China Carbon Credit Platform

Hubei's first forestry carbon ticket was officially released

Release Time2 months ago

Recently, Changyang Tujia Autonomous County, Yichang City, Hubei Province held a "forestry carbon sink+ Ecological Justice "pilot and firstForestry carbon ticketAt the press conference on the development work of the Autonomous County People's Government, Wang Liang, deputy magistrate and deputy chief Lin Chang of the Autonomous County People's Government, delivered a keynote release and answered questions from reporters. Wei Jian, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Autonomous County Forestry Bureau, Wang Juanjuan, Deputy Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Vice President of the People's Court, Lu Fang, Deputy Procurator-General of the People's Procuratorate, Hu Bin, member of the Party Leadership Group of the Yang Branch of the Ecological Environment Bureau of Yichang City, and other publishers answered reporters 'questions from different aspects.

Forests are the main body of the terrestrial ecosystem and the foundation of human survival. In order to give full play to the role of forest carbon sinks, Changyang carried out exploration of forestry carbon sinks, promoted the pilot of "forestry carbon sinks + ecological justice", and created the first forestry carbon ticket in Hubei Province. In the 40 years since the establishment of Changyang Autonomous County, especially in the ten years since the new era, the reservoir, money warehouse and grain depot effects of forests have been fully demonstrated. The county has a land area of 3420 square kilometers, including a forest area of 2648 square kilometers and a forest area of 2517 square kilometers. The forest coverage rate is as high as 73.60%, and the forest stock volume reaches 18.0169 million cubic meters. A total of 78,327.89 hectares of nature reserves have been built in the county, of which 58,964.61 hectares are national-level nature reserves, accounting for 17.24% of the country's land area. One national 5A-level scenic spot, two 4A-level scenic spots, and four 3A-level scenic spots have been built, with an average annual revenue of tourism sales reaching more than 70 million yuan.

In recent years, the county party committee and county government have paid close attention to green waters and green mountains resources, strived to explore and practice a new social and economic development model in mountainous areas that "uses GEP to boost GDP growth", and promoted the leap from large forestry counties to strong forestry counties. Forestry carbon sinks have been placed high hopes.

At the end of January 2023, the Third Plenary Session of the 10th CPPCC National Committee delivered a speech at the conference. CPPCC members '"Suggestions on Exploring Forest Carbon Sink Trading to Promote Common Prosperity in Forest Areas" triggered heated discussions: the report of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China clearly required "active and steady advancement."carbon peakCarbon neutrality ", Changyang is a large mountainous forestry county. We must dare to try first and dare to be at the forefront of the province in promoting the" double carbon "strategy.

At the beginning of 2024, the four departments of Yichang City Forestry and Landscape Bureau, the Municipal Intermediate People's Court, the Municipal People's Procuratorate, and the Municipal Ecological Environment Bureau jointly issued the "Yichang City's Pilot Work Plan for Ecological Environment Restoration and Ecological Environment Damage Compensation and Application of Forestry Carbon Sinks in Cases of Damage to Forest Resources", selecting Changyang as one of the pilot counties for this work. In April, the "Forestry Carbon Sink + Ecological Justice" collaborative innovation mechanism jointly established by the County Forestry Bureau, County Court, County Procuratorate, and Municipal Ecological Environment Director Yang Branch was officially formed, and the "Changyang County Forestry Carbon Ticket Management Measures (Trial)""Implementation Plan for Implementing Forestry Carbon Sink in Ecological Restoration and Compensation for Ecological Environmental Damage in Cases of Damage to Environmental Resources (Trial)" was issued. The establishment of this mechanism is a new practice of alternative ecological restoration. It also fully reflects the specific actions of the judicial authorities to deeply implement the concept of judicial restoration and actively integrate into the national strategy of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality. By subscribing forestry carbon sinks to replace the trial of ecological restoration, on the one hand, we can guide infringers to transform from "destroyers" of the ecological environment to "restorers"; on the other hand, we can guide social citizens to subscribe for forestry carbon sinks and jointly participate in ecological and environmental protection. Create a new situation of "protecting ecological resources, building, sharing and governance".

According to the requirements of the pilot work, the state-owned Land Ling Forest Farm, as the owner, submitted an application for the development of forestry carbon coupons to the County Forestry Bureau. The County Forestry Bureau, together with the Municipal Ecological Environment Director Yang Branch, completed the data review and agreed to the state-owned Tudiling Forest Farm to carry out the first forestry carbon ticket development. On June 17, the "Accounting Report on Forestry Carbon Ticket Carbon Emission Reduction of State-owned Tudiling Forest Farm in Changyang Tujia Autonomous County" successfully passed the expert review. On June 21, the County Forestry Bureau issued a "Changyang Forestry Carbon Ticket" to the state-owned Tudiling Forest Farm after filing and issuing the "Changyang Forestry Carbon Ticket". This carbon ticket is Changyang's first forestry carbon ticket and the first forestry carbon ticket in Hubei Province. The forestry carbon ticket development area is 371.52 hectares, and the carbon emission reduction during the measurement and approval monitoring period is 29953.38 tCO ˇ-e. In the trial of environmental resource cases, the county court has used the "forestry carbon sink + ecological justice" compensation mechanism in two illegal hunting cases to promote the specific implementation of the mechanism.

Changyang's largest and most resources are "green waters and green mountains". The new county party committee has organized and carried out major discussions and mobilization in the county to recalibrate development positioning and improve development standards, and embark on a new social and economic development model in mountainous areas that "uses GEP(Total Value of Ecological Products) to boost GDP growth"., strive to be a demonstration county for green, low-carbon and high-quality development. In the next step, we will use the development of the first carbon ticket as the cornerstone and combine our own county's resource endowments and characteristics to develop more and better forestry carbon sink projects in terms of corporate paid carbon emissions and cross-regional trading of carbon sink resources, to the greatest extent. Implement and embody the concept of "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets" to effectively maximize and optimize the economic benefits of resource advantages.
