China Carbon Credit Platform

Create a green ecological treasure with hard work and practical results

Release Time5 months ago

In the past year, the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region has effectively protected the "high-value" ecology, created a high-quality life, and supported high-quality development with more solid and reliable work results, and has achieved remarkable results in all aspects of the ecological environment, steadily improving the quality of the ecological environment, and making due contributions to high-quality economic and social development. In the new year, the autonomous region will continue to maintain a progressive attitude, and accelerate the construction of a beautiful Ningxia on a new journey with the ambition to think and do, the spirit to break through and stand up, and the courage to fight.

The first is to adhere to the direction and ensure that a blueprint is brilliant.Coordinate high-quality development and high-value ecology, coordinate carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green expansion, and growth, win the battle to defend the blue sky, clear water, and pure land with higher standards, continuously improve the level of ecological and environmental protection work and ecological environment governance capabilities, ensure high-level safety and support high-quality development with a high-quality ecological environment, and strive to promote the construction of a beautiful Ningxia and create a green ecological treasure land.

The second is to adhere to the same goal and ensure that the two core tasks remain in the first place.Comprehensively analyze the evaluation indicators of the effectiveness of the pollution prevention and control campaign, go all out to make up for the arrears and ensure the target, ensure that the national level of the pollution prevention and control campaign in 2023 will maintain the advanced position, and the autonomous region will reward the good and punish the inferior, and promote the annual ratio of good days, the average concentration of PM2.5, the ratio of heavily polluted days and other ecological and environmental binding indicators to create excellence and strive to build a beautiful China pilot zone.

The third is to persist in the unabated efforts to ensure that the four landmark battles are advanced in depth.Fight the battle to defend the blue sky. Efforts will be made to promote the continuous improvement of air quality, strengthen the elimination of heavily polluted weather, the prevention and control of ozone pollution, and the pollution control of diesel trucks, implement the in-depth treatment of VOCs in the whole process, and carry out the creation of "quiet communities". Fight the battle to defend the clear water. Implement a centralized special action for environmental protection of drinking water sources, and strengthen the comprehensive improvement of the main stream and important tributaries of the Yellow River, key lakes and key drainage ditches. Fight the battle to defend the Pure Land. We have thoroughly implemented actions to prevent and control soil pollution at the source, strengthened the safe use of key construction land, and achieved a 38% treatment rate for rural domestic sewage in the autonomous region. Fight the battle of solid waste and new pollutants. Build a benchmark for the construction of "zero-waste cities" in Yinchuan City and Shizuishan City. Solidly carry out the illegal dumping and indiscriminate dumping of industrial solid waste and hazardous waste.

Fourth, we should insist on key breakthroughs and ensure that the six key links achieve new development.Enhance the momentum of promoting high-quality development. Promote the practice of green finance, promote the implementation of a number of key projects in the field of ecological environment that cross regional river basins and multi-factor coordination, and promote the healthy development of the environmental protection industry. Promote the green transformation of development mode. Resolutely curb the blind development of "two highs and one low" projects, and vigorously advocate simple and moderate, green and low-carbon, civilized and healthy lifestyles and consumption patterns. Enhance the endogenous driving force of reform and innovation. We will continue to deepen the reform of emission rights, vigorously promote the reform of carbon emission rights, actively promote the construction of low-carbon pilot projects, and carry out policy evaluation and performance evaluation of upstream and downstream horizontal ecological compensation pilots. Improve the legal system for environmental protection. Carry out research on local legislation on noise pollution prevention and control in the autonomous region, revise the environmental protection regulations of the autonomous region, and compile technical standards such as technical specifications for automatic monitoring and operation and maintenance quality management of fixed pollution sources. Strengthen ecological and environmental protection inspections. Carry out the third round of ecological and environmental protection inspections in the autonomous region, solidly organize and carry out special rectification actions for outstanding problems in the field of natural resource asset management and ecological environmental protection, and comprehensively investigate the shortcomings of the problems in the field of ecological environment and the environment. Strengthen the foundation of ecological civilization and society. The Yinchuan Annual Conference of the China Ecological Civilization Forum will be held to further promote the selection of Ningxia's "Top Ten Ecological and Environmental Protection Figures" and the creation of ecological literature in 2024 "Beautiful Ningxia", so as to accelerate the formation of national ecological consciousness.

Fifth, adhere to the bottom-line thinking to ensure the steady improvement of the comprehensive guarantee capacity of the ecological security level.Guard the red line of ecological protection. Carry out the evaluation of the effectiveness of ecological protection redlines and ecological and environmental protection of nature reserves, and implement the Ningxia biodiversity conservation strategy and action plan and major biodiversity conservation project planning in the new era. Hold the bottom line of environmental risks and hidden dangers. Carry out a three-year action to tackle the root cause of production safety in the field of ecology and environment and "look back" on the results of rectification, and continue to promote the standardization of radiation safety supervision. Improve the ability of law enforcement and supervision. Carry out special law enforcement actions such as "two strikes" and "waste removal actions", and severely crack down on illegal and criminal acts such as falsification of automatic monitoring data and falsification of third-party environmental protection service agencies. Broaden the channels for project capital investment. We will build a "two-wheel drive" pattern of financial investment in ecological and environmental protection and social capital investment, and strive to reach 10 cooperative financial institutions and green credit investment of more than 10 billion yuan. Enhance basic support capabilities. Through the "external introduction and internal linkage" and "one city, one policy" stationed science and technology assistance organizations to carry out scientific research, further promote the construction of "smart monitoring", and improve the level of ecological environment informatization construction capabilities.
