China Carbon Credit Platform

Jiangxi has strengthened the construction of the carbon market to help reduce pollution and carbon emissions, and the cumulative trading volume of carbon emission allowances has reached 10.3628 million tons

Release Time6 months ago

On February 21, the Jiangxi Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment issued a notice to deploy 53 power generation enterprises in 11 districted cities in the province to do a good job in the verification, monthly report and data quality inspection of greenhouse gas emissions in 2024.

"This is part of our work to strengthen the management of corporate greenhouse gas emission data in 2024 and establish and improve a long-term working mechanism for data quality management. Zheng Wenyu, director of the climate response department of the Jiangxi Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, told reporters.

In 2023, the Jiangxi Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment shared its work experience at a training course on data quality management in the national carbon market. On the basis of strict carbon emission data management, Jiangxi has taken the construction of the national carbon emission trading market as an important starting point, and has made overall plans to promote the synergy of pollution reduction and carbon reduction, and has achieved positive results. In terms of carbon market turnover, up to now, the cumulative turnover of Jiangxi's carbon emission allowances has reached 10.3628 million tons, with a cumulative turnover of 572 million yuan. In terms of carbon quota fulfillment, the quota clearance task in the first compliance cycle has been fully completed, and the quota clearance task in the second compliance cycle has been completed 100%.

Through hierarchical and classified control, we can fully grasp carbon emission data

"In strict accordance with the management measures for carbon emission trading and the requirements for the construction and operation of the national carbon market, our department has strictly formulated a list of key emitting enterprises in the province and carried out scientific management of key carbon emission enterprises. Tang Zheng, deputy director of the climate response department of the Jiangxi Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment, said.

The Jiangxi Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment has linked up with the energy, statistics, and market supervision departments to coordinate the data of environmental impact assessment, environmental protection, energy consumption, and industrial and commercial registration, screen and sort out the information of key carbon emission enterprises, and strictly formulate a list of key emitting enterprises in the region to ensure that enterprises should be fully covered.

"We have a total of 143 key greenhouse gas emission enterprises in the city, including 22 key enterprises in eight key industries such as power generation, all of which have been included in the list of key carbon emission units. Cai Sheng, chief of the low-carbon technology section of the Jiujiang Ecological Environment Early Warning and Control Center, said when introducing the relevant local situation.

After the list of key carbon emission emitting enterprises in the province is determined, the Jiangxi Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment has established a three-level management mechanism for key carbon emission enterprises to scientifically manage key carbon emission enterprises at different levels.

The first level is the key emitting enterprises in the power generation industry, which strictly carry out annual reports, monthly information storage and daily supervision in accordance with the requirements of the national carbon market; Enterprises with annual carbon emissions of more than 26,000 tons in seven major industries such as papermaking shall submit carbon emission reports on the national management platform every year, and the Jiangxi Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment shall conduct full coverage verification;

"Our company belongs to the first level of emitting enterprises, and through the way of key monitoring, we can ensure that we can meet the national requirements and operate legally and compliantly. Jin Ningjiang, senior director of energy conservation of National Energy Shenhua Jiujiang Power Generation Co., Ltd., told reporters when talking about the benefits of hierarchical management.

Since the establishment and operation of the national carbon market, Jiangxi has organized enterprises to submit more than 2,514 annual and monthly carbon emission reports, and verified and randomly inspected more than 1,464 enterprise reports. It is the first in the country to realize the carbon emission reporting management of all industrial enterprises with an annual carbon emission of more than 13,000 tons, covering more than 1,100 enterprises and covering an annual carbon emission of about 300 million tons.

Through joint supervision, we ensure that carbon emission data is true and accurate

"Timely, accurate and true carbon emission data is the basis and premise for the healthy and stable operation of the national carbon market, and our department has continuously strengthened supervision and innovated supervision methods to ensure that carbon emission data is true and accurate," Tang Zheng said.

The Jiangxi Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment has set up a special class for the supervision and management of data quality in the national carbon emission trading market and the settlement of carbon emission allowances, with the main leaders of the department as the team leader and the leader of the department in charge as the deputy team leader, to study and deploy carbon emission data quality supervision measures, promote them at a high level, and coordinate and promote various tasks as a whole.

At the same time, innovative methods are carried out to carry out carbon emission data quality checks. It is the first in the country to issue and implement the "Work Plan for the Quality Inspection of Carbon Emission Data of Key Enterprises in Jiangxi Province", and the Provincial Market Supervision Bureau conducts a comprehensive "physical examination" of the carbon emission management of enterprises, and conducts coal quality sampling inspections on coal burning of enterprises.

On the basis of carrying out carbon emission data quality inspections in accordance with the six steps of "mobilization and deployment, comprehensive investigation, summary analysis, classification and rectification, key spot checks, and in-depth summary" every year, a daily supervision mechanism for carbon emission data quality at the provincial and municipal levels shall be established, and the monthly information evidence storage work of enterprises shall be tracked and supervised, and regular spot checks and reports shall be carried out.

"We have deployed a team of experts with high professional and experienced personnel to guide and help enterprises improve the quality of carbon emission data. Mao Weixiang, a member of the Party Committee of the Development Institute of the Jiangxi Provincial General Institute of Inspection, Testing and Certification, said when introducing the situation.

Jiangxi carries out enterprise carbon verification according to industry classification to improve verification efficiency. A fourth-party review of the verification results is carried out to ensure the quality of the verification. Regularly schedule the progress of verification work, evaluate verification institutions based on the quality of the initial verification results and the return rate of the system, disclose the assessment results and interview the verification institutions with low scores, and consolidate the responsibilities of the verification institutions.

Since the implementation of the relevant regulatory mechanism, the results have been remarkable. The number of problems found in the monthly informatization evidence preservation audit of enterprises decreased from 1,436 in January 2023 to 69 in August, and the first-time pass rate increased from 0% to 64%. The on-time submission rate has gradually increased from 10.42% at the beginning of the implementation to 100% in August 2022 and has remained continuous to this day. The carbon verification tasks for the four years from 2019 to 2022 were all completed on time. In the national carbon market management platform, there are zero clues about the quality of carbon data of Jiangxi enterprises.

By strengthening the responsibility and incentive effect, we can ensure that the carbon market is effective

Fulfillment and settlement is a key part of consolidating the responsibility of enterprises to reduce carbon emissions, and it is an important measure to ensure that the national carbon market truly achieves the effect of carbon reduction. The Jiangxi Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment attaches great importance to the inclusion of the enterprise performance rate in the assessment index of pollution prevention and control, and forges the "failure to perform on time and in full" into a high-voltage line that enterprises dare not cross in accordance with the idea of standardizing the system in advance, strengthening monitoring during the event, and strengthening accountability after the event.

"We have strictly reviewed the quota verification data, implemented relief measures, and took the lead in completing the quota verification, allocation and issuance of performance notices in the country for two consecutive compliance cycles, which has won sufficient transaction time for key enterprises to clear and perform the contract. Zheng Wenyu said.

The Jiangxi Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment regularly dispatches and reports the performance rate of each districted city, and consolidates the territorial supervision responsibility of the districted city. Establish a dynamic performance risk assessment mechanism, report the performance risk index of the enterprise on a daily basis, and urge the relevant enterprises to perform the contract "100%".

"We have also strengthened accountability and severely punished cases. In the first performance cycle, 4 enterprises were ordered to complete the quota settlement after rectification and were exempted from punishment, and 1 enterprise was fined 20,000 yuan for failing to complete the quota payment. Tang Zheng told reporters.

In the first performance cycle, except for one enterprise in Jiangxi that was unable to trade and perform due to the freezing of bank accounts, the rest of the enterprises all completed their performance and achieved "due diligence". In the second compliance cycle, the compliance rate of Jiangxi Province in 2021 and 2022 will reach 100%.

The Jiangxi Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment focuses on giving full play to the incentive effect of the carbon market, strengthening cooperation with financial management departments and financial institutions, jointly building a carbon account and carbon emission reduction project library for enterprises in the province, supporting the technological transformation of pollution reduction and carbon reduction in key industries and key enterprises, and helping enterprises develop green and low-carbon.

During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, more than 500 billion yuan of funds in the field of ecological and environmental protection will be introduced, and financial means will be used to inject "blood" into green and low-carbon development, enhance momentum, and support the in-depth fight against pollution.

Promote and support more than 40 key carbon emission enterprises in the province to establish the "Jiangxi Provincial Enterprise Voluntary Pollution Reduction and Carbon Reduction Alliance", and build a bridge for enterprises, finance, policies, and technologies to interconnect.

At the same time, we will continue to release policy dividends and establish a database of key major projects. Jointly with the Nanchang Central Sub-branch of the People's Bank of China to jointly build a project library in key areas such as pollution reduction, carbon reduction, and carbon emission reduction. In 2023, a total of 323 green projects will be collected, involving a total investment of 207.245 billion yuan. Among them, there are 276 climate investment and financing projects, with a total investment of 180.814 billion yuan. There are 63 classified projects in key areas of carbon emission reduction support tools, involving an amount of 42.972 billion yuan, breaking the previous situation that enterprises lack funds to carry out carbon reduction technological transformation.
By the end of 2023, Jiangxi has leveraged 17 financial institutions in the province, issued a total of 19.87 billion yuan of carbon emission reduction loans, supported 320 carbon emission reduction projects, and driven carbon emission reduction of about 5.584 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent.

This year, Jiangxi Province will strictly follow the requirements of the construction and operation of the national carbon market, and do a good job in enterprise directory management, carbon verification, quota allocation, performance and payment, and various regulatory work, so as to give full play to the role of carbon trading in ecological value conversion and green finance, and promote Jiangxi's green, low-carbon and high-quality development.
