China Carbon Credit Platform

The Huixian Branch of the Xinxiang Ecological Environment Bureau carried out the theme publicity activities of the National Low Carbon Day to further improve the public's awareness of energy conservation

Release Time4 months ago

The Huixian Branch of the Xinxiang Ecological Environment Bureau carried out the theme publicity activities of the National Low Carbon Day

In order to further improve the public's awareness of energy conservation and promote a green and low-carbon lifestyle, on May 15, the Huixian Branch of Xinxiang Ecological Environment Bureau launched a national low-carbon day theme publicity activity of "Green and Low-carbon, Beautiful China" in the community park.

At the event site, environmental protection volunteers publicized the knowledge of energy conservation and emission reduction, popularized the concept of green and low-carbon to the masses through the distribution of brochures and small fans, on-site explanations, on-site raps, etc., and guided the public to understand the importance of energy conservation and emission reduction.

The citizens who participated in the event said that the publicity activity was very meaningful, and in the future life, we should start from the little things around us, integrate the concept of energy conservation and green and low-carbon into all aspects of life, and form a social trend of advocating energy conservation and green environmental protection.
