China Carbon Credit Platform

Shanxi's six key tasks comprehensively promote the construction of beautiful Shanxi

Release Time3 months ago

Recently, the Shanxi Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government recently issued the "Implementation Opinions on Comprehensively Promoting the Construction of Beautiful Shanxi"(hereinafter referred to as the "Implementation Opinions") to further clarify the transformation and development of the resource-based economy, deepen the comprehensive reform pilot of the energy revolution, and solidly promote the Yellow River Basin The construction of important experimental areas for ecological protection and high-quality development will be coordinated to promote carbon reduction, pollution reduction, green expansion, and growth, and strive to build a beautiful Shanxi where man and nature coexist harmoniously.

The "Implementation Opinions" put forward the goal of building beautiful Shanxi in three stages. By 2027, the level of green and low-carbon development will continue to improve, the land space development and protection pattern will be optimized, the ecological environment quality of key areas and river basins such as the Fenwei Plain and the Fenhe River Basin will have achieved remarkable results, and the total discharge of major pollutants will continue to decrease. The quality and stability of the ecosystem continue to improve, the ecological environment management system will be more complete, and positive progress has been made in the construction of beautiful Shanxi. By 2035, green and low-carbon production and lifestyle will be widely formed, carbon emissions will peak and decrease, a new pattern of land and space development and protection will be fully formed, the ecological environment will be fundamentally improved, and the sustainability of ecosystem diversity and stability will be significantly improved, building a strong Gong Wei important green ecological barriers in the middle reaches of the Yellow River and Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, the modernization of the ecological and environmental governance system and governance capabilities has been basically realized, and Beautiful Shanxi has been basically completed. Looking forward to the middle of this century, ecological civilization will be comprehensively improved, green and low-carbon production and lifestyle will be fully formed, key areas will be deeply decarbonized, the ecological environment will be healthy and beautiful, the ecological environment management system and governance capabilities will be fully realized, and beautiful Shanxi will be fully built.

The "Implementation Opinions" put forward six key tasks. The first is to accelerate the green and low-carbon transformation of development methods. Build a new pattern of land and space development, actively and steadily promote carbon peak and carbon neutrality, promote green and low-carbon transformation of the industrial structure, accelerate the clean and low-carbon transformation of the energy system, promote the green and low-carbon transformation of the transportation system, and accelerate the green and low-carbon transformation of urban and rural construction., promote resource conservation, intensive recycling and efficient utilization, and stimulate the endogenous motivation for the construction of beautiful Shanxi. The second is to continue to fight in depth the battle against pollution. Continue to improve air quality, consolidate and improve the quality of the water ecological environment, intensify the prevention and control of soil and groundwater pollution, strengthen the management of solid waste and new pollutants, comprehensively improve the quality of the ecological environment, and promote the construction of beautiful Shanxi with high-level protection. The third is to maintain the bottom line of safety for the construction of beautiful Shanxi. Strictly prevent and control environmental risks, effectively respond to the adverse impacts and risks of climate change, strengthen biosafety management, and comprehensively promote risk prevention, hidden dangers, and containment of accidents in key areas to protect the construction of beautiful Shanxi. The fourth is to focus on improving the stability and sustainability of ecosystem diversity. Build a solid natural ecological security barrier, implement the management of mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand systems, strengthen biodiversity protection, effectively enhance the resilience, adaptability and resilience of the ecosystem, and build a green background for the construction of beautiful Shanxi. The fifth is to promote the joint construction and sharing of beautiful Shanxi. Carry out beautiful series construction, practice green and low-carbon life, establish a diversified participatory action system, and gather strong synergy for the construction of beautiful Shanxi. Sixth, improve the guarantee system for the construction of beautiful Shanxi. Improve the system and mechanism, strengthen scientific and technological innovation, strengthen engineering support, play a good combination of punches, and serve and support the construction of beautiful Shanxi.
