China Carbon Credit Platform

China's iron and steel industry will start carbon emission data reporting

Release Time5 months ago

Lu Shize, deputy director of the Department of Climate Change of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, said at the 2024 (15th) Steel High-Quality Development Conference held in Beijing recently that in the second half of 2024, steel and other industries will carry out corporate carbon emission data reporting and monthly storage.

The Ministry of Ecology and Environment has established and improved the carbon emission data quality management system, including the establishment of a monthly information storage system for enterprise carbon emission data, to help enterprises find and solve carbon emission data quality problems in a timely manner.

The annual carbon emissions of the steel industry account for about 15% of the country's total carbon emissions, and the inclusion of the steel industry in the national carbon market can force iron and steel enterprises to save energy, reduce carbon emissions, and make low-carbon transformation.

Xia Nong, vice president of China Iron and Steel Association, said that China's iron and steel industry has entered a period of deep adjustment, with "low-carbon, green and high-quality products" and "output reduction" as an important feature of "high quality and quantity reduction" will become the characteristics of the times in this stage of development, the association will further listen to the opinions and suggestions of enterprises, strengthen research in smelting equipment carding, etc., especially strengthen the "establishment of a new mechanism for capacity governance", and gradually introduce research on energy consumption constraints and carbon emission constraints, and submit research results to relevant departments for decision-making reference in a timely manner.

It is understood that the theme of the 2024 (15th) Iron and Steel High-quality Development Conference is "Changing Modes, Adjusting Structure, Improving Quality and Increasing Efficiency", which is guided by China Iron and Steel Association and hosted by Metallurgical Industry Planning and Research Institute.
