, has experienced increasingly frequent extreme weather. These factors such as extreme weather and production safety have been coupled and superimposed, increasing the risk of secondary environmental emergencies. For example, in 2021, we all know that extreme weather such as high temperatures, drought and heavy rains has occurred in many places in our country, inducing many heavy metal pollution incidents in Gansu, Shaanxi and Sichuan, and also inducing many sudden environmental incidents in Zhengzhou and other places, such as spontaneous combustion of batteries, explosion of electrolytic aluminum plants, leakage of leachate from landfills, etc., it can be seen that the impact of extreme weather is becoming more and more obvious.

Third, new problems and new challenges are intertwined. In addition to common pollutants such as petroleum and heavy metals, new pollutants such as methylene chloride, as well as relatively rare pollutants such as toluene diisocyanate just mentioned, have frequently appeared in sudden environmental responses in recent years. Emergency monitoring and response are facing new challenges. At the same time, as the public's demand for a beautiful ecological environment continues to increase and the methods of information dissemination change rapidly, the handling of environmental emergencies has also faced new challenges.

It should be said that environmental emergencies not only have the commonality of various emergencies-sudden nature, but also have uncertainties in their time, place and development trend. At the same time, they also have the particularities of environmental attributes. If it is difficult, I think there are three difficulties:

The first difficulty is that the incentives are complex and prevention is difficult. 80% of environmental emergencies are caused by accidents such as production safety and transportation, which are everywhere and can occur at any time.

The second difficulty is that it is comprehensive and difficult to deal with. Emergency response to many river basin water pollution incidents often involves multiple links such as cutting off the source, interception and drainage, water conservancy dispatch, emergency monitoring, and drinking water security. Air pollution incidents may also involve issues such as evacuation of people. Especially for major accidents, handling them often faces great difficulties. For example, the leakage incidents at the Luming Mining Tailings Pond in Yichun, Heilongjiang occurred in extreme weather conditions, with ice and snow, at temperatures below minus 30 degrees. The on-site personnel had to wear cotton coats over their down jackets. More than 340 kilometers of river courses, dozens of disposal points must be watched and paid attention to them in real time. It is difficult to handle them and the monitoring power is difficult to keep up with.

The third difficulty is that the society pays high attention and it is difficult to deal with it. Environmental emergencies are closely related to people's lives, and no mistakes should be made, otherwise they will affect public health, normal production and life, and may also cause serious social problems. Therefore, the response is comprehensive, not only pollution disposal, but also comprehensive response. Some incidents may seem small, but if there is a slight carelessness, they will become major incidents.

Therefore, it can be said that responding to environmental emergencies is a bit like a goalkeeper in a football game. Properly responding to environmental emergencies is the bottom line and lifeline of ecological and environmental security. We always uphold the sense of responsibility of "worrying about everything at all times and everywhere" and always remain highly vigilant. Strengthen precautions and emergency preparations, and resolutely adhere to the bottom line of ecological and environmental safety in building a beautiful China.

There are three main measures:

First, we must strengthen the investigation of hidden dangers. Guide all localities to carry out in-depth investigation and rectification of hidden risks of environmental emergencies, pay close attention to key industry areas such as "one waste, one warehouse and one heavy", environmentally sensitive points such as water sources, and sensitive periods such as flood seasons, and try to eliminate risks in the bud as much as possible.

Second, strengthen environmental emergency preparedness. We also mentioned that environmental emergencies are sudden and uncertain, so for environmental emergencies, we must take precautions, rather than digging wells when we are thirsty. When we are thirsty, we must dig wells when we are thirsty. If it is too late, we must prepare. "If you are prepared to treat people, if you are not prepared to treat people." In accordance with the general idea of exchanging space for time, we guide all parts of the country to prepare "one river, one policy, one map" plans for environmental emergency response for key rivers, and find available space facilities in advance. When it comes to environmental emergencies, they can be directly used. Gates and dams can intercept, reservoirs can regulate and store, and ditches can divert water. Years of incident response practice have proved that this is an effective measure. This is an emergency measure in line with Chinese characteristics. In accordance with this idea, we are currently deepening the promotion of "one park, one policy and one map" environmental emergency preparedness measures for chemical parks. There are more than 600 chemical parks recognized by provincial people's governments across the country. In accordance with the idea of "no entry to the factory at the first level, no entry to the second level, no entry to the inland river, and no entry to the third level of the park", we will promote the construction of a three-level environmental emergency prevention and control system to manage these high-risk parks.

At the same time, we regularly organize and carry out hierarchical and hierarchical environmental training, guide various localities to deepen environmental emergency drills, strengthen and optimize environmental emergency teams, and improve their ability to respond to environmental emergencies.

Third, strengthen coordination and linkage. In 2020, our Ministry and the Ministry of Water Resources jointly issued a document to guide the establishment of joint prevention and control mechanisms upstream and downstream of cross-provincial river basins to jointly respond to sudden water pollution incidents. In 2022, we signed an emergency linkage agreement with the Ministry of Emergency Management for environmental emergencies, clarifying the cooperation content in eight aspects of information sharing and disposal linkage, and effectively preventing environmental emergencies.

On this basis, we guide ecological departments at all levels across the country to strengthen communication and cooperation with relevant departments, establish a series of working mechanisms such as information notification, responsibility sharing, consultation and early warning, etc., to ensure that natural disasters, production safety accidents, transportation accidents, etc. After events occur, we can report information as soon as possible, and jointly take effective measures to respond appropriately.


China News Agency reporter: What measures and achievements have been taken to build emergency response capabilities for environmental emergencies in my country, and what outstanding problems exist?

Li Tianwei:In recent years, with the great attention of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, the national emergency response work for environmental emergencies has achieved remarkable results. Risk prevention and control of environmental emergencies has continued to be strengthened, emergency preparedness has been effectively strengthened, basic emergency response capabilities have been continuously improved, and major sensitive emergencies have been handled properly. However, in many years of environmental emergency practice work, the shortcomings of local ecological and environmental departments in emergency response capabilities have also been exposed, and the environmental emergency response capabilities need to be improved urgently.

Sudden environmental incidents are highly sudden and uncertain. The earlier it is discovered, the earlier it is intervened, and the earlier it is dealt with, the smaller the adverse impact of the incident may be. Grassroots ecological and environmental departments are the most outpost for environmental emergency response. The level and size of emergency response capabilities are directly related to whether situations can be controlled as soon as possible and whether hazards can be minimized. If the local government does the most basic work of environmental emergency as soon as possible, the subsequent emergency response will be more proactive. If the grassroots is not strong, we will never be at ease. Although grassroots environmental emergency response capabilities have improved to a certain extent in recent years, there are still many problems.

First, the grassroots team is not sound. Many cities and counties across the country have not established full-time environmental emergency agencies, and local environmental emergency personnel change frequently. We conducted a survey some time ago. About 50% of grassroots environmental emergency personnel have been engaged in emergency work for less than two years, and about 66% have not participated in any on-site emergency response.

Second, the emergency mechanism is imperfect. In some places, emergency plans have not been prepared as required, environmental emergency mechanisms are imperfect, and emergencies are often in a hurry when they occur. In some places, the quality of preparation of emergency plans is relatively poor and lacks practicality and operability. Grassroots ecological and environmental departments still have problems such as unsmooth emergency monitoring mechanisms and untimely monitoring and guarantees.

Third, emergency response capabilities are insufficient. The preparation of environmental emergency materials is insufficient. Some areas with many environmentally sensitive targets have insufficient reserves of environmental emergency materials. Some counties upstream of key water source areas do not even have general material reserves. At the same time, emergency monitoring equipment in some areas is backward and the level of personnel and professional skills is not high. Many counties in the central and western regions do not have emergency monitoring capabilities. Emergency monitoring cannot be detected, the number is slow, and the measurement is inaccurate, which is a prominent problem in grassroots incident response.

In the next step, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment will thoroughly implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important expositions and important instructions on ecological and environmental security, strive to improve environmental emergency response capabilities, and strive to achieve significant results in emergency support capabilities, emergency preparedness capabilities, and emergency response capabilities.

The first is to effectively strengthen emergency support. At the end of last year, we issued the "Guiding Opinions on Strengthening the Capacity Building of Local Ecological and Environmental Departments to Emergency Response to Environmental Emergencies". The first article is to effectively strengthen emergency support, gradually establish and improve emergency response mechanisms for environmental emergencies, and follow the working principles of major sensitive emergencies. The working principles of provincial-level coordination, municipal-level implementation, and county-level coordination for environmental emergencies should be clarified and the institutions and personnel responsible for emergency response to environmental emergencies should be clarified and their work responsibilities should be implemented; At the same time, we must strengthen the construction of emergency teams. The Ministry of Ecology and Environment has three standing environmental emergency teams. At this moment, there are already two teams on site for emergency response in two places. We require provincial ecological and environmental departments to establish at least two comprehensive emergency teams to ensure that they can respond to two environmental emergencies at the same time. Municipal emergency teams must be available, used and won at any time; promote provincial ecological environment departments to coordinate and organize emergency monitoring of environmental emergencies in the region, and explore and improve emergency monitoring of municipal monitoring agencies and municipal ecological environment departments. Monitoring coordination mechanism to form a joint force for emergency monitoring; Promote all localities to actively organize and carry out emergency drills and business training for environmental emergencies, achieve the combination of training and actual combat, training and drills, and comprehensively improve the business capabilities of emergency personnel.

The second is to continue to strengthen emergency preparedness. Focus on key river basins and compile "One River, One Policy, One Map" for environmental emergency response to sudden water pollution incidents in key rivers. At present, 2365 items have been compiled, and the "14th Five-Year Plan" will achieve full coverage of "one river, one policy and one map" for environmental emergencies in key rivers. Focus on key chemical parks and carry out the pilot work of "one park, one policy, one map". The first batch of 17 pilot parks will gradually promote the establishment and improvement of a three-level prevention and control system for sudden water pollution incidents in chemical parks on the basis of pilot projects. Focus on upstream, downstream and cross-regional water pollution incidents, and establish and improve emergency linkage mechanisms. At present, a total of 50 joint prevention and control agreements have been signed between adjacent provinces across the country, and more than 880 have been signed between adjacent cities and counties. Full coverage of provincial upstream and downstream joint prevention and control agreements and joint prevention and control between cities and counties in cross-provincial river basins has been achieved. The mechanism is basically fully covered. Effectively strengthen emergency material reserves, initially build a national environmental emergency material information database, including more than 7600 environmental emergency material warehouses and more than 126,000 pieces of resource information, and steadily promote the multi-level construction of government reserves, enterprise storage, third-party service support, and enterprise production guarantees.

The third is to focus on improving the level of disposal. Organize local governments to formulate and revise emergency work manuals for environmental emergencies, clarify emergency response work requirements, and standardize work processes. For common pollutants in sudden water pollution incidents such as heavy metals, petroleum, benzenes, and phenols, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment has organized and compiled an emergency response technology toolkit, including 3 categories of general emergency response technologies and the disposal of 25 typical pollutants. Methods, 3 types of emergency response engineering facilities and 5 typical scenarios emergency response points to help and guide local governments to carry out environmental emergency response work. In practical work, especially for major and sensitive environmental emergencies, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment will send a working group to the scene as soon as possible. The main responsibility for environmental emergency lies with local governments, but the Ministry of Ecology and Environment will also actively assist and guide local governments in handling incidents based on the requirements of ensuring environmental safety.


Poster journalist: Relevant departments predict that there will be more extreme weather and climate events in my country during the flood season this year, and regional and periodic floods will be obvious. What specific arrangements does the Ministry of Ecology and Environment have for risk prevention, control and response to sudden environmental events during the flood season? deployment?

Li Tianwei:At this moment, our Ministry of Ecology and Environment has two working groups on site to guide and deal with environmental emergencies, both related to heavy rainfall. Since the flood season began this year, extreme rainfall has occurred continuously in some river basins, causing floods and geological disasters. Extreme weather brings considerable challenges and pressure to the risk prevention and control of environmental emergencies. For example, in July 2020, affected by geological disasters caused by rainfall, the Sinopec oil pipeline in Tongzi County, Zunyi City, Guizhou Province leaked, causing a major environmental emergency across Guizhou and Chongqing provinces (cities). Therefore, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment attaches great importance to environmental safety in flood season. This year, two documents were specially issued: the "Notice on Strengthening Water Environment Supervision in the Flood Season in 2024" and the "Notice on Further Strengthening the Risk Prevention and Control of Environmental Emergencies in Flood Season". Make arrangements for environmental supervision and environmental emergency response.

The first is to strengthen the investigation of various environmental risks. It is clearly required that all localities refer to the flood season water quality data of state-controlled sections over the years and the centralized investigation and evaluation of the environmental conditions of drinking water sources, determine the key areas of concern and drinking water sources in the flood season in their administrative region, and identify the main pollution sources that affect water quality and drinking water safety within the water catchment range of the sections., focus on key areas, industries, and enterprises, strengthen supervision during key periods and key links, and conduct in-depth investigations on the prevention and control of urban and rural non-point source pollution such as garbage, straw, sludge, livestock and poultry manure. Establish a list of problems and strengthen problem rectification for outstanding problems in the operation of sewage collection and treatment facilities, the rectification of water pollution at river sewage outlets and industrial parks, and the prevention and control of environmental risks of "one waste, one reservoir, one heavy".

The second is to do a good job in scientific research and judgment on flood season risks. All localities are required to give full play to the production and use of river (lake) chiefs, strengthen departmental coordination and linkage, and establish and improve working mechanisms such as information notification, early warning consultation, and joint inspections. Carry out intensive monitoring of key areas and drinking water sources, provide timely early warning of areas with high pollution intensity and drinking water sources with hidden risks during flood season, and quickly take effective disposal measures for abnormal fluctuations in water quality. We will resolutely investigate and deal with all kinds of illegal and illegal pollutant discharge during the flood season in accordance with the law and make them public. The ecological and environmental supervision and administration bureaus of each river basin (sea area) are required to strengthen unified supervision of river basins, play a leading and coordinating role, provide supervision and assistance to areas with prominent pollution problems during flood seasons, and guide and promote problem solving.

The third is to strictly implement the emergency duty and information reporting system. "Fight early and fight small" is the key to doing a good job in emergency response to environmental emergencies. This year, we have once again emphasized the need to do a good job in all aspects of duty during the flood season. Recently, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment has made arrangements to strengthen the reporting of information on major sensitive environmental emergencies, further clarifying three information reporting systems: one-hour reporting, on-site direct reporting, and parallel reporting, so as to ensure that major sensitive environmental emergencies are reported quickly., the newspaper's express report and all reports should be reported.

The fourth is to promptly and properly handle various environmental emergencies during the flood season. Once an environmental emergency occurs, an Incident Response Service must be started quickly, reported as soon as possible, and rushed to the scene as soon as possible to carry out emergency response. At present, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment has regularly established three environmental emergency teams, with the Ministry's Emergency Office as the main body, the China Environmental Monitoring Station, the Ecological Environmental Emergency Research Institute of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the Chinese Academy of Environmental Sciences, the Ecological Environment Supervision and Administration Bureau of various river basins and sea areas, and regional inspection bureaus. The bureau and other units participate together and rush to the scene to guide emergency response for major sensitive environmental emergencies.

The fifth is to require all parties to effectively shoulder their responsibilities. The focus is on corporate units to implement their main responsibilities, improve the hidden danger investigation system for possible unfavorable factors such as extreme weather, establish ledgers and make timely rectification. Government departments implement regulatory responsibilities, formulate risk prevention and control work plans, organize experts to provide assistance, and improve enterprises 'risk identification and prevention and control capabilities for environmental emergencies. All sectors of society are also invited to actively report hidden dangers and jointly maintain ecological and environmental security during the flood season.

Pei Xiaofei:Let's enter the hot question and answer session.


CCTV reporter from China Central Radio and Television Station: General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed that developing new productive forces is an inherent requirement and important focus for promoting high-quality development. May I ask what work has the Ministry of Ecology and Environment carried out around new productivity? What are the next steps?

Pei Xiaofei:Green development is the background of high-quality development. New productivity itself is green productivity. It has the characteristics of high-tech, high-efficiency and high-quality, which will help promote a significant reduction in pollutants and carbon emissions and fundamentally improve the quality of the ecological environment. Recently, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment is focusing on building a "1+N" policy system to promote new quality productivity in the field of ecological environment, giving full play to the leading, optimizing and counteracting role of ecological and environmental protection, promoting the accelerated development of new quality productivity, and cultivating high-quality development. Green background.

"1" refers to studying and formulating policy documents to promote the development of new quality productivity with high-level protection, proposing ideas and policy measures to better coordinate high-quality development and high-level protection, adhere to ecological priority and green development, and vigorously cultivate green productivity.

"N" refers to the formulation of detailed measures in relevant fields. We will soon issue the "Work Plan for Accelerating the Formulation and Revision of Emission Standards (2024-2027)","Work Plan for Standardizing Environmental Supervision of the Recycling and Disposal of Waste Equipment and Consumer Goods","Interim Provisions on the Management of Ecological Environment Zoning Control" and "Implementation Plan" on Strengthening Ecological Environment Zoning Control "4 documents. Among them, the "Work Plan for Accelerating the Formulation and Revision of Emission Standards (2024-2027)" plans to revise 18 and 23 national pollutant emission standards respectively this year and next. For example, amendment orders to the three industrial pollutant emission standards of petroleum refining, petrochemicals, and synthetic resins that everyone is paying close attention to have recently been released. The air pollutant emission standards for the cement industry, the pollutant emission standards for the coking chemical industry, and the environmental noise of construction sites. Emission standards, as well as pollution control standards for domestic waste landfills, are all under revision. The overall consideration is to use four years to comprehensively update key emission standards and help build a beautiful China. The "Work Plan for Standardizing Environmental Supervision on the Recycling and Treatment of Waste Equipment and Consumer Goods" is a specific action taken by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment to implement the State Council's "Action Plan to Promote Large-scale Equipment Renewal and the Exchange of Old Consumer Goods for New Products". It is aimed at improving policy standards, strengthening environmental supervision, and standardizing waste equipment and consumer goods recycling work. In the second half of this year, special rectification of illegal dismantling of waste equipment and consumer goods to pollute the environment will be carried out nationwide. Strictly crack down on illegal dismantling and polluting the environment. The "Interim Provisions on Ecological Environment Zoning Management and Control" put forward specific management requirements for six key links of ecological environment zoning management and control plan formulation, implementation and application, adjustment and update, digital construction, tracking and evaluation, supervision and management, and comprehensively standardize ecological environment zoning management and control management. The "Implementation Plan for the Ministry of Ecology and Environment to Implement the" Opinions on Strengthening the Zoning Control of Ecological Environment "further clarifies the division of responsibilities for ecological environment zoning control and comprehensively promotes the implementation and application of the" Opinions on Strengthening the Zoning Control of Ecological Environment ".

In the next step, we will also study and formulate "2+36" urban air pollution prevention and control measures in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei and surrounding areas, introduce several measures for the ecological and environmental departments to promote the development of the private economy, and jointly formulate policies for green finance to support the construction of a beautiful China. Document, making positive contributions to promoting the development of new productive forces.


The Paper Reporter: You have just briefly introduced the relevant situation of the "Interim Provisions on the Control and Management of Ecological Environment Zoning". May I ask how it relates to the previously issued "Opinions of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council on Strengthening the Control and Control of Ecological Environment Zoning"? What are the main contents specified in the document? What specific measures are there for the next step?

Pei Xiaofei:Ecological environment zoning management and control plays a fundamental role in the ecological environment source prevention system. In March this year, the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the CPC Central Committee issued the "Opinions on Strengthening the Zoning Control of Ecological Environment", which provided action guidelines for strictly adhering to the red line of ecological protection, the bottom line of environmental quality, and the online utilization of resources, and scientifically guiding various development, protection and construction activities. Recently, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment has formulated and promulgated the "Interim Provisions on the Management of Ecological Environment Zoning", which is mainly to improve the entire chain management of the system, respond to the core concerns in local implementation of the "Opinions", and focus on refining implementation and application, adjustment and update, and digital construction. requirements.

In terms of implementation and application, the application subjects, application directions and application paths have been refined from the three areas of policy formulation, environmental access, and environmental management, and it has been clarified that policy formulation and planning preparation must be connected with the ecological environment zoning management and control plan; planning environmental assessment, project environmental assessment, and park investment promotion must implement the ecological environment zoning management and control requirements; Strengthen policy coordination between ecological and environmental protection and ecological environment zoning management and control, support the construction of a beautiful China pioneer area, deepen the battle against pollution, maintain ecological security, and law enforcement supervision and other key tasks.

In terms of adjustment and renewal, the update situation, requirements and procedures of the ecological environment zoning management and control plan have been clarified, especially the update procedures have been classified and standardized. Updates carried out in accordance with laws and regulations can no longer be demonstrated. For updates involving priority protection units, In addition to situations in accordance with laws and regulations, scientific demonstration needs to be carried out by the provincial ecological and environmental authorities. At the same time, in accordance with the State Council's principle of "everything must be necessary, everything must be reviewed if prepared, and mistakes must be corrected", the requirements for filing and review have been clarified, focusing on material integrity, content standardization, and technical rationality, and the filing and handling situation have been refined.

In terms of digital construction, clarify the positioning of ecological environment zoning management and control platforms at the national and provincial levels, refine the development requirements for functional modules such as result inquiry, statistical analysis, clue screening, interface services, result filing, and tracking evaluation, and encourage the development of information platforms. Webpages and mobile terminals provide inquiry services to the public in accordance with laws and regulations. At the same time, we will establish and improve the data quality management responsibility system and strive to promote the improvement of platform intelligence.

In the next step, our Ministry will strengthen training, guidance and assistance to local governments, promote the implementation of the "Regulations", give full play to the role of the ecological environment zoning management and control system in "clarifying the bottom line and drawing boundaries" for high-quality development, and serve the implementation of major national and local development strategies., scientifically guide various development, protection and construction activities.

Pei Xiaofei:Thank you to Director Li Tianwei and thank you to all reporters and friends for your participation. Today's press conference ends here. Goodbye!
