China Carbon Credit Platform

Ningxia Department of Ecology and Environment makes every effort to promote key ecological and environmental tasks in 2024

Release Time2 months ago

Ningxia News Network(Reporter Yang Zhaolianwen/photo)On July 10, the reporter learned from the special meeting on promoting key ecological and environmental tasks in 2024 held by the Ningxia Department of Ecology and Environment that this year, our district will strengthen internal and external connections and coordination between upper and lower levels, unite and unite the forces of all parties, and improve the promotion mechanism of normalized work., actively study new situations, proactively solve new problems, constantly explore new mechanisms, promote departments in charge of development, production, and industry to fully implement ecological and environmental protection responsibilities, and effectively promote the in-depth development of ecological civilization construction. Solidly promote the construction of beautiful Ningxia.

In the first half of this year, the ratio of days with good ambient air quality in the region was 74.4%, a year-on-year increase of 0.6 percentage points; after deducting the impact of sand and dust weather, there were no severely polluted days in the region. The water environment quality is generally stable. The proportion of excellent water quality in Class III and above in the 20 surface water sections assessed by the state is 100%, a year-on-year increase of 10.0 percentage points; the proportion of inferior to Class V is 0%, which is flat year-on-year; the Ningxia section of the main stream of the Yellow River continues to maintain Class II excellent water quality. The proportion of the 22 main drainage ditches meeting or exceeding the surface water Class IV standard is 97.0%. Among the centralized drinking water sources in 15 cities assessed by the state, the proportion of local factors affecting the water quality reaching or better than Class III is 100%.

Our district will continue to deepen the reform of emission rights, promote the inclusion of volatile organic compounds in the pilot program of paid use trading of emission rights, vigorously promote the reform of carbon emission rights, issue the "Implementation Opinions on Accelerating Integration into the Construction of the National Carbon Market", actively promote voluntary emission reduction market transactions, Promote collaborative evaluation of pollution reduction and carbon reduction, and use reform to stimulate the impetus for ecological construction. Comprehensively implement actions to continuously improve air quality, take fine particulate matter control as the main line, vigorously promote coordinated emission reduction of multiple pollutants, and promote the "upgrading and expansion" action of performance grading of key industries in heavily polluted weather step by step. Fight the tough battle against ecological protection and governance in the Ningxia section of the Yellow River, continue to promote the protection and management of the main and tributaries of the Yellow River, important lakes and reservoirs, and major drainage ditches entering the Yellow River; implement water pollution prevention and control projects in key river basins; implement special actions for groundwater pollution prevention and control in chemical parks and centralized treatment facilities operation such as investigation and rectification, and carry out investigation and evaluation of pollution conditions in key water sources.

At the same time, focusing on the feedback from the central ecological and environmental protection inspector and the disclosure of the Yellow River warning film, we should promptly "look back" supervision and supervision, promote the implementation of various rectification tasks one by one, consolidate the responsibility for acceptance and cancellation, and ensure that problems are resolutely and thoroughly rectified and do not rebound. Implement a three-year campaign to improve the quality of administrative law enforcement in the ecological environment system, and carry out special activities such as "Two Strikes" and "Waste Cleanup Action". Strengthen the rectification of socialized inspection and testing institutions, standardize market order, strictly supervise and manage the entire process of environmental monitoring, and severely punish false behaviors. Continue to promote the "Green Shield" to strengthen supervision, seriously investigate and deal with violations of laws and regulations that damage the ecological environment of nature protected areas, and continue to consolidate natural ecological protection supervision capabilities.
