China Carbon Credit Platform

Beijing's air quality improves in the first quarter to achieve a "good start"

Release Time5 months ago

Recently, the Beijing Municipal Bureau of Ecology and Environment announced that since the beginning of the year, Beijing has taken the blue sky defense battle as the top priority, and continued to fight the battle of pollution prevention and control, and more than 100 tasks in five major fields have been fully launched and accelerated. In the first quarter, the city's fine particulate matter (PM2.5The cumulative concentration was 39 micrograms per cubic meter, a year-on-year decrease of 17.0%, and the number of good days increased by 13 days year-on-year. The quality of the city's water environment is generally stable, the dynamics of the national examination section meet the national requirements, the soil environment is in good condition, and the quality of the ecosystem remains stable.

We will promote the "one microgram" action in terms of "deep, detailed, comprehensive and practical", and continue to fight the battle to defend the blue sky. Incorporate air pollution prevention and control work into the municipal party committee's monthly work review meeting. Since the beginning of the year, the city has been guided by the improvement of atmospheric environmental quality, built a "one quality and one green" (air quality, green content) index system, pointed out problems, evaluated gaps, promoted the improvement of air quality in various districts and streets (towns), and forced to guide various industries and fields to create green and excellence, and enhance the "gold content" of the industry with the "green content" of development. Multi-sector efforts will be made to promote new energy vehicles, deploy and implement measures to improve supply capacity and infrastructure service capacity, accelerate the promotion of public and social fields, and increase structural emission reduction. We will speed up the preliminary work of emission reduction projects such as the clean energy transformation of surplus scattered coal in rural areas, the low-nitrogen transformation of gas-fired boilers, and the clean energy transformation of oil-fired boilers, and promote the emission reduction of projects. The 100-day action of dust was fully launched, and the industry department organized the construction unit to actively create a "green card" construction site, and piloted the promotion and application of the fully enclosed construction technology of foundation pit air film. Focusing on tackling key issues, the public security and ecological environment departments have deepened cooperation to effectively crack down on "black refueling" environmental violations. Pay attention to the environmental problems around the masses, carry out special rectification of catering fumes, and compact management and emission reduction.

Improve the effectiveness of the "three water co-ordination" governance, and comprehensively fight the battle to defend clear water. Comprehensively promote the classification and hierarchical control of groundwater pollution risk sources in the city, and implement the investigation of pollution risk sources. In Changping District, Daxing District and other areas of the orderly implementation of sewage treatment plant upgrading projects, 30 village sewage collection and treatment facilities have been started, the "pigging action" has entered the stage of centralized cleaning. Do a good job in the ecological water replenishment of the Yongding River, Chaobai River and North Canal, and help restore the ecological environment of rivers and lakes.

We will intensify the "joint management of the three places" and do a solid job in defending the pure land. Prevent and control the risk of construction land, scientifically implement soil pollution control, and continue to reduce polluted construction land. Ensure the safe use of cultivated land, strictly control the soil quality of newly added cultivated land, and promote the completion of the review evaluation of agricultural production on newly added cultivated land. Strengthen inspections of unused land. Promote the construction of "zero-waste cities", hold the city's zero-waste city construction work promotion meeting, and actively promote the construction of "zero-waste cities" and "zero-waste cells" in Tongzhou District, Changping District, Huairou District, etc.

Improve systems and mechanisms to actively promote green and low-carbon transformation. The "Implementation Plan for the Construction of a National Green Development Demonstration Zone in Beijing Urban Sub-center" has been issued and implemented to comprehensively promote the integration of the concept of green development into all fields and processes of economic and social development of the sub-center of the city. Formulate a work plan for expanding the import and consumption of green electricity in the city, and accelerate the pace of green power transfer. The construction of the carbon market has been strengthened, the national voluntary greenhouse gas emission reduction (CCER) trading market has been officially launched, and the municipal government has issued the "Beijing Carbon Emission Trading Management Measures" to further regulate carbon emission trading and related activities. The Beijing Municipal Action Plan for Adaptation to Climate Change has been issued and implemented to deepen the city's adaptation to climate change.

Explore the realization of the value of ecological products, and strengthen ecological protection as a whole. Promote the construction of garden cities as a whole, issue and implement opinions on promoting the construction of garden cities in the capital, and promote the ecological protection and construction of the capital city. Continue to promote the accounting and application of ecosystem regulation service value (GEP-R) to promote the realization of the value of ecological products. Strengthen the conservation of biodiversity, continue to carry out surveys of invasive alien species, and strictly introduce and manage them.

In the next step, Beijing will continue to implement the requirements of the National and Municipal Conference on Ecological and Environmental Protection, thoroughly implement the spirit of the Conference on Promoting High-quality Economic and Social Development in the Capital, continue to pay close attention to the implementation of various key tasks, and promote the continuous improvement of the quality of the ecological environment.

