China Carbon Credit Platform

All six power generation companies in Daqing completed their carbon emission informatization deposit certificates in the first half of the year

Release Time3 weeks ago

Recently, according to information provided by the Ecological Environment Bureau of Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province, the six power generation companies included in the National Carbon Market List in Daqing City completed all informatization deposit and certificate work in the first half of the year, achieving a completion rate of 100% and a submission rate of 100%.

In order to achieve accurate quality verification of transaction data in the National Carbon Emissions Trading Market (hereinafter referred to as the National Carbon Market), the Ministry of Ecology and Environment has established and improved a carbon emission data quality management system, including establishing a monthly information-based storage system for corporate carbon emission data to help enterprises discover and solve carbon emission data quality issues.

In order to comprehensively strengthen the supervision and management of carbon emissions, the Daqing City Ecological Environment Bureau has clarified the list of corporate data reporting, and ensures that the reported data is timely, complete, reasonable and standardized through working mechanisms such as special personnel docking, monthly dispatch, and prompt and early warning; Adhere to the full coverage of the enterprise, manage the entire process, and provide all-round assistance, organize special personnel to go deep into the front line of the enterprise, and participate 100% in the verification of on-site carbon emission reports; Consolidate the main responsibilities of enterprises in performance and ensure that the annual monthly information-based deposit and certificate submission rate is 100%.

It is reported that the six companies included in the National Carbon Market List in Daqing City are China Petroleum Corporation Electric Power Co., Ltd., Huaneng Xinhua Power Generation Co., Ltd., Huaneng Daqing Thermal Power Co., Ltd., Daqing Zhonglan Petrochemical Co., Ltd., Heilongjiang Yipin Energy Co., Ltd. and Daqing High-tech Boyuan Thermal Power Co., Ltd. Among them, Daqing High-tech Boyuan Thermal Power Co., Ltd. has been newly included in the list of power generation control and emission enterprises in the national carbon market. "Currently, the third compliance cycle is in progress. In the first and second performance cycles, our city's carbon quota performance and settlement rates were 100%, with a cumulative transaction volume of 268 million yuan." said a staff member of the Daqing City Ecological Environment Bureau.
