China Carbon Credit Platform

Sun Jinlong, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, went to Shanxi Province to investigate the ecological and environmental protection work

Release Time3 months ago

  From May 23rd to 24th, Sun Jinlong, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, went to Datong, Shuozhou, Xinzhou and Taiyuan in Shanxi Province to investigate ecological and environmental protection.

  Shanxi Datong is an important energy base in China, and it is of great significance to promote the synergy of pollution reduction and carbon reduction in mining-related enterprises to improve ambient air quality. On the morning of the 23rd, Sun Jinlong and his entourage successively went to Tashan Coal Mine of Jinneng Holding Coal Group and Datong Xinghua United Coal Preparation Co., Ltd. to investigate the green and low-carbon development of coal enterprises. Sun Jinlong inspected the 5G dispatching and command center of the enterprise on the spot, learned more about the current situation of the company's production and operation, and carefully inquired about the comprehensive utilization of coal and the implementation of environmental protection measures. He pointed out that it is necessary to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on energy work, give full play to Shanxi's exemplary and leading role in promoting the national energy revolution, adhere to the principle of establishing first and then breaking down, continue to promote the clean and efficient use of coal, accelerate the construction of a clean coal transportation system, and promote high-quality energy development.

  On the afternoon of the 23rd, Sun Jinlong came to Xinzhou Yuanping State Power Investment Shanxi Aluminum Co., Ltd. to investigate the prevention and control of air pollution in the enterprise. Sun Jinlong inspected the alumina production process model diagram on site to learn more about the company's energy conservation and emission reduction. He pointed out that the battle to defend the blue sky is the top priority of the battle against pollution. Enterprises should earnestly fulfill their main responsibilities, strengthen the operation and management of pollution prevention and control facilities, improve the level of refined management and control, and promote high-level protection and high-quality development in a coordinated manner.

  Jinci Spring is located at the foot of the Hanging Urn Mountain in Taiyuan City, and is known as "the first spring in Jinyang". In 2022, the ecological environment warning film of the Yellow River Basin revealed that the Jinci Spring had a broken flow and dried up or the flow of the Jinci Spring decreased sharply, and the Taiyuan Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government attached great importance to it and took multiple measures to promote the implementation of rectification and reform in place, so as to achieve a continuous rise in the water level of the Jinci Spring. On the morning of the 24th, Sun Jinlong came to the Jinci Temple to investigate the rectification of the problem of the broken flow of the Jinci Spring, listened to the report on the resumption of the Jinci Spring, and inspected the water level recovery and real-time water level data on the spot. He stressed that it is necessary to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on the ecological protection and high-quality development of the Yellow River Basin, further improve the political position, do a good job in the normalized monitoring of the water level and groundwater quality around the Jinci Spring, and establish a long-term mechanism for the reflow of the Jinci Spring to ensure the stable reflow of the Jinci Spring.

  Sun Jinlong and his entourage also came to Shanxia Xinneng Technology Co., Ltd., located in the Fine Chemical Recycling Industrial Park of Qingxu Economic Development Zone, to investigate the construction and operation of environmental protection facilities of coking enterprises. After listening to the report on the company's pollution control and inspecting the standby CDQ project on site, Sun Jinlong told the person in charge of the enterprise to firmly establish a new development concept, adhere to the road of green and low-carbon development, promote the transformation of ultra-low emissions in an orderly manner, implement the upgrading and transformation of the full CDQ process with high quality, and strive to achieve a win-win situation of economic, social and environmental benefits.

  Yang Qinrong, vice governor of Shanxi Province, accompanied the investigation.
  Liu Bingjiang, chief engineer of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, accompanied the investigation. The main responsible comrades of the relevant departments and bureaus of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment participated in the relevant investigations.
  The main responsible comrades of the Shanxi Provincial Department of Ecology and Environment participated in the investigation. The main responsible comrades of Taiyuan City, Datong City, Shuozhou City and Xinzhou City, and the main responsible comrades of Taiyuan City, Datong City, Shuozhou City and Xinzhou Ecological Environment Bureau participated in the relevant research respectively.