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The Shandong Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government issued the implementation opinions on comprehensively promoting the construction of beautiful Shandong

Release Time4 months ago

"By 2027, remarkable results will be achieved in the construction of a beautiful Shandong, by 2035, the goal of a beautiful Shandong will be basically achieved, and by the middle of this century, a beautiful Shandong in which man and nature coexist in harmony will be fully completed. This is the main goal of the "Implementation Opinions on Comprehensively Promoting the Construction of Beautiful Shandong" (hereinafter referred to as the "Implementation Opinions") issued by the Shandong Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government.

Zhou Liwei, Vice Governor of Shandong Province, pointed out at the regular briefing on provincial government policies held on the morning of April 29 that on December 27, 2023, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued the "Opinions on Comprehensively Promoting the Construction of a Beautiful China" (hereinafter referred to as the "Opinions"), which clearly regards the construction of a beautiful China as an important goal of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way, and puts forward the goal path, key tasks and major policies for the construction of a beautiful China. In order to fully implement the deployment requirements of the "Opinions" and accelerate the construction of beautiful Shandong, the Shandong Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government issued the "Implementation Opinions", a total of 9 chapters and 27 articles, clarifying the guiding ideology, key tasks and safeguard measures for the construction of beautiful Shandong, which is an important guiding document for promoting the construction of beautiful Shandong.

Clarify the guiding ideology and put forward the construction goals

The "Implementation Opinions" proposes to firmly establish and practice the concept that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets, anchor the concept of "going ahead and opening a new situation", put the construction of beautiful Shandong in a prominent position, take the construction of a green, low-carbon and high-quality development pilot zone as the traction, further promote the ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin, coordinate the adjustment of industrial structure, pollution control, ecological protection, and response to climate change, and coordinate the promotion of carbon reduction, pollution reduction, and green expansion. growth, earnestly maintain ecological security, support high-quality development with a high-quality ecological environment, accelerate the creation of new advantages for green and low-carbon transformation, and strive to write a new chapter in the beautiful Shandong of harmonious coexistence and modernization between man and nature.

By 2027, significant progress will be made in the ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin, important achievements will be made in the construction of a green, low-carbon and high-quality development pilot zone, the total discharge of major pollutants will be greatly reduced, the ecosystem service function will be continuously enhanced, the quality of the ecological environment will continue to be improved, the pattern of land space development and protection will be optimized, the urban and rural living environment will be significantly improved, the ecological security will be effectively guaranteed, and the construction of a beautiful Shandong will achieve remarkable results.

By 2035, green production and lifestyle will be widely formed, carbon emissions will stabilize and decline after peaking, the ecological environment will be fundamentally improved, a new pattern of land and space development and protection will be fully formed, the stability and stability of ecosystem diversity will be significantly improved, ecological security will be more stable, and the goal of beautiful Shandong will be basically achieved.

Looking forward to the middle of this century, the ecological civilization will be comprehensively improved, the green development mode and lifestyle will be fully formed, the key areas will achieve deep decarbonization, the ecological environment will be healthy and beautiful, and the beautiful Shandong will be built in harmony with nature.

Combined with the actual situation in Shandong, the key tasks are determined

Hou Cuirong, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Shandong Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, told reporters that in the process of compiling the "Implementation Opinions", the focus was on "four adherences", that is, insisting on fully embodying the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, insisting on focusing on the actual situation of Shandong Province, insisting on highlighting the problem orientation, and insisting on strengthening the implementation of responsibilities. Focusing on deepening the conversion of old and new kinetic energy, building a green, low-carbon and high-quality development pilot zone, and implementing major national strategies for the Yellow River, it is organically connected with the key tasks being promoted, and focuses on key issues such as green and low-carbon transformation, environmental quality improvement, ecological protection and restoration, and guarding the bottom line of safety, formulating targeted policies and measures, making up for shortcomings, strengths and weaknesses, and laying a solid foundation, so as to accelerate the shaping of new advantages in green and low-carbon transformation.

The "Implementation Opinions" clarified the key tasks in six aspects, namely, accelerating the green and low-carbon transformation of economic and social development, continuing to promote pollution prevention and control, increasing the protection and restoration of ecosystems, guarding the bottom line of ecological environment safety, accelerating the construction of a new highland for beautiful Shandong, and vigorously carrying out the national action for the construction of beautiful Shandong.

Adhere to the ecological protection red line, strengthen law enforcement supervision and protection and restoration, establish a supervision mechanism for ecological damage to the ecological protection red line, and ensure that the area of the ecological protection red line is not less than 20,600 square kilometers. Accelerate the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries into intelligence, green, low-carbon, and integration. Fully implement the implementation plan for carbon peaking in Shandong Province, and solidly promote the construction of national carbon peaking pilots. Adhere to the determination of the city by water, the land by water, the people by water, and the production by water, promote the utilization of sewage resources, and promote the allocation and utilization of unconventional water sources such as reclaimed water and seawater desalination.

The "Implementation Opinions" proposes to continue to fight the battle to defend the blue sky, clear water, and pure land, strengthen the treatment of solid waste and new pollutants, and promote the comprehensive management of the marine ecological environment. With fine particulate matter control as the main line, we will vigorously promote the coordinated emission reduction of multiple pollutants, strengthen the comprehensive treatment of volatile organic compounds, and implement source substitution projects. We will continue to promote the in-depth governance or upgrading of enterprises in key industries, and achieve ultra-low emissions in thermal power, steel, cement, coking industries and coal-fired boilers. Coordinate the management of water resources, water environment and water ecology, improve the management system of river basin zoning, strengthen the control of ecological water volume (flow) and the standardization of water sources, and comprehensively build a monitoring and supervision system for sewage outlets. Carry out actions to prevent and control the sources of soil pollution, strengthen the protection of cultivated land in priority protection categories, and solidly promote the safe use and risk management and control of polluted cultivated land. Promote the organic integration of the construction of "zero-waste cities" and urban construction and management, strengthen the source reduction and harmless disposal of urban and rural domestic waste, agricultural waste, construction waste, bulk industrial solid waste, etc., and strengthen the management of the whole chain of plastic pollution. Adhere to the overall planning of land and sea and the linkage of rivers and seas, and promote the prevention and control of pollution in coastal waters, ecological protection and restoration, and environmental improvement of coastal beaches in a coordinated manner under the principle of "one bay and one policy".

Intensify the protection and restoration of ecosystems, and promote the integrated protection and systematic management of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grasslands and sands. Strengthen the construction of green mines, promote the ecological restoration of abandoned mines left over from history and the comprehensive management of the environment of coal mining subsidence areas. Scientifically promote the comprehensive management of soil erosion, and implement differentiated protection and management measures for key areas of soil and water conservation. Carry out background surveys of priority areas for biodiversity conservation, improve biodiversity observation networks, and achieve data sharing.

Maintain the bottom line of ecological and environmental security, and strengthen the ability to respond to risks to forests, rivers, lakes, marine ecological environments and natural disasters. Adhere to prevention first, and strengthen the normalized management of environmental risks. Promote the construction of marine radiation monitoring bases in the Yellow Sea, and improve the monitoring capacity of marine radiation environment. Carry out risk-guided nuclear and radiation safety supervision and inspection, and achieve full coverage of strict supervision of all source-related units in the jurisdiction.

The "Implementation Opinions" proposes to accelerate the construction of a new highland in beautiful Shandong. Promote the construction of beautiful cities oriented by green and low-carbon, beautiful environment, ecological livability, safety and health, wisdom and efficiency. Coordinate and promote the revitalization of rural ecology and the improvement of the rural living environment, and fight the tough battle of agricultural and rural pollution control in depth. Improve the level of planning, construction and governance, strengthen the guidance of territorial spatial planning for the construction of beautiful cities and beautiful villages, and strengthen inter-city and urban-rural ecological co-protection and environmental co-governance. Actively cultivate "beautiful cells" such as beautiful parks, beautiful factories, beautiful communities, and beautiful schools.

Carry out the national action to build a beautiful Shandong, strengthen the publicity and education of ecological civilization, and promote the inclusion of ecological civilization education in the cadre education, party member education, and national education system. Cultivate and promote ecological culture, and deeply explore the ecological values in traditional culture. Practice a green and low-carbon lifestyle, and thoroughly implement green and low-carbon national actions.

Strengthen support and guarantees, and establish an evaluation system

The "Implementation Opinions" pointed out that it is necessary to improve the system and mechanism, strengthen policy guarantees, and strengthen scientific and technological support and project support.

Strengthen the rule of law guarantee for the construction of beautiful Shandong, and improve local laws and regulations on the ecological environment. Strengthen the prevention and management of environmental impact assessment at the source, and fully implement the pollutant discharge permit system. Accelerate the establishment of a modern ecological environment monitoring system, improve the "comprehensive station + sample plot" ecological quality ground monitoring network, and build a digital governance system for beautiful Shandong. Establish and improve policies and measures to promote the construction of beautiful Shandong, and strengthen policy coordination in the fields of finance, science and technology, price, and finance. Guide financial institutions to develop green financial products in accordance with the principles of marketization and rule of law, promote the innovation of eco-environment-oriented development models and investment and financing models, and increase the support of new and old kinetic energy conversion funds for the construction of beautiful Shandong.

Implement major scientific and technological innovation projects for the construction of beautiful Shandong, and encourage market-oriented green technology innovation. Accelerate the implementation of collaborative projects for pollution reduction and carbon reduction, and actively promote the transformation of low-carbon, clean, green and circular fields in related fields. We will carry out in-depth projects to improve the quality of the ecological environment, and accelerate the promotion of a number of major projects such as pollution prevention and control, ecological protection and restoration.

The "Implementation Opinions" emphasize that we should adhere to and strengthen the party's overall leadership over the construction of beautiful Shandong, improve the promotion mechanism of the construction of beautiful Shandong, establish an evaluation system for the construction of beautiful Shandong, and implement the evaluation of the construction process of beautiful Shandong. All cities should clarify the focus of work, refine the goals and tasks, and do a good job in the implementation of various tasks. The relevant departments and units of the province should refine and implement the policies and measures to comprehensively promote the construction of beautiful Shandong, and formulate action plans in different fields. All relevant departments and units of all cities should take the construction of beautiful Shandong as a major task, and send the annual work of promoting the construction of beautiful Shandong in writing to the Shandong Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, which will report to the provincial party committee and the provincial government after summarizing.
