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Guyuan City's experience and practice in ecological environmental protection were commended by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment

Release Time4 months ago

Ningxia News Network News(Reporter Yang Zhaolian)The reporter learned from the Ningxia Department of Ecology and Environment on May 14 that a few days ago, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment announced the 2023 annual incentive and praise of typical experience and practices in the field of ecological environment in the field of ecological environment, and praised and promoted the typical experience and practices of ecological environmental protection in 31 places, and Ningxia Guyuan City was listed.

In order to play a leading role in encouraging advanced and positive incentives, establish a clear orientation of emphasizing practical work and seeking practical results, and create a strong atmosphere of mutual learning and striving for excellence, in 2023, 31 localities across the country, including Guyuan City, Ningxia, will actively promote the local practice of building a beautiful China, increase reform and innovation in the field of ecological environment, and promote the stability and improvement of the quality of the ecological environment.

In recent years, Guyuan City has adhered to the strategic positioning of "red solid plains and green development", and accelerated the construction of ecological protection and high-quality development pilot areas in the Yellow River Basin. Carry out cross-county and joint law enforcement in batches, regularly shoot warning films on ecological and environmental problems, force the implementation of responsibilities, effectively solve a number of ecological and environmental problems that the masses have strong reactions to, rectify 171 feedback problems from various ecological and environmental protection inspectors at all levels, handle 429 letters and visits from the masses, and investigate and deal with 50 cases of various environmental administrative violations. At the same time, we will continue to promote the reform of ecological and environmental institutions, and realize the new leap of county-level ecological and environmental institutions from scratch, from existing to excellent, and from excellent to refined. We further promoted the reform of emission rights and carbon emission rights, and completed 18 transactions of emission rights for 219,300 yuan.

In addition, Guyuan City also pays attention to innovation and strong guarantees, and has built a smart ecological environment information platform integrating pollution source prevention and control, law enforcement and supervision information platform, and built 9 automatic water quality monitoring stations and 139 automatic monitoring stations for ambient air quality hotspot grids. Since the "14th Five-Year Plan", a total of 36 ecological and environmental protection projects have been planned, with a total investment of 5.41 billion yuan, consolidating the foundation of pollution control.
