China Carbon Credit Platform

Build a strong ecological security barrier in northern my country, Dalat's green defense line

Release Time1 month ago

With the in-depth advancement of Dalat Banner's "Implementation Plan for Building Dalat Green Defense Line, an Important Ecological Security Barrier in Northern China", according to the 2024 "2024 Key Task List for Building Dalat Green Defense Line, an Important Ecological Security Barrier in Northern China", Dalat Banner has continuously strengthened ecological and environmental protection work to ensure the implementation of all tasks.

1. The protection and restoration of grassland and forest vegetation continues to be strengthened. Through measures such as artificial afforestation, engineering sand fixation and restoration of degraded forests, the local ecological environment has been effectively improved. The artificial afforestation task of the Three North Project was completed; the Kubuqi-Mu Us Desert Desertification Comprehensive Management Project has made important progress, and ecological restoration efforts have been continuously increased to ensure that the ecological environment of Dalat Banner continues to improve.

2. Comprehensive management of rivers and lakes and wetland protection and restoration have been comprehensively promoted. The comprehensive water and soil conservation management project in the sandstorm area along the lower reaches of Maobulakongdui and the new check dam project were launched; the health assessment of some rivers was completed, the ecological environment of rivers and wetlands in Dalat Banner was comprehensively and effectively improved, and the utilization efficiency of water resources was improved.

3. Strengthen the construction of the nature reserve system and strengthen biodiversity protection. The prevention and control of forestry and grassland pests and the monitoring and prevention of wild animal epidemic sources and diseases in spring and winter have been strengthened to enhance effective protection of wild animals. The next step will be to improve the nature reserve system and strengthen biodiversity protection and research.

4. Deepen the implementation of strict water resources management. The task of consolidating and controlling over-mining areas has been formulated and implemented and ecological water replenishment indicators have been strived for. At the same time, promote the planting of low-water-consuming crops in over-mining areas and surrounding areas, and draw "one map of irrigation areas"; achieve refined management of electromechanical wells; install metering facilities, implement the project of using electricity for agricultural irrigation electromechanical wells to effectively improve Water resource utilization efficiency and sustainable development.

5. Accurately implement land development governance. Combined with the restoration of historical mines and the relocation of legacy homestead in formed beach areas, land improvement was carried out by selecting abandoned brick factories and homestead as the scope of project implementation, which stimulated the vitality of rural revitalization. At the same time, a comprehensive utilization project of saline-alkali cultivated land has also been implemented, which has improved the quality and yield of cultivated land, effectively improved land use, and promoted sustainable development of agriculture.

6. Actively promote the development of low-carbon cycles. Carry out energy-saving technological transformation of enterprises, promote new energy base projects, effectively reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions, promote green economic development, strengthen environmental pollution control, and improve environmental quality.

7. Continue to strengthen environmental pollution control. The use of thickened high-strength mulch films and fully biodegradable mulch films has been promoted; the monitoring and prevention and control capabilities of crop pests and diseases have been strengthened, green prevention and control technologies have been promoted, and the investigation of black and odorous water bodies in rural areas has been carried out; the management of bulk coal has been strengthened, and the renovation of old urban heating pipes has effectively improved environmental quality and protected the people's ecological and environmental rights and interests.

8. Promote the transformation of ecological values. In conjunction with the "Implementation Plan for Further Implementing the Implementation Plan for Establishing and Improving the Value Realization Mechanism of Ecological Products" in Dalat Banner ", we will further refine the implementation of various tasks of the value realization mechanism of ecological products, and clarify work tasks, lead departments, and cooperate departments.

9. Comprehensively promote the construction of a beautiful "warm city". With the completion of Pocket Park, residents have added a green and leisure place to their lives, adding tranquility and comfort to the busy city. At the same time, the improvement of road greening and the renovation of old communities are steadily advancing. Dalat Banner will become greener, livable and harmonious on the road of comprehensively promoting the construction of a beautiful "warm city", and will contribute to the strengthening of the important ecological security barrier in northern my country.
