China Carbon Credit Platform

The milk carton recycling activity attracted consumers to stay, and the Shanghai Plaza Coffee Carnival blew a green whirlwind

Release Time4 months ago

On May 16th, a 4-day 3rd Square Coffee Carnival was held in front of the Shanghai History Museum, where coffee lovers not only had the opportunity to check in a variety of coffee experience scenes at once, but also reshaped the packaging by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ). Consumers can bring their empty milk cartons or beverage cartons to the event site and drop them into the large recycling bins on site, where every 10 empty cartons can be exchanged for a sustainable gift from milk carton recycling.

The campaign aims to encourage consumers to recycle used milk cartons and practice a healthy and sustainable lifestyle. "In fact, the scientific name of milk cartons, beverage cartons and other packaging is called 'beverage paper-based composite packaging', which is a product with recyclable value and is also classified as recyclable in the garbage classification system of many cities." Liang Chenyang, consultant of GIZ's Environment & Circular Economy team, said at the event: "At present, the recycling rate of this type of packaging in China is 36.8%, and there are still many consumers who do not understand its recyclability. The Reshape Packaging project is committed to promoting the recycling of packaging waste, and we are excited to let more people know about the concept of 'milk carton recycling' through this event, and participate in it, and join us to make the box a new life!" ”

According to relevant studies, for every 1 ton of beverage paper-based composite packaging, 750 kg of recycled pulp, 200 kg of recycled plastic, and 50 kg of recycled aluminum powder can be obtained, which saves resources equivalent to protecting 12 trees, saving 0.8 tons of oil and reducing 3 tons of carbon dioxide emissions - recycling milk cartons is of great significance for saving resources and protecting the environment.

"Sustainability is one of OATLY's core values, and we have always insisted on environmental friendliness and sustainability in all aspects of the company's production, operation, management and consumer communication and engagement," said Lin Chunyan, Head of Sustainability at OATLY Greater China. Recycling of post-consumer packaging is crucial, and we have opened recycling channels covering 78 cities across the country through WeChat mini-programs and Alipay, as well as on-site recycling in conjunction with restaurants and retail brand stores. We urge the public to do their part to protect the planet by simply collecting the used boxes and bottles. ”

"Sustainability is one of the pillars of Tetra Pak's Global 2030 strategy, and one of the key initiatives is to work with partners across the recycling value chain to continuously improve the recycling and recycling of beverage paper-based laminated packaging," said Chaoyang Long, Head of Sustainability, Greater China, Tetra Pak. It is great to be able to educate more consumers about the value of milk carton recycling through this event. Everyone's hands can give milk cartons a new lease of life. ”

Image courtesy of the organizer
