China Carbon Credit Platform

A new chapter in green and low-carbon development was jointly written. The "Belt and Road" Green and Low-carbon Development Forum concluded successfully

Release Time2 months ago

On June 27, as one of the main agendas of the green and low-carbon sub-forums of the 5th China Environmental Expo Chengdu Exhibition, the "Silk Road New Navigation·Taking the Wind to Sea-'Belt and Road' Green and Low-carbon Development Forum" concluded successfully in Chengdu. This forum was jointly organized by the Belt and Road Environmental Technology Exchange and Transfer Center (Shenzhen) in conjunction with the Sichuan Province Green Development Promotion Association, the Beijing Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Center, and the Chongqing City Energy Conservation Technology Service Center. It aims to promote the high-quality development of the environmental protection industry and contribute wisdom and strength to the sustainable development of countries and regions jointly building the "Belt and Road".


At the forum, nearly 200 government representatives, experts, scholars, and entrepreneurs from the "Belt and Road" countries gathered together to conduct exchanges and discussions around "going global" and "bringing in". Abdulrahman A.Elkhereiji, Director of Renewable Energy and Nuclear Energy at the Ministry of Investment and Development of Saudi Arabia, Bojan Lalić, Director of the Belt and Road Research Institute in Belgrade, Serbia, Xue Wenchao, Professor of the Belt and Road Research Center of the Asian Institute of Technology in Thailand, Li Hongling, Deputy Director of the Belt and Road Environmental Technology Exchange and Transfer Center (Shenzhen), Yi Lisha, Chief Commercial Officer, Lei Ding, Head of the United Arab Emirates Liaison Office, and Senior Partner of the E20 Environmental Platform, Hao Xiaojun, executive director of the International Alliance of Pioneers in Environmental Products, Wang Hongtao, founder of Chengdu Yike Environmental Technology Co., Ltd. and associate professor of the School of Carbon Neutralization and Future Technology of Sichuan University, and other participating guests shared relevant achievements and experience in the fields of "going global" and "bringing in", presenting a high-quality and high-level academic feast for the exhibition.


During the keynote speech session, guests elaborated on the development trend and future direction of green and low-carbon industries from different perspectives. Abdulrahman A. Elkhereiji, Bojan Lalić, and Xue Wenchao shared the current status, needs and investment policies of green industries in Saudi Arabia, Serbia, and Thailand online; Yi Lisha shared the pain points of green enterprises "going global" with the theme of "'One Belt, One Road 'helps green industries' go global '"and introduced the service content provided by the Belt and Road Center; Lei Ding conducted an in-depth analysis of green industry opportunities in the Middle East such as the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, and shared academic thoughts and theoretical and practical experience in relevant fields; Hao Xiaojun elaborated on the productization strategy for the specific issues of Chinese environmental enterprises "going to sea"; Wang Hongtao interpreted the construction of product carbon footprint management system, providing useful guidance for enterprises on how to achieve low-carbon, green and high-quality development in the process of internationalization.


The forum also set up an interactive communication session to provide participants with opportunities for learning, exchanges and in-depth discussions. After more than three hours of lively discussion, participants expressed that they had benefited a lot and had a clearer understanding of how green and low-carbon industries could "go global". At the same time, in order to implement the concept of "green and low-carbon development", the forum organizers also purchased carbon emission reduction targets through the carbon neutrality service platform to offset the "Silk Road New Airlines·Wind the Wind to Sea-" Belt and Road "Green Carbon Emissions of the Development Forum.


"The successful holding of this forum has promoted cooperation and exchanges in the field of green industries between China and countries and regions co-building the Belt and Road Initiative." The person in charge of the organizer said that it will continue to give full play to its own advantages, actively build more pragmatic and effective exchange and cooperation platforms, help more Chinese green technologies and enterprises "go global", provide strong support for the green development of the co-building country, and contribute to the global green development Inject new impetus.

