China Carbon Credit Platform

Chongqing Nan'an District more than sixty percent of the EIA approval project "immediately desirable"

Release Time6 months ago

More than 60% of the EIA projects are "immediately desirable", and 106 pollutant discharge unit permits and 24 radiation safety permits have been issued and renewed, and the approval time limit has been shortened by more than 50%. On March 21, the Ecology and Environment Bureau of Nan'an District, Chongqing Municipality released the "report card" of ecological and environmental protection in the whole district in 2023.

Zhong Shiwei, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Nan'an District Ecological Environment Bureau, told reporters that in 2023, in the in-depth battle of pollution prevention and control, Nan'an District will coordinate and carry out gas control measures such as "dust reduction, pollution control, vehicle management, ban burning, and tobacco control", carry out hierarchical and classified investigations of 733 key air pollution sources, guide and supervise more than 300 industrial enterprises involved in waste gas to replace more than 420 tons of activated carbon and other pollutant adsorption facilities, and coordinate the promotion of "five waters" co-governance, complete the remediation of 143 Yangtze River sewage outlets, and start "21+1" Investigation, monitoring and traceability of sewage outlets of secondary rivers, lakes and reservoirs, among which the remediation case of Qingshui River was selected into the typical case database of the remediation of sewage outlets in the Yangtze River of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment; the establishment of zero-zero rural black and odorous water bodies in accordance with the establishment of 10 rural sewage treatment facilities, and the construction of 1 rural domestic sewage treatment facility and 2.5 kilometers of pipe network; More than 1,300 waste production and waste enterprises in the whole region have been included in the management of hazardous waste ledgers, 20 hazardous waste production and waste production units have completed the annual standardized assessment task, 10 enterprises have been built into the benchmark enterprises for standardized management of hazardous waste, 29 key hazardous waste management enterprises have been included in online video surveillance management, and 19 enterprises involved in new chemical substances have been included in information management。

"Nan'an District is a key area for Chongqing's green development. Zhong Shiwei said that 7 enterprises in the region took the lead in entering the Chongqing carbon trading market, completed the 2021-2022 carbon emission quota calculation and implementation work, reduced carbon emission intensity to 0.68 tons / 10,000 yuan, and actively promoted the pilot of the near-zero carbon park in Chongqing Economic and Technological Development Zone, which can reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 3,195 tons per year. In terms of service economy, Nan'an District has strengthened the linkage between planning and project EIAs, continued to promote the "notification and commitment system" of EIAs, and the proportion of EIA approval projects is "immediately desirable" by more than 60%, and the issuance and renewal of 106 pollutant discharge unit permits and 24 radiation safety permits have been completed, shortening the approval time limit by more than 50%; 101 environmental credit evaluation enterprises have good environmental protection and integrity, accounting for more than 99%, and 47 enterprises have been included in the positive list of supervision and law enforcement.

In addition, the EOD project of Chongqing Economic and Technological Development Zone has successfully completed the pilot project and has been selected as a typical EOD case of the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, creating 1 national green industrial park, 4 national green factories, 10 municipal green factories, 2 national ecological and environmental science popularization bases, 1 "green supply chain management enterprise", and 7 cases have been selected as typical cases in the fields of national and municipal "zero-waste city" construction, beautiful Chongqing construction, green and low-carbon development, etc.

Zhong Shiwei told reporters that in 2024, Nan'an District will continue to focus on the construction of beautiful Chongqing, improve the working mechanism, clarify the division of responsibilities, and promote the table. In the battle against pollution, we will fully implement the "long-term system of rivers and lakes", coordinate the promotion of the protection and governance of "one river and one policy", solidly promote the standardized construction of water sources and the construction of backup water sources, complete the remediation of the Yangtze River inlet outlet, and the investigation, monitoring and traceability of the river outfall in the whole basin, solidly carry out the special action of renovating and rectifying the drainage pipe network, and build happy rivers and lakes such as the south bank section of the Yangtze River, Yinglong Lake and Changsheng River;2.5With control as the main line, we will strengthen source control, multi-pollutant collaborative control and regional pollution management, and strengthen PM2.5Pollution prevention and control, control of open burning in autumn and winter, pollution control of diesel trucks, and elimination of heavily polluted weather; strengthen the control of soil pollution sources, and improve the safe utilization rate of key construction land and polluted cultivated land.

In promoting green and low-carbon development, we will accelerate the pilot of the EOD model in the Chongqing Economic and Technological Development Zone, and accelerate the construction of a near-zero carbon demonstration park in the city. Implement the action plan for carbon peaking in key areas such as industry, urban and rural areas, and transportation, accelerate the recycling and energy-saving and carbon-reduction transformation of industrial parks, solidly promote the construction of clean energy demonstration projects on Guangyang Island, and create a number of green factories and zero-carbon factories. Vigorously develop green buildings, accelerate the promotion and application of new energy and clean energy vehicles and ships, advocate green and low-carbon lifestyles, and guide the consumption of green and low-carbon products.
