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Closely focus on the main line of work to build a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation, enhance people's livelihood and well-being and strengthen social construction

Release Time2 months ago

In June 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed during his inspection in Inner Mongolia that economic construction, political construction, cultural construction, social construction, ecological civilization construction and party building in ethnic minority areas must be closely focused on and firmly rooted in China. The main line of national community consciousness. Social construction covers people's livelihood security and social governance, and is closely related to the well-being of the people, the happiness of the people, and the happiness of the people. To do a good job in social construction around the main line of building a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation, we must focus on uniting people's hearts and gathering strength, so that society can operate in an orderly manner, people's lives can continue to improve, and self-values can be effectively realized.

Throughout the history of Chinese civilization, the formation, consolidation and development of the Chinese nation community have always been based on the complementary needs of various ethnic groups in society and regional economic linkage. Since the Qin and Han Dynasties, various ethnic groups have continued to migrate, live together, and intermarry. Social exchanges between regions have gradually become frequent, and barriers between ethnic groups have been continuously eliminated. After the Opium War, unprecedented national and social crises awakened the overall consciousness of the Chinese nation and further strengthened the cohesion of the Chinese nation. The birth of the Communist Party of China has given people of all ethnic groups a real backbone. The Chinese people, once regarded as a "loose sand", have gradually organized themselves, and the road to independence and liberation of the Chinese nation has become wider and wider. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, our party further formed ethnic theories and ethnic work principles and policies with ethnic equality, ethnic unity, regional ethnic autonomy, and common prosperity of all ethnic groups as the main contents. It gradually embarked on a correct path to solve ethnic problems with Chinese characteristics and opened up a new era of developing socialist ethnic relations of equality, unity, mutual assistance and harmony among all ethnic groups. In the new era of reform, opening up and socialist modernization, our party has shifted the focus of ethnic work to serving socialist modernization, forming the theme of ethnic work of "working together for common prosperity and development."

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, our party has continuously promoted the sinicization of Marxist ethnic theory and formed General Secretary Xi Jinping's important thoughts on strengthening and improving ethnic work. It has scientifically answered major issues such as what flag to hold and what path to take for ethnic work in the new era. It is clearly stated that promoting the joint struggle of all ethnic groups to comprehensively build a modern socialist country must be an important task of the party's ethnic work in the new era. Taking this as a scientific guide and action guide, our party has integrated the economic development and economic modernization of ethnic minorities and ethnic areas into the overall situation of high-quality development and promoted it as a whole, strengthened social construction with a focus on ensuring and improving people's livelihood, and strived to achieve, maintain and develop the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people, and effectively guide the people of all ethnic groups to firmly establish the concept of a community of sharing weal and woe, sharing weal and woe, sharing life and death, and sharing a shared destiny.

Inner Mongolia is the birthplace of my country's regional ethnic autonomy system and has pioneered the use of regional ethnic autonomy policies to solve ethnic issues under the leadership of the party. Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee, the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region has adhered to and improved the system of regional ethnic autonomy for more than 70 years since its establishment. The idea of "three inseparable" has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The results of reform and development have generally benefited people of all ethnic groups. The lives of people of all ethnic groups have achieved a historic transformation from insufficient food and clothing to comprehensive well-off society. Various social undertakings such as employment, education, housing, medical care, and social protection have steadily advanced and made comprehensive progress. The socialist ethnic relations of equality, unity, mutual assistance and harmony have been continuously consolidated and deepened, and the people of all ethnic groups have become a unity and work together to create a better future.

General Secretary Xi Jinping is particularly concerned about Inner Mongolia. After working at the Party Central Committee, he has issued important instructions on Inner Mongolia's work many times, requiring Inner Mongolia to fully implement the Party's ethnic policy, build a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation, and closely unite people of all ethnic groups around the party., jointly guard the borders of the motherland, jointly create a better life, and continue to maintain the lofty honor of a model autonomous region in the new era. We must keep in mind General Secretary Xi Jinping's earnest instructions, closely focus on the main line of work to build a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation, build model autonomous regions in an all-round way, comprehensively promote social construction, regard improving people's livelihood and uniting people's hearts as the starting point and goal of all work, and promote All ethnic groups Exchanges, exchanges and integration, promote the construction of a social governance community, and strive to make people of all ethnic groups feel more satisfied, more secure, and more sustainable.


Adhere to ensuring and improving people's livelihood in the course of development, and guide people of all ethnic groups to unswervingly feel the party's kindness, listen to the party's words, and follow the party.

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that common prosperity is the essential requirement of socialism with Chinese characteristics. my country's modernization must adhere to the people-centered development philosophy, consciously and proactively resolve regional gaps, urban-rural gaps, and income distribution gaps, promote social fairness and justice, and gradually realize the common prosperity of all people and resolutely prevent polarization. Since the new era, Inner Mongolia has conscientiously practiced the people-centered development idea. All 1.57 million poor people who have registered and registered have been lifted out of poverty, and together with the people of the country, they have realized the dream of a comprehensive moderately prosperous society. They have achieved that no farmer and herdsman falls behind on the road to poverty alleviation. There are many ethnic groups who have a moderately prosperous society in all respects, and people of all ethnic groups have continued to improve their sense of gain, happiness, and security. At the same time, we must also note that Inner Mongolia is located in a border area and has a vast territory, a scattered population, high public service costs, and many shortcomings in ensuring people's livelihood.

On the basis of promoting high-quality economic development, we must insist on running the main line of work to build a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation throughout all work to ensure and improve people's livelihood, and make more targeted institutional arrangements for people of all ethnic groups to share the fruits of development. We must continue to "make a big cake" while "dividing the cake", do a good job in ensuring the basics and covering the bottom line based on actual conditions, do practical things about people's livelihood with heart and soul, and promote basic people's livelihood protection standards to reach or exceed the national average. Let people of all ethnic groups feel more deeply the party's care and warmth as they continue to improve their living standards, promote people's unity and spiritual interdependence, and lay a solid material foundation for building a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation.

--Let people of all ethnic groups share a better life while continuing to increase income. Income distribution is the source of improvement of people's livelihood and the most important and direct way to achieve the sharing of development results by the people. We must strive to promote the basic synchronization of residents 'income growth with economic growth, effectively narrow the income distribution gap, strive to broaden the channels for people to increase their income, encourage hard work and innovation to become rich, and make people's pockets richer and their lives more prosperous. For Inner Mongolia, the difficulty that must be overcome to get the income of urban and rural residents to reach the national average level is to promote the continuous and stable increase of income of farmers and herdsmen, and to increase the operating, property and transfer income of farmers and herdsmen through multiple channels. It is necessary to actively expand the industrialized operation model of agriculture and animal husbandry, vigorously develop facility agriculture, house feeding and captivity, and courtyard economy; protect the rights and interests of farmers and herdsmen's land, homestead and collective assets in accordance with the law, and grant farmers and herdsmen more adequate property rights and interests; Accurately implement grassland ecological protection policies such as bonus awards, grain subsidies, subsidies for returning farmland to forests and grasslands, and improve the social protection mechanism in rural and pastoral areas. At the same time, by improving and improving mechanisms such as work-for-relief, production rewards and subsidies, and labor subsidies, we will attract the masses to participate in various constructions such as resource development, farmland water conservancy, urban construction, and desertification prevention and control, so as to share more benefits and gain income, further stimulate the people's sense of ownership, increase the people's enthusiasm for participating in various constructions, and promote the promotion of "common prosperity" in "increasing income".

--Let people of all ethnic groups achieve comprehensive development in high-quality and full employment. Employment affects the lives of thousands of households. If one person has employment, it will be easy to stabilize; if one person in a family is employed, it will increase the power of stability. We must aim at achieving high-quality and full employment, take deepening employment expansion and quality improvement projects as the starting point, and promote the realization of more adequate employment opportunities, a more reasonable employment structure, more accurate employment services, and a better employment environment, so that All ethnic groups can firmly stabilize their "rice bowls" and achieve decent work and all-round development. It is necessary to improve the employment driving force of development, develop new productive forces according to local conditions, transform and upgrade traditional industries, cultivate and expand emerging industries, lay out and build future industries, improve the modern industrial system, and strive to create more high-quality jobs. It is necessary to support the employment of key groups, carry out solid employment service actions for young people such as college graduates, and encourage young people to participate in employment and entrepreneurship in key fields, key industries, urban and rural grassroots and small, medium and micro enterprises; adhere to equal equal emphasis on employment outside and local and nearby employment, and strengthen intra-regional transfer of employment accurately connect, deepen regional labor cooperation, develop labor organizations and brokers, cultivate labor brands with regional characteristics, and broaden employment channels for rural and pastoral labor force, especially those who have been lifted out of poverty; Targeted assistance to disadvantaged groups such as subsistence allowance families, zero-employment families, people who have been lifted out of poverty, and people with disabilities will be strengthened. It is necessary to promote the effective matching of supply and demand, and work hard to solve the problems of "no one does work" and "no one does work". Carry out investigation and analysis on employment gaps around the layout of key industries in the autonomous region, dynamically and accurately grasp industry needs and talent gaps, and target jobs and match resources. Keep a close eye on key industrial chains and major projects in the autonomous region, as well as industries such as housekeeping, elderly care, culture and tourism, logistics, and new energy operation and maintenance that attract large employment capacity, continue to carry out large-scale vocational skills training, continuously improve the quality of workers, and promote effective matching and docking of personnel and posts.

--Let young people of all ethnic groups strive to be new people of the times while strengthening their ideals and beliefs. The fundamental purpose of education is to establish moral character and cultivate people. We must stand at the political level of long-term policies and consolidating the foundation, pay attention to the fundamental issue of "who to train, how to train people, and for whom to train people", and carry out the main line of work to build a strong sense of the Chinese nation's community throughout the entire school and management. In all fields of the process, we will strive to cultivate more new people of the era who can reassure the party, devote themselves to patriotism, and shoulder the important task of national rejuvenation. It is necessary to promote the integrated construction of ideological and political education in universities, middle schools and primary schools, always adhere to the guiding position of Marxism, take the world-renowned achievements of socialism with Chinese characteristics as the content support, and take China's excellent traditional culture, revolutionary culture and advanced socialist culture as the strength foundation. Continuously improve the pertinence and attractiveness of ideological and political courses, moisten things silently let the core socialist values and build a strong sense of the Chinese nation's community infiltrate students 'hearts. Guide young people of all ethnic groups to actively follow the party's glorious banner and guidance, and integrate patriotism, ambition to strengthen the country, and service to the country into the great cause of building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation. The more people of all ethnic groups have mastered the country's common spoken and written language, the more sufficient employment opportunities, a broader development stage, and a better life prospects. It is necessary to give full play to the basic role of schools in promoting the national common spoken and written language, comprehensively promote the use of nationally compiled teaching materials, vigorously promote and popularize the national common spoken and written language, continuously improve the quality of teaching, continue to enrich educational resources, and ensure that young people of all ethnic groups master and use the national common spoken and written language, promote spiritual connection and destiny through language connection.

--Let people of all ethnic groups improve their health and well-being while providing services. People's health is an important symbol of national prosperity and national prosperity. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, our district has vigorously promoted the construction of healthy Inner Mongolia and effectively improved the capabilities and levels of medical and health services. In particular, through the implementation of the Beijing-Mongolia Collaborative Medical Doubling Plan, with the real help from Beijing's tertiary hospitals and the sincere support of Beijing Doctors, many people in our district can enjoy high-level medical services without leaving the district. This measure has become a vivid reflection of the unity of the ethnic groups in Beijing and Mongolia as one family. On the basis of strengthening basic security, we must improve the level of medical care, elderly care, maternity and other services according to local conditions based on the respective characteristics of cities and rural pastoral areas, so that health dividends can better benefit people of all ethnic groups. Expand medical cooperation between Mongolia, Liaoning and Mongolia and Shanghai, promote the expansion of high-quality medical resources and balanced regional layout, and accelerate the construction of national regional medical centers and autonomous region-level specialized regional medical centers. Promote the construction of multi-level medical consortia and county-level medical communities, consolidate and improve the medical and health service system that combines fixed and mobile medical and pastoral areas, promote "Internet + medical health", and improve the accessibility of medical services in rural and pastoral areas. Optimize the service level of "one old and one small", promote the improvement of the quality of home community elderly care services, upgrade institutional elderly care services, expand the coverage of elderly care services in rural and pastoral areas, and strengthen the foundation for comprehensive protection of elderly care services, vigorously develop the elderly care industry, accelerate the aging-friendly transformation, and build a home A elderly care service system that coordinates community institutions and combines medical care and health care. Develop mutual assistance elderly care services in rural and pastoral areas so that elderly people such as widows, elderly people, left-behind people, living alone, and disabled (dementia) who are unwilling to leave rural and pastoral areas can receive daily care. Comply with the laws of population development, organically connect fertility support policies with economic policies, strengthen the construction of inclusive childcare service systems, build a fertility friendly society, and promote long-term balanced development of the population.

--Let people of all ethnic groups lay a solid foundation for a happy life in multi-level social protection. social protection plays the role of a safety net for people's livelihood, a regulator of income distribution, and a shock absorber for economic operations. It is the basic institutional guarantee for ensuring and improving people's livelihood, maintaining social equity, and enhancing people's well-being. We must adhere to the principles of clear rights and responsibilities, appropriate guarantees, and full guarantees, and improve a multi-level social protection system that covers the entire people, coordinates urban and rural areas, is fair and unified, is safe and standardized, and is sustainable, so as to support "stable happiness" for people of all ethnic groups. It is necessary to reform and improve the social protection system, thoroughly implement the universal insurance plan, continuously expand the coverage of social insurance, and establish an efficient and convenient social insurance transfer and continuation mechanism. Deepen the reform of the medical security system, promote basic medical security to cover all people in accordance with the law, help people of all ethnic groups reduce the burden of disease costs, and effectively prevent the risk of poverty returning to poverty due to illness. Consolidate and improve league and municipal coordination, accelerate the autonomous region-level coordination, improve the medical insurance and assistance system for serious and serious diseases, and strengthen the connection between basic medical insurance, serious illness insurance, medical assistance and other systems. Promote the standardization of medical security public services and build a unified medical security information system in the district to make it more convenient and faster for people of all ethnic groups to see medical treatment. Establish a hierarchical and classified social assistance system, strengthen the assistance work for five-guarantee people in rural and pastoral areas, urban "three noes" support people, orphans and disabled people, key preferential care recipients, and left-behind children, and effectively protect the basic livelihood of people in need. Increase assistance to people experiencing sudden, urgent, and temporary living difficulties, extensively mobilize social forces to carry out social assistance, social mutual assistance, and volunteer service activities, promote the development of charity, and ensure the bottom line of basic living security for people of all ethnic groups.

There are many things to ensure and improve people's livelihood, and making up for shortcomings involves all aspects. We must persist in doing our best and within our capabilities, focus on the pain points and difficulties in people's livelihood and the issues strongly reflected by people of all ethnic groups, and concentrate our efforts over a period of time. One or two practical things for people's livelihood. For example, this year the Party Committee of the Autonomous Region actively responded to the concerns of people of all ethnic groups, deployed and implemented warming projects across the district, and made up our minds to completely solve the people's winter heating problem. Through this kind of tangible measures, we must help the people solve problems with heart and soul, increase well-being for the people, allow the people to enjoy fairness, and strive to do good things well and do them to the hearts of people of all ethnic groups. At the same time, we can use words that people of all ethnic groups can understand and understand, and fully explain the care, support and deep love of the Party Central Committee and General Secretary Xi Jinping for the people of Inner Mongolia and Inner Mongolia, so that the people can truly feel the party's warmth and care at all times and in every detail, feel the party's kindness and kindness from the bottom of our hearts, constantly enhance our high recognition of the great motherland, the Chinese nation, Chinese culture, the Communist Party of China, and socialism with Chinese characteristics, and unswervingly feel the party's kindness, Listen to the party and follow the party.


Focus on building a social governance community and mobilize the enthusiasm, initiative and creativity of people of all ethnic groups to participate in public affairs

General Secretary Xi Jinping emphasized that we must unswervingly follow the path of socialist social governance with Chinese characteristics, be good at transforming the party's leadership and the advantages of our country's socialist system into social governance effectiveness, and strive to promote the systematization, scientific, intelligent and legal social governance., continuously improve the socialist social governance system with Chinese characteristics, and ensure that the people live and work in peace and contentment, society is stable and orderly, and the country has long-term stability and stability. Social governance is an important aspect of national governance. Strengthening and innovating social governance is an objective requirement of the development laws of socialist society with Chinese characteristics. The country is peaceful and the people are safe, and the people hope for it. With the development of the times and social progress, people's yearning for a better life has become stronger and new and higher requirements have been put forward for social governance.

Based on the actual situation of Inner Mongolia, we must incorporate doing a good job in ethnic work and building a strong sense of the Chinese nation's community into the overall pattern of social governance of co-construction, co-governance and sharing, extensively mobilize the enthusiasm, initiative, and creativity of people of all ethnic groups, and guide the broad masses of the masses to participate in social governance. Effectively improve ideological awareness, moral standards, and civilized literacy, enhance the centripetal force and cohesion of promoting the modernization of social governance, and jointly build a social governance community in which everyone is responsible, everyone fulfills their responsibilities, and everyone enjoys it.

--Continue to consolidate the good situation of national unity by deepening grassroots governance. The grassroots level is the home for people of all ethnic groups to live and rest, the foundation and focus of social governance, and the front line for building a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation. We must adhere to the principles of multi-party participation, joint governance, overall planning, and dynamic coordination, and fully implement the strong sense of community for the Chinese nation in all aspects of the construction of the grassroots governance system. Grassroots party organizations are the "leaders" of grassroots social governance and the most basic and direct force in strengthening and innovating social governance. It is necessary to persist in leading and promoting social governance innovation through grassroots party building innovation, improve the urban and rural grassroots governance system that combines autonomy, rule of law, and rule of virtue under the leadership of party organizations, and build a "Gacha Village (Community) Party Organization-Grid Party Branch (Party Group)-Building Party Group (Party Member Central Household)" as the main organizational system. Promote the digitalization of social governance, improve the grassroots governance platform with grid management, refined services, and information support, rely on the grassroots governance platform to build a grassroots "root database", and promote the application of "One Meter" throughout the district. Grassroots affairs are multi-faceted and wide-ranging, and we must pay attention to playing all roles, improve the institutionalized channels for people of all ethnic groups to participate in public affairs and grassroots social governance, improve the resident autonomy mechanism of Gacha Village (community), and comprehensively use Gacha Village (community) People's councils. Platform carriers such as meetings and community living rooms regularly carry out democratic consultations and decision-making, so as to truly ensure that the people's affairs are discussed more with the people and everyone's affairs can participate in everyone's affairs. Improve the modernization level of urban social governance, support the construction of social organizations such as emergency rescue, conflict resolution, dispute mediation, and legal services, strengthen the construction of community social work professionals and volunteer teams, and provide more convenient services to the masses. Optimize grassroots functions and responsibilities, focus on solving the problem of "small horses pulling carts" in grassroots governance, promote the sinking of resources, services, and management to the grassroots, and make every effort to reduce the burden on "cars" and empower "horses". Based on the functional positioning of Sumu Township (Subdistrict) and Gacha Village (community), we will grant Sumu Township (Subdistrict) management rights and responsibilities that the grassroots urgently needs and has the ability to undertake in accordance with the law, promote the implementation of key tasks at the grassroots level, and ensure that grassroots power is given to the grassroots. Grassroots, grassroots responsibilities are shouldered at the grassroots level, and grassroots affairs are handled by people.

--Build a strong security and stability barrier in the northern border of the motherland by promoting social security. National security is the foundation of national rejuvenation, and social stability is the prerequisite for national prosperity. As the "northern gate" of the motherland and the "moat" of the capital, Inner Mongolia plays an important role and has great responsibilities in the overall situation of national security and stability. We must thoroughly implement the overall national security concept, firmly adhere to the bottom line of safe development, promote high-quality development and high-level security and positive interaction, and strive to build an indestructible security and stability barrier in the northern border of the motherland. It is necessary to improve the level of legalization of social governance, promptly incorporate effective policies and measures in social governance practice into relevant laws and regulations, and ensure long-term stability of the overall social situation with good laws and good governance. Adhere to the rule of law to govern issues related to ethnic factors, crack down on illegal and criminal activities that endanger ethnic unity in accordance with the law, and effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of all ethnic groups. It is necessary to improve public security governance capabilities, establish a major security emergency response framework, strengthen the construction of security risk monitoring and early warning systems and emergency response plan systems, promote the integration of grassroots public security supervision, law enforcement and comprehensive management, and resolutely guard against systemic regional security incidents. The bottom line. It is necessary to adhere to and develop the "Maple Bridge Experience" in the new era, improve the diversified resolution mechanism of conflicts and disputes, and smooth and standardize the channels for people to express their demands, coordinate interests, and protect their rights and interests. Promote the full coverage of the People's Mediation Committees in Sumu Township (Subdistrict) and Gacha Village (Community), encourage social groups and other organizations to establish industry-based professional people's mediation organizations in accordance with the law, and integrate people's mediation, administrative mediation, judicial mediation and industry-based professional mediation. Comprehensively implement the petition agency system, regularly carry out visits and case inspections by leading cadres, promptly and effectively solve practical difficulties and problems reported by the masses, and strive to resolve conflicts and disputes at the grassroots level and in the bud.

--Build the foundation of mutual assistance among all ethnic groups by protecting the border steadily. Inner Mongolia is located in the northern border of the motherland, with a border line of 4263 kilometers. There are 7 league cities and 20 flag urban areas distributed along the border. It is a typical large border province. We must not only respect the laws of population flow but also exert subjective initiative. We must focus on uniting people's hearts and maintaining unity, and promote the prosperity of the border people, the beauty of the border customs, the stability of the border, and the solid border defense. People of all ethnic groups along the border are an important force in defending the territory and consolidating the border. Ensuring and improving the lives of people of all ethnic groups along the border are inherent requirements for the development of border areas. It is necessary to explore effective ways to solve the problem of "hollowing out" population in border areas, implement infrastructure upgrading projects in border node villages and towns, carry out integrated construction of water, electricity, road and information in border areas, and realize arrival natural villages, border posts, border police stations, and arrival police The room is widely covered with drinking water, electricity, communications, radio and television. It is necessary to improve and improve the grassroots border governance system, promote the construction of "digital border defense" and "smart border defense", build and strengthen mass defense forces in border areas such as "red fortress households","ten-household joint defense", and grid personnel, and consolidate the joint efforts of the party, government, army, police and people Strengthen the border defense situation. Continue to carry out publicity and education on building a strong sense of community for the Chinese nation, promote the construction of the "Four Common" corridors, and continuously enhance the awareness of people of all ethnic groups along the border to safeguard national unity and national unity and oppose ethnic division. It is necessary to further promote the development of the border by industry, adhere to the principle that industry is suitable for industry, animal husbandry is suitable, and agriculture is suitable, support the deployment of industrial projects that meet the characteristics of border areas and ecological and environmental protection requirements to border areas, and implement the "Private Enterprises Entering the Border" action. Develop the border with industry, gather people with industry, and promote the prosperity and development of the border, the unity and happiness of the border people, and the stability of the border security.

The fundamental way to build a social governance community is to deepen co-construction, co-governance and sharing. To do a good job in "common", the key is to continuously build a strong sense of the Chinese nation's community and promote people of all ethnic groups to breathe together, share a shared destiny, and connect their hearts. We must be good at using all our efforts and wisdom to do a good job and promote development. We must carry out mass education on "feeling the favor of the Party, listening to the Party, and following the Party" in conjunction with normal conditions, combine serving the masses with educating and guiding the masses, and inspire all ethnic groups. The spirit of the people of the people of all ethnic groups to "think together and twist together" allows people of all ethnic groups to use their wisdom and wisdom as masters, enhance understanding and recognition in the process of participating in social governance, and better depict "the Chinese nation as one family. A beautiful picture of "Working Together to Build the Chinese Dream."


Promote exchanges, exchanges and integration among all ethnic groups, and promote brotherhood, mutual assistance, and common development among people of all ethnic groups

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the great unity of the Chinese nation is the prerequisite and foundation for comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation with Chinese-style modernization. The process of building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation must be a process of extensive exchanges, exchanges and integration among all ethnic groups, and must be the common unity of all ethnic groups. The process of struggle and common prosperity and development. The historical orientation of exchanges, exchanges and integration of the Chinese nation is that "harmony" is the mainstream,"communication" is the process, and "integration" is the key. No ethnic group is purely single, and all ethnic groups continue to enhance commonality through exchanges, exchanges and integration. Since the reform and opening up, the breadth and depth of close ties among all ethnic groups in social life have been unprecedented, and the population distribution pattern of large mixed living, small living, and staggered living has continued to deepen. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the phenomenon of mixed, mixed and integrated living among all ethnic groups has become increasingly prominent. The commonality of lifestyles and values has become increasingly enhanced. The embedded social structures and living environment have connected the hearts and minds of all ethnic groups.

Since ancient times, many ethnic groups have thrived and lived, interacted and blended on the Inner Mongolia Plateau, forming a history of interdependence and common development. Nowadays, all ethnic groups in Inner Mongolia are like one family. Whether in rural and pastoral areas or urban communities, everyone can make close friends, be harmonious neighbors, and have a happy marriage. Practice has proved that promoting exchanges, exchanges and integration among all ethnic groups is the only way to enhance ethnic unity, build a strong sense of the Chinese nation's community, and promote the construction of the Chinese nation's community. We must follow the trend and take the initiative to unswervingly strengthen exchanges, exchanges and integration among all ethnic groups, and promote The unity and unity of all ethnic groups in terms of ideals, beliefs, emotions and culture promotes brotherhood, mutual assistance, and common development among people of all ethnic groups.

--Work hard to optimize management services to promote the mobility and integration of all ethnic groups. With the development of economy and society, my country's ethnic relations have developed into a larger range of social relations. They are no longer unique and single ethnic relations in ethnic areas. The previous ethnic work model based on settlements is no longer suitable for all ethnic groups. The new characteristics of mobility and integration. We must strive to improve the service management system for the floating population of all ethnic groups and provide a broader social space for extensive exchanges, exchanges and integration among all ethnic groups. Explore and establish a dynamic adjustment and distribution mechanism for transfer payment funds that is compatible with population layout and population mobility, accelerate the reform of the household registration system, promote the settlement of migrant population from agriculture and animal husbandry and other permanent residents in cities and towns, and orderly guide the transfer of agricultural and animal husbandry population to cities and towns. Promote the urbanization of agricultural and animal husbandry migrant workers and the equalization of public services. It is necessary to adhere to the simultaneous improvement of public services and institutional innovation. Wherever the transferred population flows, the incremental allocation of public services will be appropriately tilted to provide convenient services for the floating population in terms of registration and certification, labor and employment, housing purchases in other places, children's schooling, and assistance for difficulties. Continuously enhance the floating population's sense of belonging. It is necessary to establish and improve cross-regional service management collaboration mechanisms among league cities in the region, and between league cities and provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities outside the region, deepen linkage and collaboration in information sharing, publicity and education, service management, dispute mediation, etc., and effectively protect the legitimate rights and interests of the floating population, allowing people of all ethnic groups to flow reasonably, orderly and fully and freely.

--Work hard to promote co-habitation and integration, and promote all ethnic groups to have me among you and you among me. The large population mobility has promoted the reconstruction of the living patterns of various ethnic groups. The interconnected multi-ethnic social structure and community environment are the boosters of ethnic unity and national progress. As all ethnic groups gradually move from spatial embedding to all-round embedding in economy, society, culture and psychology, we must create a more complete social environment of co-living and learning, co-building and sharing, and working together and enjoying together, so that the people of all ethnic groups can be among you. There is me, there is you in me, and no one can live without another. It is necessary to implement an inter-embedded development plan for people of all ethnic groups to help people of all ethnic groups increase income, improve skills, broaden their horizons, and update their concepts, build new platforms for entrepreneurship, expand new market space, provide new service conveniences, and improve basic national conditions and new cognition for people of all ethnic groups. It is necessary to implement a plan for tourism to promote exchanges, exchanges and integration among all ethnic groups, make full use of Inner Mongolia's rich historical and cultural resources and unique ethnic customs, tell the story of ethnic unity and progress, create high-quality tourist routes and classic tourism products, so that people of all ethnic groups can appreciate the northern border of the motherland. Enhance feelings and heart-to-heart bonds in the magnificent scenery, harmonious customs, and good customs. It is necessary to implement exchange plans for young people of all ethnic groups, organize and carry out activities such as patriotic education, study, border tours, etc. for young people from all ethnic groups, and promote interactive learning between young people of all ethnic groups and young people from developed areas in the eastern, central and coastal areas. It is necessary to promote students of all ethnic groups to study together in schools and to live in mixed classes, so that children can live together, learn together, and play together. It is necessary to promote the in-depth integration of our region's population, resources, and industries with the national market, build an entrepreneurial platform, expand market space, and provide service convenience for people of all ethnic groups, and better promote exchanges, exchanges and integration among people of all ethnic groups on a larger and deeper scale.

--Work hard to strengthen demonstration and drive to promote all ethnic groups to work together and forge ahead hand in hand. The creation of national unity and progress is a "golden signboard" jointly created by the people of all ethnic groups across the country. On the basis of continuing to consolidate the fine tradition of national unity, we must adhere to the concept of focusing on peacetime, heart-to-heart communication, actions, and grassroots, give full play to the role of national unity and progress, and guide people of all ethnic groups to establish a correct view of the country, history, ethnicity, culture, and religion. It is necessary to take the comprehensive, in-depth and sustained development of the creation of national unity and progress as an important starting point and key measure for building a demonstration zone for building a strong sense of the Chinese nation's community, explore the work path for the creation of national unity and progress with Inner Mongolia characteristics, and create an upgraded version of the creation of national unity and progress. It is necessary to make full use of carriers such as the Ethnic Policy Publicity Month, the Ethnic Unity and Progress Activity Month, and the Ethnic Rule of Law Publicity Week based on the characteristics of different objects and audiences to continue to deepen the publicity and education of ethnic unity and progress, attract widespread participation of people of all ethnic groups, and effectively enhance the people of all ethnic groups. National awareness, citizenship awareness, rule of law and awareness of the Chinese nation's community. It is necessary to thoroughly implement the "Hundreds of Million Demonstration and Guidance" project of demonstration units in the National Unity and Progress Demonstration Zone, and vigorously select and establish advanced models of national unity and progress in the new era. It is necessary to run the main line of work to build a strong sense of the Chinese nation's community throughout the entire process of formulation of evaluation indicators and naming management, improve the quality and effectiveness of the creation, and build each creation area and unit into a demonstration window for building a strong sense of the Chinese nation's community.

Focusing on the main line of building a strong sense of the Chinese nation's community to ensure people's livelihood and social governance is by no means a matter of overnight and accomplished overnight. It is a work done bit by bit, brick by brick. We must use embroidery efforts and nail nailing spirit. We must grasp the spirit of building a strong sense of the Chinese nation's community into concrete matters, produce tangible results, and deeply cultivate the loyalty of the people of all ethnic groups. The emotional foundation and source of strength of gratitude and forge ahead promote people of all ethnic groups to hold together like pomegranate seeds, live in harmony, work together, and develop harmoniously, jointly create a beautiful and happy life, and let the flowers of national unity bloom and flourish.

RegionChina,Beijing,Inner Mongolia