China Carbon Credit Platform

Review of the First Anniversary of the National Ecological and Environmental Protection Conference ④| Policy efforts to promote "double carbon" work steadily advanced

Release Time1 month ago

In July 2023, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out at the National Ecological and Environmental Protection Conference that we must actively and steadily promote carbon peak and carbon neutrality, adhere to the principles of national coordination, conservation priority, two-wheel drive, internal and external smooth flow, and risk prevention, and implement the carbon peak and carbon neutrality "1+N" policy system, build a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy system, accelerate the construction of a new power system, and enhance the country's oil and gas security capabilities.

Over the past year, my country has actively and steadily promoted the "double carbon" work, implemented the "1+N" policy system for carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, accelerated the green and low-carbon transformation of development methods, and further promoted work related to climate change..."Double Carbon" The goal is fully integrated into economic and social development.

Formed policy synergy, and coordinated governance of pollution reduction and carbon reduction has been fully carried out and achieved results.

At the Hangzhou Asian Games held last year, the concepts and measures of pollution reduction and carbon reduction and synergy were integrated into the design and construction of the venue. All venues and office spaces were supplied with 100% green electricity, and more than 2000 competition service vehicles were new energy vehicles."Green Asian Games" has become a beautiful business card.

As the country's first provincial-level collaborative innovation zone for pollution reduction and carbon reduction, in recent years, Zhejiang Province has actively explored collaborative governance models, carried out innovation pilots, and achieved a number of replicable and replicable practical results.

The synergy of pollution reduction and carbon reduction is an important task measure to actively and steadily promote carbon peak and carbon neutrality. The National Ecological and Environmental Protection Conference has made strategic arrangements to promote synergy and efficiency gains in pollution reduction and carbon reduction, and requires multi-field and multi-level collaborative innovation pilots for pollution reduction and carbon reduction. Subsequently, the "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Comprehensively Promoting the Construction of a Beautiful China" further clarified relevant measures and arrangements for pollution reduction, carbon reduction and synergy.

In recent years, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, together with relevant departments and local governments, has taken active actions to promote synergy and efficiency gains in pollution reduction and carbon reduction, forming extensive policy synergy.

Seven departments including the Ministry of Ecology and Environment jointly issued the "Implementation Plan for Synergistic Efficiency of Pollution and Carbon Reduction". 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps have issued implementation plans that combine their own actual conditions.

In January 2024, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment released the first batch of collaborative innovation pilot lists for pollution reduction and carbon reduction in cities and industrial parks, including 21 cities and 43 industrial parks. The pilot units are widely distributed, diverse in types, and highly representative. They are in line with the key tasks of pollution prevention and control and are compatible with the requirements of green and low-carbon development, fully reflecting the work orientation and practical requirements of multi-field and multi-level innovation pilots.

In June 2024, in order to strengthen the management of carbon footprints, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, together with multiple departments, jointly issued the "Implementation Plan on Establishing a Carbon Footprint Management System" to strengthen policy coordination, enrich and expand application scenarios for promoting product carbon footprints, and encourage local pilots and policies. Innovation, promote enterprises in key industries to try first, and form a joint effort to promote product carbon footprints and a joint construction, sharing and sharing work pattern.

Promote the transformation of the whole society, and achieve significant low-carbon transformation in key industries such as power and steel

At present, my country has built a "1+N" policy system for carbon peak and carbon neutrality with clear goals, reasonable division of labor, powerful measures, and orderly connections. All regions, departments, industries and enterprises actively participate in carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green expansion, and growth, promote low-carbon and greenness of production and lifestyle, thereby promoting green and low-carbon development of the whole society.

The energy industry bears the brunt, and the pace of green transformation is firm.

my country's installed wind power capacity has ranked first in the world for 14 consecutive years, and installed photovoltaic power generation capacity has ranked first in the world for 9 consecutive years. Since the new era, an average annual energy consumption growth rate of about 3% has supported an average annual economic growth rate of about 6%, and my country has become one of the countries with the fastest reduction in energy consumption intensity in the world.

As of the end of 2023, my country's non-fossil energy power generation capacity was 1,575.41 million kilowatts, a year-on-year increase of 24.1%, accounting for 50% of the total installed capacity for the first time, reaching 53.9%, historically surpassing fossil energy.

The new type of energy storage, which was included in the government work report for the first time this year, has created many "world's best" in succession. Not only has the installed capacity increased rapidly, but new energy storage technologies are also constantly emerging, and the technical route is "a hundred flowers bloom".

The steel industry is moving forward towards "green", and green and low-carbon have become the core proposition of transformation and development.

China's Baowu 400-cubic meter industrial-grade oxygen-rich carbon cycle blast furnace has achieved a 30% reduction in fuel consumption and a reduction in carbon emission reduction by more than 20%.

Hegang Group's first 1.2 million-ton hydrogen metallurgy demonstration project achieved smooth and continuous iron production, pioneered the "coke oven gas zero reforming shaft furnace direct reduction" process technology, reducing carbon dioxide emissions by more than 70%.

Green economy has become the commanding heights of global industrial competition, and new energy vehicles have become China's business card.

In 2023, my country's new energy vehicle sales will reach 9.443 million units, ranking first in the world for nine consecutive years. New energy vehicle models continue to be enriched and brand influence continues to expand.

The national carbon market is steadily improving and actively promoting expansion work

The National Carbon Emissions Trading Market is an institutional innovation for my country to use market mechanisms to control and reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote green and low-carbon development. It is also a core policy tool for implementing my country's carbon peak and carbon neutrality.

In July 2021, with the power industry as a breakthrough, the national carbon emissions trading market launched online trading.

After three years of construction and operation, the national carbon emissions trading market institutional framework system has been initially completed, legal guarantees have been strengthened, and supporting technical specifications have been continuously improved, laying a solid foundation for the smooth and orderly operation of the market.

The vitality of the national carbon market has steadily increased, and the industry's emission reduction effect has gradually emerged. The carbon emission intensity of electricity in 2023 will drop by 8.78% compared with 2018. The main role of the carbon market in China's carbon pricing mechanism will be further strengthened.

In January 2024, the national voluntary greenhouse gas emission reduction trading market was officially launched, and the first batch of four project methodologies including afforestation carbon sink, grid-connected solar thermal power generation, grid-connected offshore wind power generation, and mangrove creation were released. This is another important policy tool launched after the national carbon emissions trading market to help achieve the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality. The two markets complement each other and jointly form my country's complete carbon trading system.

In the same month, the State Council promulgated the "Interim Regulations on the Administration of Carbon Emissions Trading", which is my country's first special regulation in the field of addressing climate change. With the promulgation and implementation of the regulations and the continuous advancement of related work in the third compliance cycle, carbon trading prices have risen steadily.

During the two compliance cycles, the overall emission reduction cost of the national power industry has been reduced by approximately 35 billion yuan. Through carbon emission quota trading, key emission units not only fulfill their emission reduction obligations, but the carbon market also provides more flexible options for enterprises to fulfill their carbon reduction responsibilities, helping the industry achieve low-cost carbon reduction.

At the same time, in order to further expand the coverage of the national carbon market industry, in April 2024, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment successively issued a draft for comments on carbon emission accounting, reporting and verification guidelines for the aluminum smelting industry and the cement clinker industry.

Achieving the goals of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality will not be achieved overnight. Instead, we need to make progress while maintaining stability and promote long-term development through stability. In the next step, my country will steadily expand the coverage of the industry, include key emission industries such as steel, cement, and aluminum smelting into the national carbon emissions trading market as soon as possible, continue to strengthen data quality management, gradually implement paid allocation of quotas, and continuously enrich trading entities and trading varieties and trading methods, study and explore feasible paths for carbon finance activities, give full play to the carbon market's function to promote low-cost greenhouse gas emission reduction, and help achieve the goal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality.


The original title of China Environment News was:

Policy efforts to promote "double carbon" work steadily advanced
