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Series of reports: Towards the "new", the new quality of productivity leverages new development

Release Time5 months ago


This year's National People's Congress and the National People's Congress sent a strong signal to better promote high-quality development with new quality productivity. "Accelerating the development of new quality productivity" is written into this year's government work report, and it is listed as one of the top ten tasks in 2024.

Since it was first proposed in 2023, the popularity of "new quality productivity" has continued to rise, and it has quickly become a hot word in the mouths of people from all walks of life. In just over two months, it has been among the "Top Ten Popular Words in 2023" published by the magazine "Bite the Text", and one of the important reasons is that it proposes to form and develop new quality productive forces, and grasps the key to achieving Chinese-style modernization and high-quality development.


Towards the new

The theory of new qualitative productivity is a major theoretical innovation. From the first time to put forward the major concept of "new quality productivity" during local inspections, to the important deployment made at the Central Economic Work Conference, and then to the collective study of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee to systematically elaborate, General Secretary Xi Jinping has profoundly answered the major questions of "what is the new quality of productivity, why should we develop new quality of productivity, and how to develop new quality of productivity" with profound strategic vision and a high degree of theoretical consciousness.

The so-called "new quality productive forces" are the quality of advanced productive forces in which innovation plays a leading role, gets rid of the traditional economic growth mode and the development path of productive forces, has the characteristics of high technology, high efficiency and high quality, and conforms to the new development concept.

"The total economic output of the country is 126 trillion yuan, and you have 12.8 trillion yuan, which is exactly one-tenth, which is very powerful. Jiangsu has good conditions and capabilities for the development of new quality productive forces. "During the two sessions of the National People's Congress, when General Secretary Xi Jinping participated in the deliberations of the Jiangsu delegation, he fully affirmed the new progress and achievements made in Jiangsu's economic and social development.

According to the 2023 Statistical Communiqué on the National Economic and Social Development of Jiangsu Province, the output value of Jiangsu's industrial strategic emerging industries and high-tech industries accounted for 41.3% and 49.9% of the industries above designated size last year, respectively, an increase of 0.5 and 1.4 percentage points over the previous year.

Behind the dazzling data, Jiangsu has taken green as the background, continuously promoted the adjustment and upgrading of the industrial structure, and promoted the quality and efficiency of economic development.

Take Changzhou, which has just entered the sequence of "trillion cities", as an example. At this year's "First Meeting of the New Year", Chen Jinhu, Secretary of the Changzhou Municipal Party Committee, put forward the goal of "forging new quality productivity and giving birth to new momentum for development", emphasizing the need to unswervingly promote the development of new energy capitals and "two lakes" innovation zones.

The "Two Lakes" Innovation Zone, located at the intersection of the hilly Hudang ecological belt in the western part of Jiangsu Province and the Taihu Lake Basin, is an important breakthrough for Changzhou to achieve a leap in urban energy level and stimulate new kinetic energy in the new stage. It is reported that the permanent population and GDP of the "Two Lakes" Innovation Zone account for about 1/3 of Changzhou City, and it is the main position for the development of new energy industry in Changzhou.

Among the five cities in the Taihu Lake basin in Jiangsu Province, four cities have a GDP of more than one trillion yuan, and the Taihu Lake has become a gathering place for "trillion cities". In addition to Changzhou, Suzhou and Wuxi have also gradually formed characteristic industrial cluster spaces, and new quality productivity has burst out with surging new kinetic energy.

"In the face of a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation, we must seize the opportunity, increase innovation, cultivate and expand emerging industries, advance the layout and construction of future industries, and improve the modern industrial system. "General Secretary Xi Jinping put forward higher requirements for Jiangsu, and at the same time pointed out the breakthrough and main direction of the development of new quality productivity.

These contents were also laid out at the Central Economic Work Conference held in Beijing on December 11 and 12 last year. The meeting emphasized that a number of strategic emerging industries such as biomanufacturing, commercial aerospace, and low-altitude economy should be created, new tracks for future industries such as quantum and life sciences should be opened, digital intelligence technology and green technology should be widely used, and the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries should be accelerated.

The goal has been set, and how to achieve it is the key. The specific deployment in 2024 proposed by various localities is closely related to the requirement of "modern industrial system construction", and strives to shape new quality productivity.

Shanghai proposes to cultivate and upgrade high-end industrial clusters such as new energy vehicles, high-end equipment, advanced materials, civil aviation, and spatial information; Guangdong proposes to implement an action plan for five future industrial clusters to advance the layout of future industries such as 6G, quantum technology, life sciences, and humanoid robots; and Jiangsu requires the development of new industrial tracks such as future networks, quantum, life sciences, hydrogen energy and new energy storage, and deep-sea, deep-earth, and aerospace.

2024 is a crucial year for China's economy to continue to recover and achieve high-quality development. All provinces aim at new quality productivity, take scientific and technological innovation as the guide, stimulate new momentum, and continue to strive to promote high-quality economic development to a new level.

Strengthen scientific and technological innovation

Scientific and technological innovation can give birth to new industries, new models and new kinetic energy, and is the core element of the development of new quality productive forces.

"Scientific and technological innovation has not only improved the competitiveness of our country's traditional industries, but also laid a solid foundation and injected impetus into the development of new quality productivity. At the first "ministerial channel" of the second session of the 14th National People's Congress, Yin Hejun, Minister of Science and Technology, introduced that from the perspective of investment, R&D investment exceeded 3.3 trillion yuan last year, an increase of 8.1% over the previous year.

The world's first fourth-generation nuclear power plant was officially put into operation, the export growth rate of new energy vehicles, lithium batteries and photovoltaic modules was gratifying, and a number of major original achievements were made in the fields of quantum technology, integrated circuits, artificial intelligence, biomedicine, and new energy...... In 2023, a new atmosphere will emerge in the development of China's science and technology, adding strong momentum to the development of new quality productivity.

When deploying the work tasks for 2024, the government work report proposes to give full play to the leading role of innovation, promote industrial innovation with scientific and technological innovation, accelerate new industrialization, improve total factor productivity, continuously shape new development momentum and new advantages, and promote social productivity to achieve a new leap.

The Central Economic Work Conference also put "leading the construction of a modern industrial system with scientific and technological innovation" at the top of the key tasks, emphasizing the need to promote industrial innovation with scientific and technological innovation, especially to promote new industries, new models and new kinetic energy with disruptive technologies and cutting-edge technologies, and develop new quality productive forces.

Industry is the specific manifestation of the transformation of productive forces, and the expansion of emerging industries, the cultivation of future industries, and the upgrading of traditional industries are inseparable from the guidance of scientific and technological innovation.

In recent years, technologies such as the Internet, big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, and blockchain have accelerated innovation, and their speed, radiation, and impact have been unprecedented, and they have been increasingly integrated into the whole process of economic and social development. In 2023, the investment in the national electronic and communication equipment manufacturing industry, the transformation of scientific and technological achievements, and the e-commerce service industry increased by 11.1%, 31.8%, and 29.2% respectively...... Scientific and technological innovation has increasingly shown the role of core elements, and new quality productivity has been formed in practice and has shown a strong driving force and solid support for high-quality development.

During the two sessions of the National People's Congress and the National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China, the deputies and members of the National People's Congress made suggestions and suggestions on the development and expansion of strategic emerging industries, the forward-looking layout of future industries, and the upgrading and transformation of traditional industries.

"It is necessary to give full play to the role of the 'incremental' of scientific and technological innovation, and empower new quality productivity with leading and disruptive innovation. Gao Wen, deputy to the National People's Congress, academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and director of Pengcheng Laboratory, said that in recent years, China's strategic emerging industries have flourished, and strategic emerging industries currently account for about 13% of GDP. Strategic emerging industries are characterized by active innovation and intensive technology, which provide huge space for the development and growth of new quality productive forces.

China has shown great development potential and strong competitiveness in many fields such as advanced communications, intelligent networked vehicles, and photovoltaics. According to Zhang Qiao, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and vice mayor of Suzhou, the potential and competitiveness of these fields stem from China's outstanding advantages. The development of future industries is not a "loft in the sky", can not be "created out of nothing", it requires firm exploration, but also a solid foundation, including major science and technology, especially disruptive technological breakthroughs, complete industrial categories and manufacturing capabilities, open application scenarios, and scientific and technological talents to achieve technological breakthroughs.

"The new quality of productivity can effectively promote the development level of traditional industries. Dai Hegen, a member of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and secretary of the Party Committee and chairman of China Railway Construction Group Co., Ltd., said that taking the construction engineering industry as an example, the development and utilization of deep underground space in the city still has huge development potential, the development depth is shallow, the scene is relatively single, and the key core technology still needs to be broken through.

Accelerate the green transformation of development mode

Green development is the background color of high-quality development, and new quality productivity itself is green productivity.

Yu Village, Anji, Zhejiang Province, is the birthplace of the concept of "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets", and it is also a vivid model for realizing the new economic industry to "see people on the ground" and "go public and achieve results" among lucid waters and lush mountains. In recent years, Anji has been guided by the "layout of new economy in good scenery", facing future industries and attracting new economic projects with high quality.

"Green productivity is an innovation-led, advanced productivity that is free from traditional production and growth methods and in line with the new development concept. In the view of Wang Yucheng, a deputy to the National People's Congress and secretary of the Party branch of Yucun Village, Tianhuangping Town, Anji County, the development of green productivity is to optimize the combination of new technologies and new elements on the basis of adhering to and protecting the ecology, so as to improve green total factor productivity and achieve a win-win situation of environmental protection and high-quality economic development.

To develop new quality productivity, we must accelerate the green transformation of the development mode and help carbon peak and carbon neutrality.

Recently, Focus Interview reported on "biomanufacturing". It is an advanced production mode with industrial biotechnology as the core, which can fundamentally change the production mode of traditional manufacturing.

Through biomanufacturing, the industrial exhaust gases produced by steelmaking in steel mills can be "transformed" into fish feed, and the straw can be used to produce bioethanol (which is traditionally produced by consuming food). In daily life, hepatitis B vaccine, insulin, hyaluronic acid, collagen, fuel ethanol, etc., are all products produced using biomanufacturing technology.

"Different from the traditional physical and chemical manufacturing mode, biomanufacturing innovates the material production mode, using organisms as the production medium, which will bring a series of major changes to the manufacturing industry. Liu Wenqiang, Secretary of the Party Committee and Vice President of CCID Research Institute of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, said that biomanufacturing uses renewable biomass as raw material, which is also very critical for the manufacturing industry to achieve the "double carbon" goal.

Biomanufacturing, which is considered to have the potential to lead the "Fourth Industrial Revolution", will have a market size of trillions of dollars and is a hot spot for competition in countries around the world. China has also listed biomanufacturing as a strategic emerging industry for key development, and regarded it as one of the important means to improve new quality productivity. This year, biomanufacturing was written into the government work report for the first time, reflecting the great importance that China attaches to this new track.

It is necessary not only to cultivate and expand emerging industries, but also to accelerate the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries and promote their intelligent, green and high-end development. Traditional industries are not the same as backward industries, and it is necessary to reshape the competitive advantages of traditional industries, especially traditional manufacturing industries, through scientific and technological innovation, and promote China from a manufacturing country to a manufacturing power.

Take Guangdong, which "adheres to the real economy as the foundation and the manufacturing industry as the leader", as an example. Guangdong Province is committed to promoting the green transformation of steel, petrochemical, nonferrous metals, building materials, papermaking and other industries, creating green factories, green parks, and green supply chain management enterprises, and building a green manufacturing system in the whole industrial chain. At the end of 2023, Guangdong Province will realize the ignition and operation of the first million-ton hydrogen-based shaft furnace project in Zhanjiang Baosteel, which can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by more than 500,000 tons per year in the same scale of molten iron production, marking another exemplary and symbolic step in the green and low-carbon transformation of China's steel industry.

In addition, to develop new quality productivity, it is necessary to continue to optimize the economic policy toolbox that supports green and low-carbon development, give full play to the leading role of green finance, and build efficient ecological and green industrial clusters.

China is the first country in the world to be promoted by the government and issue policies to explicitly support the construction of a "green financial system". Today, many places across the country have been approved to build green finance reform and innovation pilot zones with their own focus and characteristics, helping more and more enterprises in the industry to achieve transformation and upgrading.


Source: 2024 Government Work Report

Drafting: Sun Jianxin Finishing: Ding Yaoyao

Develop new quality productive forces in accordance with local conditions

"The development of new quality productive forces is not to ignore or abandon traditional industries, but to prevent a rush to the top and bubbles, and not to engage in a model. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that deviations should be prevented in the process of developing new quality productivity, and at the same time gave a methodology, that is, "insist on proceeding from reality, first establish and then break, adapt measures to local conditions, and provide classified guidance" and "firmly grasp the primary task of high-quality development and develop new quality productivity according to local conditions". These important expositions have further clarified the key issues in the development of new quality productive forces.

First of all, it should be explained that the relationship between traditional industries and new quality productive forces is not antagonistic. China's traditional industries are large in volume and high in maturity, such as steel, petrochemical, electric power, nonferrous metals and other industries, which are not only the chassis of China's real economy, but also the foundation and support for the development of high-tech industries.

Miao Wei, member of the Standing Committee of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) and deputy director of the Economic Committee, believes that it is necessary to resolutely get rid of the misunderstanding of one-sided pursuit of innovation and ignoring traditional industries.

For example, some places equate traditional energy-consuming industries such as steel, petrochemicals, nonferrous metals, and building materials with backward industries, sunset industries, high-polluting industries, and overcapacity industries, Miao Wei said. In fact, the total energy consumption and emissions of these industries are more determined by the characteristics and scale of the industry, and what we need to solve is the problem of high energy consumption and high emissions.

Some places also believe that to achieve high-quality development, we can only rely on the development of strategic emerging industries and high-tech industries, and the funds invested to support the technological transformation of enterprises are getting less and less. In fact, China's traditional manufacturing industry is the main body of the industrial economy, accounting for more than 80%, and the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries has great potential and market space.

Practice has proved that traditional industries are also the cornerstone of cultivating emerging industries and future industries, and their transformation and upgrading have great potential. For example, China's automobile industry has seized the opportunity of electrification, intelligence, and networked transformation, and has focused on promoting technological innovation, product innovation, and market innovation, and the pace of building an automobile power has become more and more solid. According to the data, in 2023, the production and sales of new energy vehicles in China will reach 9.587 million and 9.495 million respectively, a year-on-year increase of 35.8% and 37.9% respectively, accounting for more than 60% of global new energy vehicle sales, becoming a new engine to promote China's high-quality development.

To develop new quality productive forces, we must adapt measures to local conditions. It is necessary to base ourselves on the local resource endowment and basic advantages, and form a new quality productive force with development potential with local characteristics.

"China's vast territory, the development status of each region is different, and the resource endowment, scientific research conditions and industrial base are also different, which determines that in the process of developing new quality productive forces, all localities can not apply a unified model, and need to seek truth from facts and adapt measures to local conditions. He Jianwei, former counselor of the Henan Provincial People's Government, believes that it is necessary to adhere to the principle of seeking truth from facts and "doing something, not doing something", and promote the growth of emerging industries and the cultivation of future industries according to local conditions.

Taking Henan Province as an example, in recent years, Henan has taken the strategy of innovation-driven, rejuvenating the province through science and education, and strengthening the province with talents as the primary strategy, promoting the deep coupling of the innovation chain and the industrial chain, and forming a "three-legged" scientific and technological innovation pattern of the Central Plains Science and Technology City, the Central Plains Agricultural Valley, and the Central Plains Medical Science City. In the past three years, the number of high-tech enterprises and technology-based small and medium-sized enterprises has doubled, and the results are very remarkable.

Under the "dual carbon" goal, the electrification of heavy trucks has become the general trend. Studies have shown that the carbon emissions of 1 diesel heavy-duty truck are close to the emissions of 100 passenger cars, which is a veritable "big carbon emitter". Based on the actual situation and based on the ownership of 120,000 heavy trucks, in August 2023, Fujian Province took the lead in launching the country's first green logistics line for battery swapping of highway heavy trucks - "Ningde Xiamen Trunk Line". Roughly calculated, it can reduce logistics costs by about 3 billion yuan per year and reduce carbon emissions by more than 18 million tons.

Think deeply, plan and act. Firmly grasp the primary task of high-quality development, develop new quality productive forces according to local conditions, and strive to promote the vivid picture of Chinese-style modernization is spreading out on the land of China.
