China Carbon Credit Platform

Our newspaper's comment: The golden period of summer construction is approaching, and construction dust control cannot be slackened

Release Time2 months ago

Summer is the golden period for construction. Earth-rock operations, muck transportation and vehicle throwing are often accompanied by a large amount of dust. If prevention and control measures are not in place, it will easily affect the atmospheric environment. Recently, Beijing, Taiyuan, Shanxi, Yancheng, Jiangsu and other places have successively carried out special dust control operations, focusing on key sites such as construction sites, and comprehensively strengthening the prevention and control of dust pollution. However, during the inspection, it was found that many construction sites had problems to varying degrees such as failure to take dust prevention measures and unclean roads around entrances and exits.

Compared with the pollution caused by automobile exhaust, coal combustion and industrial emissions, some places obviously do not pay enough attention to dust pollution. Some construction entities also have a chance, and prevention and control facilities are in vain. Not long ago, a super-first-tier city was listed as a typical case by the Central Ecological and Environmental Protection Inspection Group for notification due to prominent dust problems at construction sites and poor supervision by relevant departments on dust pollution at construction sites. It can be seen that in order to fight the battle to defend the blue sky in depth, dust pollution control is still an important task, and must not be taken lightly or even perfunctory.

According to the source analysis of particulate matter in many places, the impact of dust on PM2.5and PM10Both have contributed. In many cities, dust has become one of the main sources of air pollution at this stage. Take Beijing as an example, from PM in April and May in the last three years2.5Judging from the composition analysis, dust has a significant impact on PM2.5The contribution accounted for nearly 30%. In addition, dust pollution is still a hot spot for complaints and reports from people in many places. Dust flies around some construction sites, and soil from earth-moving trucks is scattered all the way. Residents and passers-by are deeply disturbed by it. They are covered in gray on sunny days and covered with mud on rainy days. It makes people complain endlessly.

After years of air pollution prevention and control, my country's pollutant emission reduction space has gradually narrowed, and improving air quality has reached a critical stage. Some places pay more attention to corporate pollution emissions and less attention to social sources, underestimating the contribution of scattered small pollution sources to the concentration of particulate matter. Imagine if similar situations occur many times or in multiple places, it will inevitably have an adverse impact on the overall improvement of air quality across the country, as well as on the appearance of the city and people's lives.

The dust problem is actually largely a management problem. If some measures are not implemented, some facilities are not activated, and if they are not managed or strictly controlled, dust problems will arise. As long as management is in place, the dust pollution problem can achieve relatively obvious results in a short period of time.

Therefore, local governments and relevant departments must improve their ideological understanding, manage construction sites well, and urge construction sites to strictly implement the six 100% requirements of enclosure, covering, flushing, hardening, wet operation, and enclosed transportation through daily inspections and key supervision. We must have the courage to prosecute violations of the law. Whether it is municipal engineering construction or corporate engineering projects, we must treat them equally and strictly enforce the law in accordance with laws and regulations. Regarding complaints and reports from the masses, we must go to the scene to verify and resolve them, and respond to the demands of the masses in a serious and responsible manner.

Faced with the reality of many construction sites and few law enforcement personnel, the pressure on supervision and law enforcement can be reduced through continuous innovation of governance methods. Many places have used information means such as remote monitoring to implement 24-hour online monitoring of construction sites under construction to grasp the real-time situation of dust on construction sites to further improve the level of refined management. On this basis, it is also possible to develop and promote new technologies, new processes, and new equipment for dust pollution prevention and control. For example, Chongqing explores intelligent construction and transforms concrete pouring processes, which not only saves construction periods, but also reduces carbon emissions and dust during the construction process. Pollution. Luohu District of Shenzhen uses the rule of law to promote dust control. The district government and the construction engineering company signed an agreement on compensation for ecological and environmental damage in the dust field, providing a new path in addition to administrative penalties for supervising the implementation of dust pollution prevention and control responsibilities.

The battle to defend the blue sky is both a tough and protracted battle. If any link is lax, air quality may fluctuate and rebound, leading to a decline in the performance of gas control. All localities should do a good job in preventing and controlling dust pollution with higher standards and stricter requirements, effectively reduce emission intensity, and ensure the health of the people.
