China Carbon Credit Platform

Shengli Oilfield Shengli Oil Production Plant: Strict Environmental Management and Construction of "Waste-free Oil Production Plant"

Release Time6 months ago

On the morning of March 25, Shang Yong, the first oil production management area of Shengli Oil Production Plant in Shengli Oilfield, carefully inspected the main waters of the Yellow River beach area and other environmentally sensitive areas to ensure that the environment was pollution-free.

Over the years, Shengli Oil Production Plant has been awarded the titles of "National Green Mining Enterprise", "Shandong Environmental Protection Enterprise" and "Sinopec Cleaner Production Unit" with the main line of "identifying risks, eliminating hidden dangers and eliminating accidents", adhering to systematic thinking, problem orientation and responsibility implementation, and comprehensively improving the ability and level of risk management and control.

Talking about these achievements, Ming Yukun, director of the oil production plant and deputy secretary of the party committee, said: "The environment is the most scarce resource, and only by adhering to the integrated operation of production, efficiency and environmental protection, and the management of the whole chain, can we effectively promote low-carbon development, circular development and green development." ”

Strict construction of "no waste oil production plant".

"With the development of a mobile app, the efficiency and supervision of oil sludge production, collection, transportation and disposal have been greatly improved. Zhang Peng, deputy manager of the security (QHSE) management department, clicked on the mobile app and said.

This is a detail of the construction of a strict "waste-free oil production plant". Explore a fast, efficient and dynamic "zero-clearing" mechanism, optimize the collection, transportation and storage methods, and realize rapid cleaning, rapid packaging and rapid transfer of leakage, oil sludge and sand are generated on the same day, sealed and transferred on the same day, and the storage pool is used with zero use. The integrated device of silos, storage, storage and processing has been developed to reduce the processing of packaging bags by 37 tons per year, and the skid-mounted transformation of the dosing process of the second station of Tuo has reduced the number of pharmaceutical barrels by 9 tons per year.

In terms of strict closed-loop management of waste liquid, the oil production plant has formulated 17 control measures to strengthen the operation of waste liquid to achieve strict control. At the same time, strict vehicle management, all solid waste and waste liquid vehicles are filed and included in the supervision platform, and the implementation of loading and unloading vehicles "one vehicle and one pole" and driver monitoring and management to achieve source control. Strictly manage the bill, establish a statistical table of the waste liquid disposal bill, record the bill number and vehicle trajectory chart, and check it every month. Strict transfer management, QHSE supervision center to carry out a comprehensive inspection of solid waste and waste liquid, and include problems in the quarterly assessment.

"All kinds of energy eat dry and squeezed clean" 

"Establish the concept of 'all kinds of energy are eaten dry and squeezed clean', dig deep internally, and cooperate externally for a win-win situation. Jun Dashuai, senior director of the safety (QHSE) management department, made statistics that a total of 23 new energy projects such as geothermal, waste heat, solar thermal and photovoltaic have been implemented, with an annual carbon emission reduction equivalent of 53,000 tons.

The oil production plant has increased the construction of distributed photovoltaic power stations, implemented measures such as the reuse of scrapped well sites, the optimization of the large ground of the gathering and transportation system, and the centralized optimization of "one office and one station", with a total of 35 sites, a land area of 300,000 square meters, and the construction of 15.1 megawatts of photovoltaics, with a cumulative power generation of 30.21 million kilowatt hours. To strengthen the utilization of waste heat, the two central stations of Tuo 4 Station and Tuo 2 Station have implemented three community heating projects, including Jingyuan West District and Shengbei Jiayuan, to provide heating for 320,000 square meters of buildings and reduce carbon emissions by 28,000 tons per year.

Energy saving in production is the greatest energy saving. In accordance with the concept of "increasing production without increasing energy, increasing energy without increasing costs, and increasing energy without increasing carbon", the oil production plant has set up a special class for energy and carbon emissions, set up 7 optimization project teams, and implemented measures such as adjusting the structure of liquid production and optimizing the gathering and transportation system with the focus on power consumption control. Vigorously implement the adjustment of the structure of liquid production, and carry out the "three major water injection projects" of improving the well pattern of the stratigraphic system, controlling the liquid consumption of high water-cut units, and increasing the energy of pressure flooding in medium and low permeability reservoirs, so as to reshape the new pattern of liquid production water injection. Vigorously implement the ground process optimization of the gathering and transportation system, through process optimization and reduction, less unattended personnel, technical potential, and pipeline simplification in the station, etc., to achieve annual heat savings of 68,000 gigajoules and electricity savings of 11.42 million kilowatt hours.

Build a scientific research platform to jointly solve the problem of green, low-carbon and clean production

"Combined with the actual production of the urban oil production plant, in order to solve the problem of noise prevention and control, the oil production plant set up a research team, successfully developed a detachable sound insulation cover, and effectively solved the problem of noise emission. Liu Yuanchao, an environmental protection manager in the third area of oil production management, praised the noise control work, improved the level of noise prevention and control, and ensured compliance with the law.

Innovation is the core driving force for the high-quality development of enterprises. The oil production plant has set up a "safety and environmental protection science and technology innovation team" and a "energy conservation and emission reduction and new energy utilization research team", formulated team research goals, and carried out integrated research and research on an annual basis with professional departments such as geology, technology, and information around safety, environmental protection and clean production.

Actively build a scientific research platform, formulate project project management methods, include safety and environmental protection projects in the scientific and technological progress plan of oil production plants, support incentive measures, actively leverage intelligence, and carry out cooperative research with universities and well-known enterprises to jointly solve the problem of green, low-carbon and clean production.

Up to now, the oil production plant has carried out a total of 32 plant-level energy conservation and environmental protection researches, won two Sinopec Science and Technology Progress Awards, 6 Science and Technology Progress Awards of the Oilfield Branch, obtained 18 service invention patents, formed 3 enterprise standards, and created more than 6,000 yuan for the enterprise.

