China Carbon Credit Platform

These e-tender procurement projects can obtain carbon emission reduction certificates

Release Time4 months ago

What if traditional offline bidding and procurement can be replaced by electronic bidding and procurement? From the perspective of green and low-carbon, the answer is that gathering less will make more and produce obvious carbon reduction effects.

Recently, there was good news from the Henan Provincial Public Resources Trading Center - the homepage of its official website officially opened the carbon emission reduction quantitative publicity section. From now on, all electronic bidding and procurement projects conducted through CFETS can view their carbon emission reduction results online and obtain carbon emission reduction certificates issued by professional third-party institutions in the field of "dual carbon".

Here's an example of how effective it is in reducing carbon emissions. Taking a project as an example, there are 6 bidding companies from Beijing, taking the high-speed rail to this trading center to participate in the bidding, the bidding documents are printed on both sides by default, one is four pairs, paper and data printing will produce about 166kg of carbon emissions, transportation, accommodation will produce about 359kg of carbon emissions. Compared with offline bidding and procurement, if electronic bidding and procurement are adopted, carbon emissions can be reduced by about 525kg.

According to statistics, about 5,000 projects in this trading center use electronic bidding procurement methods every year. This will help reduce CO2 emissions by around 2,500 tonnes, equivalent to the carbon sequestration capacity of 400 hectares of forest for a year.

It can be said that offline bidding and procurement are often accompanied by a large amount of paper waste and energy consumption. The promotion and application of electric bidding and procurement, through the efficient information transmission and online operation of the Internet platform, has significantly reduced the carbon emissions in this process. This practice of Henan Provincial Public Resources Trading Center is the first time in the field of public resources trading in China to explore the carbon footprint management of trading activities, marking a solid step forward in the practice of promoting the "double carbon" goal.

In November 2023, the National Development and Reform Commission and relevant departments issued the "Opinions on Accelerating the Establishment of a Product Carbon Footprint Management System", which clearly proposes to expand and enrich the application scenarios of product carbon footprint, promote the green and low-carbon transformation of production and lifestyle, and provide support for achieving carbon peak and carbon neutrality. By identifying the carbon emission reduction behavior of electronic bidding and procurement activities, collecting key process data, accounting for carbon emission reductions, and issuing carbon emission reduction certificates, it is the initial exploration and attempt of the CFETS to carry out carbon footprint accounting and publicity, which will fully mobilize the enthusiasm of the whole chain participants in the industry to practice green and low-carbon while promoting the development and wide application of electronic bidding and procurement, so as to guide the green transformation of market demand.

It is reported that in recent years, the Henan Provincial Public Resources Trading Center has continued to take practical actions to save energy and reduce carbon emissions, since the end of 2018 to cancel paper documents, the implementation of remote non-face-to-face bid opening, to the end of 2019, the first to incorporate energy right trading into the public resources trading platform, and then in 2023, to complete the green, low-carbon and energy-saving transformation of transactions and office space, and always walk in the exploration of green development.
