China Carbon Credit Platform

What should be done to promote the implementation of the dual control policy of carbon emissions?

Release Time6 months ago

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China has put green, low-carbon, energy conservation and emission reduction in a prominent position, established and implemented a dual control system for total energy consumption and intensity, and effectively promoted the substantial improvement of China's energy utilization efficiency and the continuous decline of carbon dioxide emission intensity. The second meeting of the Central Committee for Comprehensively Deepening Reform held last year proposed to "promote the gradual shift from dual control of energy consumption to dual control of carbon emissions". The "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Comprehensively Promoting the Construction of a Beautiful China" released in January this year once again emphasized and deployed this. The gradual shift from "dual control of energy consumption" to "dual control of carbon emissions" is a basic and pre-emptive institutional change for the implementation of China's "dual carbon" strategy, which not only completely breaks the constraints of "dual control of energy consumption" on the development of renewable energy and the energy and chemical industry, but also can better serve China's "dual carbon" strategy, accelerate the development of new quality productivity, and form a new competitive advantage in the zero-carbon economy on a global scale.

Stimulating investment and innovation through the "dual control of carbon emissions" policy and accelerating the formation of new competitive advantages in the zero-carbon economy will not only not constrain China's economic development, but will also help greatly improve environmental quality and create huge development opportunities for China's leading industries in zero-carbon technology. The implementation of the "dual control of carbon emissions" policy should not only pay attention to the changes in the global zero-carbon economic competition trend and build an external environment conducive to the development of China's zero-carbon economy, but also follow the principles of science and internationalization, and actively and steadily promote relevant work. According to the requirements and deployment of the "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Comprehensively Promoting the Construction of a Beautiful China", the following aspects should be paid attention to in practice:

First, we will coordinate and promote the construction of a standard measurement system for carbon peak and carbon neutrality, accelerate the innovation and development of measurement standards, and give full play to the fundamental and leading role of measurement standards. Solidly promote international exchanges and cooperation in standardization, actively participate in the formulation of international standards and rules, and provide support for enterprises to participate in the global zero-carbon economy competition. Through the establishment of a unified and standardized carbon emission statistical accounting system, it helps governments at all levels gain insight into the source structure and industry distribution of carbon emissions, clarify the key areas for emission reduction, and then accurately implement regional emission reduction strategies, and draw a roadmap for carbon peak and carbon neutrality that can better reflect the characteristics of different development stages of each region. Establish a scientific and standardized, in line with international practices, and with high accuracy of carbon emission statistical system, actively participate in the formulation and revision of international standards in the fields of energy efficiency and low carbon, accelerate the transformation of advanced and applicable international standards, and help enterprises have international accounting standards and unified data output interfaces in foreign trade, so as to avoid enterprises being hit by unfounded accusations or unfair carbon tariffs.

Second, in view of the pain points, stuck points, and blocking points of zero-carbon transformation, we will promote the integration of the four chains of innovation chain, industrial chain, capital chain, and talent chain. Encourage local governments to carry out key core technology research to form effective support for their own zero-carbon transformation. Improve the quality and level of international cooperation in the innovation chain, lay out the industrial chain around the innovation chain, build a relay mechanism for the transformation of "basic research + technological research + industrialization of achievements", and seize the new track of global zero-carbon economic competition. Plan in advance for the construction of the capital chain and talent chain, ensure that the capital chain and talent chain are accurately connected with the innovation chain and industrial chain, and penetrate into all links of the innovation chain and industrial chain, so as to improve the global competitiveness of China's zero-carbon industry as a whole.

Third, we need to implement the Global Development Initiative (GDI) and build an external environment conducive to China's zero-carbon economic development. Timely study and judge the latest developments of zero-carbon economic policies in developed countries and the impact on China's zero-carbon economy industry, and study and reserve countermeasures. Implement the Global Development Initiative, build an energy community, strengthen the Belt and Road energy partnership, and build an Asia-Africa energy corridor. Dynamically assess the emission reductions and economic and social effects of China's initiatives such as the Global Clean Energy Partnership and the Green Belt and Road Initiative, and proactively demonstrate the emission reduction results of China's solutions to the world. China will take a more active stance in the negotiation of international green trade rules and promote the construction of fair and reasonable international rules.

Fourth, we will carry out a pilot policy of "dual control of carbon emissions" to provide operational, replicable and scalable experience for the full implementation of the policy. At present, the full implementation of the "dual control of carbon emissions" policy is still facing the constraints of insufficient basic conditions, and the transformation from "dual control of energy consumption" to "dual control of carbon emissions" cannot be achieved overnight, and needs to be synchronized with the regional carbon peak ladder, activity level data statistics mechanism, accounting methodology and accounting capacity building. It is suggested that some provinces and cities should take the lead in carrying out the pilot demonstration work of "dual control of carbon emissions", so as to provide operable, replicable and generalizable experience for future full implementation.

The authors, Sun Yongping and Jiang Jingning, are researchers at the Huazhong University of Science and Technology Branch of the Hubei Provincial Research Center for the Theoretical System of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, and a researcher at the Innovation and Development Research Center of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, respectively

Original title: Promote the gradual shift from "dual control of energy consumption" to "dual control of carbon emissions"

This article is an excerpt
