China Carbon Credit Platform

Accelerate the electrification replacement of public transportation

Release Time4 weeks ago

The Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Finance recently jointly issued detailed implementation rules for bus and power battery renewal subsidies in new energy cities, stipulating the scope and standards of subsidies, subsidy declaration, review and issuance, subsidy fund management, performance management and supervision. This is a pragmatic move in the transportation field to implement large-scale equipment updates and trade-in actions of consumer goods.

Promoting large-scale equipment updates and the replacement of old consumer goods with new ones is an intrinsic requirement for promoting high-quality development and improving the quality of public services, which is beneficial to both the present and the long-term, stabilizing growth and promoting transformation, benefiting enterprises and benefiting people's livelihood. The "Action Plan to Promote Large-scale Equipment Renewal and the Replacement of Old Consumer Goods" issued by the State Council clearly states that we will continue to promote the electrification of urban buses and support the replacement of old new energy buses and power batteries. The introduction of detailed rules will accelerate the electrification of public transportation, effectively promote investment and consumption in the transportation sector, promote economic transformation and upgrading, and improve the quality of life of urban and rural residents.

The transportation industry is one of my country's key areas of carbon emissions, accounting for about 10% of my country's total carbon emissions. At the same time, pollutant emissions such as nitrogen oxides in the transportation sector are also the main source of urban air pollution. In order to promote low-carbon transformation in the transportation sector, various regions have accelerated the implementation of electrification of public transportation, and public transportation in many places has achieved 100% new energy conversion. The promulgation of the detailed rules has released a clear signal to continue to support the electrification of public transportation and stabilized the expectations of all parties. It not only promotes public transportation companies to increase investment and improve electrification rates, but also promotes the new energy vehicle and power battery industries to increase investment and provide More high-quality new energy transportation products.

Since 2015, my country's new energy buses have entered a period of large-scale promotion and application. At present, the first batch of pure electric vehicles have entered the peak period of retiring or replacing power batteries. Centralized renewal of vehicles or replacement of power batteries has brought greater financial pressure on public transportation companies. The rules clearly state that for the renewal of buses in new energy cities, an average subsidy of 80,000 yuan per vehicle; for the replacement of power batteries, a subsidy of 42,000 yuan per vehicle. This will effectively reduce the financial pressure on urban public transport companies. At the same time, subsidy funds are shared by the central and local governments at a ratio of 90:10, and the specific sharing ratio is determined by region. Among them, the proportion of 95:5 among western provinces will play an important role in balancing the financial gap between various regions and accelerating the electrification of public transportation in underdeveloped areas.

It can be said that the promulgation of the detailed rules is very timely and the measures are clear, which will effectively promote the electrification of public transportation. However, good policies still need to be implemented well. Only by truly realizing these benefits can the effectiveness of policies be better exerted.

On the one hand, all localities must strengthen supporting facilities and provide good services. The terrain, population, infrastructure, etc. of each region vary. Local transportation, finance and other departments must formulate specific implementation rules for the renewal of buses and power batteries in new energy cities based on their own actual conditions, and clarify subsidies for buses and other new energy cities with different lengths. Standards, determine specific performance goals, and coordinate fund raising and allocation. At the same time, we actively organize bus manufacturers, power battery manufacturers, power battery replacement service companies and public transportation companies to strengthen the connection between supply and demand, give full play to scale advantages, and improve work efficiency.

On the other hand, we must pay attention to practical results and improve the people's sense of gain. For example, the detailed rules require that subsidy funds be appropriately tilted towards buses in new energy cities with lower floors and low entrances, which reflects the convenience orientation of improving the aging-friendly barrier-free transportation system. All localities should combine changes in passenger flow and the development of the urban public transport industry to select models that are more suitable for actual needs and optimize in-vehicle facilities and equipment to achieve the purpose of reducing costs and increasing efficiency, and meet the different needs of various groups such as the elderly and children.

In addition, we must also do a good job in supervising the use of funds. All localities must carefully review applications for subsidy funds, supervise the allocation and use of funds, and promptly check the use and liquidation of subsidy funds to avoid phenomena such as waste of funds and rent-seeking of power, and allow subsidy funds to be used on the "blade".
